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We went from one income households to two. A lot of dads discovered that mom was actually doing quite a lot of the work and the not-shitty ones started doing their share. Hard to meet up with the lads when you're consoling a sick kid.

In spite of that, women have had larger and stronger social networks than men for decades/centuries (if not all of human history). Now, if anything, the gap is narrowing and women are becoming lonely at a rapid rate.

Perhaps more evidence that catching up with the lads for a pint is less valuable than bringing over a casserole for a friend with a sick kid.

True, though there's a lot going on. Urban design used to force more chance interactions and we're more physically isolated now, among other things. Sit next to someone on the bus or walk alongside them to the well? Strike up a conversation (unless you're British in which case I guess you sit on the bus in silence). Drive alongside them on the way to the grocery store? Not much chance to say hi there.

Citation really needed for the centuries claim. Both friendships and family structures changed a lot more in time then people assume.

People that you invite over to your house seem naturally more intimate friends?

Hence American (?, not sure if it's not British, just assuming) has a nice word for it:

Homey. (With possible gender differentiation to homeboy and homegirl)

Is the gap narrowing because womens' social networks are weakening or because men are forming better peer groups?

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