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agree, and I just flag content like this that comes from untrustworthy sources. I would guess a site called "Independent Womens Forum" that goes on to have a story about a "mens crisis" written by a man would propose.....women are the problem? The author (person being interviewed) can't quite hold himself back: "That is not true for women. That has not been as true for women. We’ve got this fantastic existence proof in our society that people can drop out of the labor force for years and years and go back and be productive, because they’re called mothers." Wow bitter much? let's blame working moms.

Except that he later goes on to describe how this is also affecting women more and that we should be paying attention to that as well? I don't think anything the author said is actually disparaging of women, in fact there was quite a bit of the opposite, talking about how vital their role in society has been. He's not blaming working moms, he's using them as the perfect example that a person can leave the workforce for years at a time and rejoin without much loss.

Where is he blaming mothers for this situation in the statement you quoted?

implication that there is supposedly some bias towards giving jobs to moms re-entering the workforce and not to men. which is absurd. the US does not even have any system of state-supported childcare set up. The lives of working moms could not be more difficult.

You've misread it. He's saying men don't re-enter despite being able to, as proven by women. If anything it's a criticism of men.

well, chalk it up to a site that as soon as I go there pops up a giant, screen-covering banner for me to learn about how trans people are horrible (only a few days after a massacre of trans people in Colorado, very tasteless) and deceptively calls itself "Independent Women's Forum" while being an obviously conservative / libertarian site that per https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33709488 was founded as a group to defend Clarence Thomas of all people, who not only was indeed a sexual harasser but also just voted to strip the right to abortion for women across the US.

That wasn't my take. He's saying the fact that women in similar circumstances have children, leave the work force for years and then return implies there's something at work beyond the age/demographic bucket. Similarly he also says this experience is unique from foreign-born men of similar demographics.

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