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Poll: Which IDE/text editor do you use?
29 points by behnamoh on Nov 22, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 53 comments
99 points
*Vim (Vim, Neovim, LunarVim, ...)
63 points
38 points
34 points
other (maybe comment below)
23 points
Sublime Text
16 points
2 points

Basically any JetBrains IDE.

They always work with minimal configuration for me, and just generally make all of the tedious stuff take less time. Being able to do everything I need to do (building, running tests, debugging, interfacing with a db, HTTP requests, refactoring, static analysis, VCS tasks) in one place just feels good to me. Also, I have yet to see another IDE with something like IntelliJ's Structural Search and Replace.

I use emacs on the command line for brief edits, but I've never managed to find an IDE-esque setup for it that worked well (I've struggled just to have it indent Python the way I want it to).

Emacs, because of Lisp. Vimscript is a bad language, Lua is a decent language, but if you need a editor/language that can be used to modify itself, there is nothing like Lisp.

I used to love vim, but it's just an editor and sometimes I want more. I decided it is worth my time to invest in a tool that has existed for decades and will be around for decades.

The dream honestly is Emacs to be replaced by another modern and streamlined editor, that is still as extensible and lispy as Emacs. The current iteration is weird and idiosyncratic, but the foundations it is built upon are timeless and way ahead than any other programmer's editor.

IntelliJ should probably be "Jetbrains" as it really depends on the language you're using. IntelliJ is usually for Kotlin/Java/Scala.

People are commenting a number of Jetbrains IDEs below.

PHPStorm cause I'm retro cool. I tried VSCode, but it takes more time to set up for PHP and doesn't do some things quite as well. For example, the interface for traversing classes or finding references is a little less refined than in PHPStorm. Perhaps more tricks are available and I could get used to different things, but I have no complaints.

PHP without PhpStorm is almost as sad as it always was.

PHP with PhpStorm is like a flakey Java.

It’s amazing what that IDE did to that language. It’s the only way to write a lot of PHP.

helix, just switched from nvim :)

it is very promising https://helix-editor.com/ https://github.com/helix-editor/helix

GNU Emacs. While Elisp isn't the greatest of Lisps, I still like it a lot better than JavaScript; and Vi-style modal editing doesn't work for me. Also I like the GNU licenses on a philosophical level.

VSCode, with Vim emulation. I almost never want for Vim stuff that doesn't exist in the Code plugin. I generally am happy with Code's autocomplete and plugin ecosystem.

Really feels like the best of both worlds to me.

Couldn’t get used to it. I’ve used Vi, Vim and Doom Emacs extensively, but VSCode is just so mousey... maybe I should try again.

Coming from a similar background I found that it was super helpful to create my own keybinds for stuff like navigating forward/backward through tabs, toggling the sidebar etc. Before I did that I felt similarly that it was too mouse dependent.

The VSCode Vim extension has a `gh` key sequence for showing the hover info you normally have to use the mouse for that made switching much easier.

Same experience last time I tried it. my particular pain point was that I couldn't interact with menus of any kind with keybindings

VS Code... does pretty much everything I could ask, and not much more than I need.

Killer features are directory list, integrated terminal, git and remote development extensions.

Jetbrains Rider for C#, PyCharm for Python, VSCode for front end, all with Vim keybindings and I use Vim for everything else


would almost beat VSCode, but it's only available on Windows. N++ perfectly fits into how I work, using the keyboard mainly. It supports plugins, is quick even with large files and is highly customisable which makes it (combined with Total Commander) the perfect command center on Windows.

VisualStudio 2013 for mixed C# / Intel C projects with all the JetBrains plugins. We have old hardware to support. Some of our other projects use a vendor specific release of clang, which I've been able to wire into VSCode, since the vendor IDE is terrible.

The vi(1) and vim(1) but also Geany which is very small/light and very powerful.

I love its block copying/pasting/typing and also that you can 'pass' any block of selected text into external command and it will be pasted back into that file you selected it after being parsed by it.

For example you can send that block of text info sort -n or tr ' ' '\n' command ... or into column -t to make it format well.

