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> applying Brazilian taxes on top, the final figures were still around 40% lower than what they were charging

So taxes are only part of the explantion. Who do you suppose is responsible for the rest of the much higher prices? Are Sony and Apple pricing their products way higher for Brazil? Is it the importers? Or are the retailers simply charging what the Brazilian market will bear?

It should be possible for some enterprising Brazilians to import Sony and Apple products from elsewhere in the world, pay the Brazilian taxes, and still sell for less than the current retailers, which would eventually bring down the prices. I can't understand why that doesn't happen.

> Who do you suppose is responsible for the rest of the much higher prices?

In the case of Apple, they sell them directly so I don't think it's anyone but themselves. Not sure about Sony and others.

> Or are the retailers simply charging what the Brazilian market will bear?

This is certainly a factor. Similarly, cars are way overpriced in Brazil, simply because people will pay.

> It should be possible for some enterprising Brazilians to import Sony and Apple products from elsewhere in the world

They do, but usually small scale. I know people who have purchased Apple computers for half the Brazilian price from sellers on Mercado Livre (South American eBay).

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