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Show HN: Tweek Calendar – A minimal weekly planner and to-do list (tweek.so)
222 points by nikkey80 on Nov 17, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 82 comments

This is a stunningly beautiful app! The thought and care put into the user experience really shows, and works particularly well for my brain.

I’d love to see support for more of a week-agnostic format. That our weeks traditionally start on Monday or Sunday means nothing to me. If it’s Friday or Saturday and I’m mapping out my next five days, I’m stuck with the jarring experience of having to navigate back and forth between two arbitrary groups of days.

I’m imagining a layout option where of the 7 days, day 2 is always today, perhaps with some sort of smooth-scroll snapping capability that lets me granularly travel forward or backward through days as needed.

Have a look at https://teuxdeux.com. It's similarly laconic as Tweek, and the default view is "now and the next few days".

Will it sync to iCloud calendar?

Zapier (coming soon ..)

This is an absolutely amazing onboarding experience. Drops you right into the product and you "get it" almost immediately. Then context pops up and describes what you just saw with the option to continue playing before signing up.

Love the call to action in the sample too "remember to save :point_up:" - but that wording threw me off a bit. Why save and not "save by logging in"? Does saving not happen automatically after every change?

I currently use cron.app but I expect that will die since Notion acquired them. One feature you should consider adding to the premium plan is calendar blocking across calendar. That way if I add multiple calendars, and I am busy on one, it auto blocks that time on others. This is a surprisingly complex tech problem to solve, but if you can do it, that's a meaningful feature for power users of calendars.

Best of luck with Tweek!

Don't put that out in the universe! I also use Cron, and personally really enjoy it so I'd be really bummed if it totally died. I had hopes the acquisition would mean more investment in Cron, but it's pretty noticeably slowed in velocity recently. :(

Does Cron have that feature?

Pet peeve regarding all calendars everywhere: why do you think I have less todo during the weekend? No parties? No shopping? No family reunions?

Please make the saturday and sunday as large as the weekdays. <3

One feature I always wanted calendars/todo apps to have is support for repetitive tasks.

For example - say I need to service the car every year so I create a corresponding repeating event in my calendar. However, at some point I decide to service the car a couple of months sooner or later than planned. Now, the events are out of sync and I have to reschedule the whole series so it doesn't drift. Or, if I'm past the planned servicing time, I don't see the event at all and may forget about it.

What I'd like to be able to do is to create a repetitive todo that pops up again a certain time AFTER THE LAST TIME I COMPLETED IT. I serviced the car a month ahead of time? I complete the task, and the next occurrence will also move up by a month. I was on vacation when the car had to be serviced? The todo is still there, and the next occurrence will also be pushed back.

The only app that does this right I know is Things 3[1] by Cultured Code.

[1]: https://culturedcode.com/

Many todo apps do this including Things 3 and OmniFocus. What you want is a task that recurs on completion as opposed to one that recurs on a schedule.

Todoist allows you to to create a repetitive tasks (that restarts the clock after task completion) by typing "every!" with an exclamation mark.

TickTick does this, best todo app I've ever used.

Toodledo.com does this. I know because I made Toodledo, although I no longer own it.

You may want to redo your video voiceover with https://wellsaidlabs.com/

OK, color me impressed. I knew a few years back that this was going to be possible and easy a few years down the road, but didn't realize we were there yet. Amazing

I don't see any pricing in their site. What's the average cost per word?

Found it here, https://help.wellsaidlabs.com/how-much-does-it-cost

Starting at 49 USD per month.

Weektodo is a similar app, it has web version and apps for all OS. And it's open source.




From the repo’s read me:

“For now the WeekTodo it is a Freeware application and not open source.”

I'm kind of a privacy nut, but it's hard to take anyone seriously who says, "We're not open-sourcing this, but you can totally, 100% trust us."

Can confirm, not open source

From that github link:

"The code of this repo belongs to the app landing page and not to the application"

So it's not open source at all as others have mentioned.

