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Solar panel waste may not be as bad as we thought (fastcompany.com)
153 points by JSeymourATL on Nov 13, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 285 comments

>The report projected that the United States would have a cumulative total of 7.5 to 10 million metric tons of solar panel waste in 2050.

This compares to 292 million tons of total landfill waste in 2018 alone [1], putting solar panel waste on the order of 0.1% of total waste produced in the US between now and 2050.

[1] https://www.epa.gov/facts-and-figures-about-materials-waste-...

There's a huge differential when it comes to processing different panel types, such as First Solar's CdTe panels (cadmium is a toxic heavy metal) versus the monocrystalline silicon panels that China is making (apparently only China has managed to scale up monocrystalline silicon, with the machines as tightly held secrets as ASML's EUV systems).

You'd think that would be a primary point of discussion in any article on solar panel waste, but no.

That is because CdTe is actually a stable molecule that isn’t water soluble, turns out the problem of panels from a toxic leeching perspective is largely from the small amounts of lead used at soldering points which is a common point with most silicon PV panels.

No reason tin can’t be used instead/lead free panels can’t be made except for the saving of a few pennies by skimping on the solder - no regulations to ensure they should be lead free. Unfortunately waste processing decades into the future isn’t often accounted for and those few pennies at design time add up across hundreds of thousands of panels on a single site…

Have they actually made a decent lead-free solder yet?

Yes. You just need to set your iron a fair bit hotter and learn to live with matte solder joints.

Also, typical lead-free solders oxidize in air at their soldering temperature much more readily than near-eutectic Pb-Sn at its respective soldering temp.

That oxide film tends to interfere pretty badly with wetting of surfaces being soldered. In other words - it's much easier to end up with a "dry" joint - even with adequately increased temperature - unless better and/or more flux is used.

Not doubting the facts you've mentioned, but in my experience I've had no problems getting the surfaces to wet, though that may just be due to using rosin core solder that happens to have a good flux in it.


Nowadays everything is "ROHS", even in the US, so not even lead.

In Australia we generate 12 million metric tons of coal fly ash per year. It's our largest single waste stream, literally almost 1/5 of all waste generated in the country [1]. I'm sure in the US at least that amount is generated from coal. So 10 million tonnes of cumulative waste from solar panels is not huge in comparison (and this is before even considering the CO₂, NOx, SOx, etc. emissions from that coal)...

1. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-03-10/coal-ash-has-become-o...

Don't forget that it's also more radioactive than nuclear waste: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/coal-ash-is-more-...

And banana plantations (or granite mountains, or the sun) are more radioactive than both because you have a lot of bananas with weak radioactivity each one, but the sum of all bananas in fruit shops is not how we measure radioactivity danger.

Coal is accumulated and relatively low, nuclear is concentrated and can reach several orders of magnitude more. Really, is not so useful to compare both cases except for whataboutism.

It is very much useful to compare them in the contexts of energy sources and the dangers that these pose to populations.

> Coal is accumulated and relatively low, nuclear is concentrated and can reach several orders of magnitude more. Really, is not so useful to compare both cases except for whataboutism.

That's nice but you still have to wear a dosimeter around fly ash.

Note that this figure is from the 2016 EPA report which the article claims (based on a new paper) may be overblown.

And to give some further context to the over-inflated 10M tons of solar panel waste stat (over 30 years), our carbon emissions from fossil fuels are about 570M tons per year into the atmosphere. That doesn't count all the equipment used for extraction of fossil fuels, all the massive amounts of toxic waste water that comes with fossil fuel extraction, all the ash from coal, etc.

Which is to say, all the concern, even on inflated numbers, was FUD and a distraction from real problems.

> was FUD and a distraction from real problems.

or actual malice from the bad actors paid for by the fossil fuel companies to spread distrust in the transition to a more sustainable clean energy system.

Proportion of total is interesting, but less interesting IMO then comparison with other energy producers. Kinda like how we have kWh per square km, would be nice to have kWh per X and Y unit of waste.

I normally appreciate links to studies with numbers in the comments, but as the others have pointed out: This article is referring to that study.

Aren’t they mostly silicon and recyclable metals?

If so, who cares about the waste? It depends on what’s in the waste that matters, not its raw volume. The materials used in solar panels are both highly recyclable and environmentally benign, a great combination.

Indeed. Compared to other the garbage that people put in landfills right now, this is nothing.

Of course this article is a clever bit of FUD in disguise. By taking the problem seriously and then presenting a solution to the problem that never was real to begin with:

‘We’re gonna have (tens of millions) of metric tons of waste from PV. We’re all gonna die,’”

Actual quote from the article to convince us that there apparently are people that believe that. Classic FUD move. It's really, really, bad but the scientists are on it. So you can stop worrying now. But you had good reason to be worried and you should continue to be worried. That's the message.

Except of course, there never was a problem to worry about. The purpose of this article is perpetuating the myth that there was.

