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As should have been made obvious by my second statement, it's quite common for people and organizations to use labels that are difficult to argue against in order to shield behaviours or beliefs that are otherwise reprehensible .

Some examples:

Governments trying to forbid consumer encryption and labeling their laws as "anti-pedophile".

People promoting racist ideas and calling themselves anti-racist.

People opposing white-supremacy while arguing all white people are innately racist and perpetuate white-supremacy.

Can you point to a specific statement where you believe that is happening here?

> It's looking since the US midterms like the new hotness in western hard right circles is going to be the war on youth. Young people (especially women and people of colour) overwhelmingly reject white male supremacism, for fairly obvious reasons: they're also more inclined to be worried about climate change. An immediate response by authoritarians is to push back against any resistance. In the USA, Republicans propose raising the voting age to 21 or even 28; in the UK, New voter ID laws discriminate against young people (old peoples' bus passes are acceptable at polling stations, but young persons' railcards are not), and in Iran we're seeing a striking display of inter-generational violence, as the ageing male authoritarian fundamentalists of the post-1979 revolution shoot young female demonstrators in the streets.

> Some years ago, when asked, SF author Bruce Sterling summed up the 21st century as "old people, living in cities, afraid of the sky". Well, Earth's human population is over 50% urban at this point, the sky is becoming bloody dangerous (climate!), and as for the old people ... the young are trying to adapt, the gerontocracy are pushing back, but eventually the current gerontocrats will die out.

Above is setting up a false dichotomy between Republican/old/white/male and Democrat/female/colour/etc (US version).

If you're voting a certain way you're rejecting white male supremacism. But, both parties are dominated by old white folks to a great extent, so, a vote either direction furthers the existing hegemony which is the Establishment Uniparty.

In recent times, the Uniparty has been weaponized against non-Uniparty of both Dissident/Populist Left & Right.

> they're voting against fascism

What a fraud! We're seeing ever closer ties between Uniparty/TheState and BigTech, and saying something like fascism is actually a cover for voting you don't like, or a non-existent enemy. But, the merger of UniParty and BigTech is alive and well, as BigTech works as the Official Censor of Record for Govt.

> It's looking since the US midterms like the new hotness in western hard right circles is going to be the war on youth. Young people (especially women and people of colour) overwhelmingly reject white male supremacism

If anything, the trending is going in the opposite direction.


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