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Why not? You don't get to impose your beliefs on your neighbour.

This silliness of taking things out of context and then attacking them has got to stop.

Hindus were using the symbol long before the existence of the German state.

Nazis using the swastika as an expression of hate, not OK. Hindus using their symbol, OK.

Because humans are far more intolerant than the high minded philosophy they memorized makes them believe they are.

> Why not? You don't get to impose your beliefs on your neighbour.

It’s nothing to do with belief, more with common sense and respect. Tourists are advised to cover their heads when visiting Middle East countries; or not wear shorts when visiting Buddhism temples. It’s the same here for visitors to Western countries, where Nazis have left a deep deep scar in the society.

I mean, I most certainly would never use a crooked cross for the reason you point out, but it's a bit much to demand that an ancient culture change their behaviour because of your lack of discernment with regard to usage and intent.

It's also worth pointing out that the Nazi's barely did anything in the US. They inflicted their horrors on millions of people in Europe. The horror of genocide against native Americans in the US wasn't perpetuated by Nazis.

If you want to fight back against such evils in the present day, rather than making a fuss about symbols, the world would be be better served if you helped fight back against those who inherited the hate of the nazis and now perpetuate it on Palestinians in Palestine. In fact many who carry that torch come from USA to squat on and steal Palestinian lands. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbPnF8Hvj0I

> This silliness of taking things out of context and then attacking them has got to stop.

A comment in a thread about a swastika should not be used as an opportunity to connect Judaism to Israeli policy. The discussion of the suffering of the Jews of Europe and their sensitivity to this symbol is orthogonal to that YouTube video you linked.

This is an example of a commonly used anti-semetic tactic to try and link these two together in order to justify lack of sympathy for Jews.

> millions of people in Europe

Many of whom immigrated to the United States after WW2.

Straight to the "ANTI-SEMITE!!! card" eh?

> A comment in a thread about a swastika should not be used as an opportunity to connect Judaism to Israeli policy.

Fair point. I withdraw that and apologise for going off on a tangent. But I still don't accept that Nazis or Jews should have a say in the use of the symbol when used in the old ways as it was used before Hitler corrupted it.

Thanks for understanding.

And fwiw I agree that no one should try and suppress using the symbol in the old ways.

Context is important (putting it on a billboard in queens would obviously have a much higher chance of being misinterpreted) but cooler heads will prevail.

But in this context [not accusing you, just giving context for why I’m commenting at all] it’s just alarming when encountering a world view where people auto jump to jews are centrally organizing to try to control ~thing~. I understand it's very hard to quell this habit once it starts.

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