I'm a developer who wrote a book about forms.
The thing is that I suffer from perfectionism. It's not "just to convince you guys that I wrote something cool". My book is pretty mediocre.
However in order to write it, I rented a hotel (!) in a different country because I couldn't find a quiet place where I could do this. And spent here ~1.5 month writing it.
I'm highly inspired by two guys. Those guys who wrote RefactoringUI (Adam Wathan & Steve Schoger) and Josh W Comeau (who made css-for-developers). Both of them made terrific products.
My dream is to get to their level.
But here is a thing: I planned to spend a whole year for this book, but due to the war (I'm from Russia) I had to migrate to another country. And a lot of things has happened. After suffering depressing (hello Fluvoxamine & Xanax), I finally made something that I can show.
If I get some results (yes, basically, sells), I'll dedicate the next year to get close to those guys mentioned above.
One of the ideas is to write a book (or even a course) about tables. They are complicated.
Another one is to upgrade https://history.user-interface.io/ to a printed book.
Many ideas, but it's hard to realize that the whole year was hectic due to the well-known sad events that happened.
One thing I want to mention about "what's cool about this offer". In the "Complete package" there is a discount for FramesX.
It's the first time I used a product in Figma and I used it for my illustrations. Next week this guy releases the second version. And I RELALY liked this one. So that might be even better than offer than my book :D
Best of luck with the book!