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Japanese Artist Creates Miniature Dioramas Every Day for 10 Years (digitalsynopsis.com)
219 points by waldekm on Nov 28, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

Full calendar: https://miniature-calendar.com/

What’s the best way to regularly consume content like this?

In the last year, I became unglued from RSS, and something like Twitter is not the right medium for me. But, this is “active” art I’d like to check in on every day.

Since the URLs are just a function of the date, it should be easy to automate this with something like cron or iOS shortcuts, and have it send an email or similar with the URL to you each day. You can auto-filter the emails into a specific folder, so you have one email folder per „subscription“. That way you can see if/how many are unread.

Warning, those urls are not y2.1k safe!

I'd love an iOS homescreen widget that shows them every day! I have one for the Wikipedia picture of the day that I enjoy.

I'm seriously considering making one if there isn't one already...

I just finished V1 of https://wd.gt/ and was thinking of doing a ShowHN today. Basically it's RSS for widgets. You define some json and host it and then you have a dynamic, web-powered widget with no additional app required besides a generic viewer. Rendering these images would be a perfect fit for widget.json.


Edit: Posted a ShowHN here with more details https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33777705

Love it! Thanks for sharing. I'll check that out later.

I thought for sure these must be CG, but no: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJdjVKgbI5U&feature=youtu.be

Absolutely incredible

A lot of these were exhibited at the Worlds Fair in Dubai (expo 2020) and in my opinion one of the best exhibitions at the fair (fare?)

Japan was one of the few pavilions that displayed something just because it was art (Notably France had a non-permanent art exhibition)

Almost everything else at the expo was LED screens and robots build for the pavilion.

I really enjoyed the Miniature Calendar and wish they kept it as a permanent exhibit in Expo village.

OMG. The imagination / creativity is through the roof.

When I was in Taiwan I stumbled by a miniatures museum. The detail and amount of displays was rather incredible. Not sure what is the beat link for it, but you can see more here.


I enjoyed these dioramas and their whimsy. While I doubt that Tatsuya Tanaka makes dioramas every single day (I can imagine that he batches them and uploads one photo per day), the dedication and discipline is awe-inspiring.

As an artist I love when when other artists push the edge of art and do something different. These are amazingly inventive.

This is such incredible talent in multiple levels. Just astonishing and delightful in every way.

So. Happy. Now.

What is #22?

Neo from the first Matrix movie.

these are inspiringly clever

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