This also makes Geany a great editor/IDE for taking notes/documentation etc.

I tried to use ZIM for that but you can not even disable word wrapping so its maybe useful for some 'short' things but it definitely does not work for me and Geany fits beautiful here.


VSCode with the vscode-neovim extension, which uses the full Neovim that's installed on your machine, unlike VSCodeVim which only emulates Vim. You get the best of both worlds this way, one-click editor extensions with the power of Vim.

Some hotkeys overlap, but it's still a great experience.

VsCode now, because of sync and keyboard oriented workflow, web, x-platform and great plugin system.

Vim before, and periodically now, because I don't need emacs RSI and muscle memmory is real thing.

Eclipse primarily for coding in Java, Python, etc.. When I'm editing in console mode, I use Emacs. Rarely if I'm on a machine without Emacs I might use vim or nano.

Visual Studio. Not seeing it on the list is a bit surprising.

Doom Emacs. It's pretty straightforward to get started with out of the box, has good LSP integration, and I don't have to worry about any rug pulling down the road like when Microsoft abandoned their Python LSP server.

Jetbrains IDEs are pretty good, but PyCharm is pretty heavyweight when you've got a bunch of small Python repos, each with their own LSP server going. Maybe it's gotten better in the past few years though.

Slickedit. Great product, has vi and emacs editing modes.


Certainly, there needs to be an entry for Visual Studio


Thanks, idk why I missed that one. Added now.

Yeah, OP should have added this as an option.

Sublime man reporting in. Plugins in python are the bomb. Lack of features drives me nutso sometimes.

Love certain features of VScode such as cross-project file drag and drop, but cannot get over how slow it is.

Kate and Lapsce are showing a lot of promise.

Admittedly wrote a ton of code in Notepad++ back in the day. Would have never switched to Sublime if it had Linux support.

Sublime Text 3. I love the minimalist and configurable approach to it, compared to bulky VS and not so intuitive other editors.

For programming, JetBrains IDEs.

For config file editing, VS code if available. Otherwise (SSH, visudo, other CLI-only situation) I use whatever is available (usually vim or nano).

I tend to use Notepad++ on Windows for some things, since it's got good support for keyboard macros which are sometimes faster to use than sed or awk.

This is your daily driver? I tried it a month or so ago and it felt... very alpha. So many features I expected were missing.

I think it's an awesome project and may use it one day, but definitely felt not ready to use.

I don't program a lot these days. You are right, it is quite alpha, but I am very hopeful about it.

JetBrains IDEs for coding projects, Geany for notes, plain Vim for quick scripts

Emacs is cool, but I prefer VIM because of its leanness (and I'm quite fast with it). Sublime Text when I want that GUI nicety and JetBrains for languages that do require an IDE.


Vim simply gives the best editing experience, and together with the old Vim plugins and the newer Neovim plugins it gives me everything I'd want and more.

Nvim+plugins gives me pretty much all I need, and there's usually always some vi variant on any linux env I've had to use.

> and there's usually always some vi variant on any linux env I've had to use.

This is why I will pretty much always using a vi-like editor. Currently using vim/nvim/Doom Emacs depending on which machine I'm using, but it is _extremely_ helpful to be able to have a common set of keybinds which I can use to at least comfortably edit config files on *nix.

Netbeans for Java. Emacs for everything else.

Xcode and VSCode, depending on what I'm doing. I haven't tried Jetbrains AppCode yet, been meaning to.

Textmate on Mac, nano or Jed on Linux, and notepad++ on windows. I use XCode as an IDE, though

used to use emacs, then switched over to vim -- tried vscode for a stretch, but some functions required mousing, and that bothered me to no end


it is always there.

it loads instantly.

it can handle filesizes that make other editors croak.

Emacs with vim emulation. A blessed combo

Emacs and 10x

macOS, Linux: RubyMine, DataGrip, Rider

Win: Visual Studio 2022, SQL Server Management Studio


kate for quick stuff

Xcode and TextMate


Gnu emacs


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