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By the time GPT-4 botswarms infiltrate HN, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and are weaponized to write articles that outshare the current media, it will be too late to stop them. They will amass more and bettee social capital, real capital, produce the vast majority of content and will be Among Us!

My prediction is 2029

That is possible with technology coming within 6-24 months. Especially if you compare it to a lot of the garbage articles that show up on the front page of Google these days mainly to fill the small spaces between clickbait ads. Not saying it will actually be used that way.

I'm afraid we're looking in the wrong places. See: http://txti.es/egregores

Comments like this make me excited about the book I'm currently writing (hopefully the nail on the head at the tip of the zeitgeist), egregores and tulpas are primary concepts/characters.

Would you consider money as a form of egregores? Money seems to have a live of its own full of money-live support systems, ie. buyers and sellers.

I think Bitcoin is pretty great example of an egregores

GPT-4 botswarm vs 8 billion idiots.

Pretty much. Able to write vastly more content, that on first blush makes more sense, and is able to support any arbitrary thesis.

Eagle Eye was a meh movie but the concept that people's own friends could be made to ostracize them and coerce them to do things, is a major concept in that movie.

You don't need violence to make it happen. You just need a swarm of AI bots to coordinate to reputationally outcompete others on all networks that matter. This is an optimization problem with a measurable metric (reputation). Bots can simulate the game among themselves and evolve strategies that far outclass all humans. It'll be like individual Go stones playing against AlphaGo placing stones.

You won't see it coming. The thing is, once they amass all that reputation by acting "relatively normal", you'll see so many kinds of stuff you won't believe. Your entire world could be turned upside down for very cheap. Reputational attacks were already published by NSA: https://www.techdirt.com/2014/02/25/new-snowden-doc-reveals-...

And this is just humans doing it. Bots can do this 24/7 at scale to pretty much everybody, and gradually over a few years destroy any sort of semblance of societal discourse if they wanted. They'd probably reshape it to suit the whims of whoever runs the botswarm, though.

> the concept that people's own friends could be made to ostracize them and coerce them to do things, is a major concept in that movie

Can you accurately pigeonhole that thought onto one of these? I'm curious how unique a storyline it is.


I dunno

Have you seen the TV tropes site? Chock full of awesome stuff :)

Are you saying AI will be purchasing real-estate?

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