Nice! Seems like a beefed up version of https://teuxdeux.com/

Seems like that, yeah. The thing that I’d need, which is what bugs me with teuxdeux as well, is an option to add some notes or more elaborate text on the entries. Sometimes it’s just not enough to have a few words to describe what I want to do. Maybe it’s not the purpose of the app and I’m looking for something else which is already there but my current method is calendar blocking.

I've used Teuxdeux for a while and encountered the same problem. I've tried so many productivity apps and ended up building my own PM tool.

Looks like they advertise that as a feature of the premium version.

I really like it, and it's funny because I had just started using a very similar system a few weeks ago. I was using Trello with eight lists (Mon thru Sun and a 'backlog') as a sort of proof of concept.

One 'feature' I was using myself was a 'rolling week': The leftmost column is always today [1]. At the end of the day, I'd make a point of clearing out all items that were not checked off: They either move to one of the upcoming days or back into the backlog. At first I thought I would want some automatic behavior, like always moving unchecked items to the next day, but it's actually become a useful end-of-day ritual for me to see what I did not do, whether it is still important and if and when I want to do it. Then, when everything out of 'today' is either checked off or moved elsewhere, the day moves to the end of the rolling week, so that on each day of the week I always have a visible window of seven days.

Another feature I started using regularly was the 'copy' functionality that Trello has built in: it's just practical to be able to quickly duplicate items and in the process define into which day they should go.

[1] Actually the second col from the left, because I had the backlog as the leftmost one

Edit: I should clarify that I wasn't using this as a _calendar_ but rather as a Todo app/list. I'm still using macOS' regular calendar app for everything that is more than 7 days out.

Small quibble, but I don't like the "17.11" formatting of dates. It doesn't look like a date to me.

Suggest just "17th", since the month name is written in big above anyway.

The web view looks great, with a "week planner" feel to it. I instantly got it and started adding some items to it.

But with the mobile and Mac app (haven't tried the iPad app yet), it shows a "list type" view (not sure if that's the correct term).

Are you considering adding a "week planner" view to at least the Mac app?

First, let me clarify that I'm not against any tools and am always looking for that ideal one to lean on.

I realized that most people are looking at the tools to solve their problems and hoping that it will somehow nudge/pressure/force/cajole them into doing their tasks. However, I believe that no external tool will be meaningful unless you develop a system or a pattern of acting on how to get things done.

I was a very early user of teuxdeux.com, Fantastical, etc. and have subscribed for a while. I like the idea of Your Life in Weeks[1], so I'm currently subscribed to TimeStripe[2]. However, it looks like I'm better off just journaling and mind-mazing my future in plain-text[3]. If I need something, I might copy or design up something.

Like the other comments, my take is, Tweek indeed looks beautiful and brilliant, and I will try it (signing up now).

But then, with such tools, my usual outcome is -- hmmm, I believe I can do that without the tool(s). Here is how my current calendar/todo pattern works;

  - "Important and Urgent" ones are scheduled in the calendar.
  - "Urgent but  Not Important" are delegated or sent to the right person.
  - "Important but not Urgent" are in a running plain-text (todo) that I might visit weekly or monthly.
  - The above may also have a "Maybe" list that is Neither Important NOR Urgent, which I might cancel, defer, or wait until it gets resolved.
Once you have a system and can continue to tweak it, things become lot easier either with a tool or with something as easy and fast as pen/paper.

1. https://waitbutwhy.com/2014/05/life-weeks.html

2. https://timestripe.com

3. https://brajeshwar.com/2022/plain-text/

This looks like your basic Eisenhower matrix. I'd suggest that "Important but not Urgent" is the quadrant where subtasks and project management live.

Would pay if it had bidirectional google calendar sync. Right now it’s only google calendar into tweek

My CC is ready

Hmmm, really cool idea - I could get behind it. But on iOS, the app does not feel native. The transition timing is off, some of the animations are super stiff - some tell tale signs.

What did you write it in?

Love the design! Are there CSS libraries which offer a look and feel like Tweek? I've been wanting to adopt similar designs in some of my projects.

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Why does the live demo of your app require me to sign up?

Interesting to have a workable demo right in the home page without asking people to signup.

It works better than screenshots

Love seeing the live app come up first thing without needing to register, log in, etc.

I tried upgrading four times with two credit cards. Now one of them is blocked.

This is the "new tab" page I've been looking for all my life

Inspired by Tweek https://www.nextevent.dev/

The world can't have enough ToDo web apps !

That's pretty cool! Love the design.

If you don't complete a task today, does it automatically gets moved to tomorrow?

Absolutely stellar. Will definitely give it a try. Great job and thanks for sharing

Would love to try premium like for 30 days though. Or 7 days.

This looks amazing! Are you working on a privacy policy?

This has been around for yeeears. Why is it news now?

Heh, this mirrors my current Workflowy setup.

Does premium support multiline?

Nice and clear design! All the best.

can it be linked to outlook.com?

This is beautiful, congrats!!!

Thanks for the launch.

This will be my idea for my new project.

Love the idea but my data having to live on someone else's servers makes it an unfortunate non-starter for me

Totally agree. The idea, design, UX, everything is awesome. What would make it even more awesome would be a way to run it on our own infra.

The name makes it sound like a calendar for methheads. Which would probably be very useful, but I'm sure that's not the intended audience.

Tweek/Teuxdeux works great as a minimal weekly planner. If you want a more feature-rich Monthly/Weekly/Daily planner, check out https://upbase.io/

I'm the founder of Upbase, and it was on Show HN just a few days ago.

I love upbase, but I’d say it’s bad form to go on somebody else’s announcement to promote your own product, despite the fact that they both fill very different roles.


Upbase is a PM tool and not a direct competitor of Tweek, so I think giving people more choices is not so bad. Anyway, shame on me for this promotion.

IMO not bad form since it's useful for the average HN reader to have more choices. As a customer I want to see competition between vendors, that's always a good thing.

Let the votes decide!

I’m tossing out upvotes like Halloween candy tho

Sorry, nope. This looks exactly like Teuxdeux, and even borrows some very similar product marketing imagery. (https://teuxdeux.com/)

Also Weektodo: https://weektodo.me/

There are so many hard & interesting problems out there - software & otherwise - and this space doesn't need yet another re-skin with one or two tweaks.

This feels unnecessarily harsh. So what if you don't think it's a 'hard and interesting' problem?

Couldn't you have applauded the effort and offered some constructive criticism regarding your preference in look and feel?

If everyone just bums everyone out it ends up taking monumental confidence to try and achieve anything. Be better.

There’s a balance being positive for effort vs giving everyone participation trophies. Sometimes tough but fair feedback is appropriate and needed.

Let’s not pretend that the vectors for “effort” and “impact” should be orthogonal.

To me your feedback doesn't seem fair and not thought out well though. Notes/Calendar/Todo apps will evolve forever, there is no one size fits all and there won't ever be.

Which is exactly why they are A waste of time. I have yet to meet a developer that doesn't have an idea for a notes/calendar/organizational tool. The point is that organization is such an individual problem that it always needs a custom solution and yet each solution will only be valuable to a handful of people.

"Kid - you'll never be an astronaut/actor/president/cure cancer. You might as well give up now."

Lol THOSE are actually useful / interesting / hard problems worthwhile solving - or at least working through.

We need more computational biologists solving protein folding problems or the like to cure humanity’s greatest ills. NOT a todo app with a new sticker on it.


But no kid starts as a computational biologist solving protein folding problems.

Tough feedback is great. But no one person can say whether there is a need or not. Only the market decides.

It let's me try it on my phone without forcing me to sign up for another potential throwaway account that will spam my inbox, so that's at least one thing that I already like more about it than it's competitors.

And the design is really refreshing. It looks like a native app in my iphone.

Same with the toothpaste aisle, pasta sauce aisle etc. Sometimes personal preferences are part of the value prop.

But also at a certain point adding another choice that’s barely different from the last one leads to decision fatigue and ends up propping up the status quo. If you asked me which bespoke calendar app was right for you I’d have no idea and probably just suggest gcal.

Cool - doesn't mean everyone with a reskinned app gets a participation trophy.

Sometimes people need to hear tough feedback...lest you become one of those people that quit their jobs and audition on American Idol or something.

One or two tweeks*

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