It's a nice business challenge how to recover some valuable metals from solar panels. And several companies are on that; as you would expect. But if they fail, we basically dump some inert material in a landfill. Not a big deal. People dump far worse things into landfills already.

I think this is taking an overly critical view of the article. I did a very quick search and this HBR article, which makes it sound like solar panel waste is expected to be a significant problem, was the top result: https://hbr.org/2021/06/the-dark-side-of-solar-power

So clearly some people, including presumably some prominent ones, are saying this will be a problem. So I'd say it is good that there is data to address this criticism.

Why would you consider HBR an authority on waste stream issues?

HBR is a pretty reasonable consensus view of what business leaders in the US are thinking.

Are business leaders the people best equipped to evaluate environmental issues, especially ones that may have a conflict of interest with their existing investments?

I'm not sure what your point is.

@3D30497420 made the point that the HBR article claiming that solar panel waste is expected to be a significant problem was the first result.

It's good to have prominent articles aimed at the same people who read HBR that give a corrected view.

> Are business leaders the people best equipped to evaluate environmental issues

It doesn't matter if they are the best equipped. The point is that they are making these decisions based on sources of information they trust like HBR.

That information needs to be corrected.

Let's just say you were running FUD in this direction and this piece of FUD has reached its EOL, credibility cannot be sustained. If it goes down too obviously as ridiculous it may well take some still active FUD with it. If you were running FUD you'd have to play a little D even if it was your first month on the job.

So this kind of thing being consistent with that FUD rearguard action as it fails doesn't make it true (or false). How plausible is it? Getting those who published their deep "thought leadership" while being taken in by the FUD will happily happily go along with it (was serious, not so much anymore) rather than say "yup, I got taken in here, garbage on roller-skates" [1]

[1] I absolutely got taken by the WMD lies. Totally suckered. Believed them all. Occams razor ruled out the big conspiracy for me. The total lack of accountability for the lies I believed after it became completely clear, adjusted my prior to be rather more skeptical and the probability of actual, targeted lies being pushed as being much more plausible. I can overcome both with good evidence but "the NYT/WaPo/WSJ/CNN/CBS/Fox/Harvard/Stanford/etc says X and they wouldn't be in on a conspiracy nor be suckered readily, all of them so..." counts for not much anymore as evidence.

They also last at least 25 years. There's no way that the waste from the panels is worse than 25 years of CO2 emissions.

I think a recent study showed 6 out of 11 panels or something maintained 80% of its original capacity after 30 years. As long as technological disruption does not deem replacement as a no brainer economically, I am sure quite a few panels may produce energy for 30 to 40 years.

Assuming that my panels are say 50%/40%/30% as efficient in 20 years time, why not keep them plugged in anyway?

Its not like they are an old car or something where the decrease in efficiency uses more energy / pumps out more emmisions.

The only resource they are using is roof space.

As long as the inverter keeps working, you are right; you still get some (reduced) benefit for just letting them run.

At some point the inverter (a separate box, usually inside the house) will fail and need to be replaced. At that point you'd have to balance the price of a new inverter vs. the expected return of energy from the panels.

My thought as well. CO2 gets dispersed in the atmosphere and is produced each time you burn fuel. Panels stay in place, the waste is produced several orders of magnitude less and you can collect it in the same form you produced it.

It has to be so much better.

I'm super confused, how is this better for the Earth? Aren't you using a gigantic amount of CO2 to make these panels that work intermittently, with giant batteries to help make them realiable?

Why not just use 1 reliable power system, instead of having 1 unreliable backed up by 1 reliable?

The most reliable grids in the world are made up of a large number of small generators rather than a single source which when taken down takes down the entire grid.

If you were to start a new city disconnected from the rest of society then a combination of wind, solar, hydro, and batteries is the cheapest and most reliable system to power that city.

> The most reliable grids in the world are made up of a large number of small generators rather than a single source which when taken down takes down the entire grid.

who said to do otherwise ???

> If you were to start a new city disconnected from the rest of society then a combination of wind, solar, hydro, and batteries is the cheapest and most reliable system to power that city.

No it'd be hydro/nuclear.


Not following, which 1 reliable power system do you mean?


Solar/Wind, for example, are not reliable.

Nuclear, for example, is reliable.

Instead of having Solar/Wind with batteries and all this nonsense, along with Nuclear for its stability, just skip the nonsense and go straight to Nuclear. Solar/Wind are terrible...

You can no more rely on nuclear or coal generation for your electricity without back-up than you can on wind or solar. A nuclear plant in the US is off-line for 29 days a year on average according to the EIA. So you still need back-up for your "reliable" nuclear, unless you want people using candles for nearly a month a year.

All generation technologies are intermittent - they're just intermittent in different ways.

You're comparing scheduled maintenance in a 90+% uptime system with intermittent, unpredictable, correlated, continuous fluctuations in power, with capacity factors in the 10-30$ range of nameplate capacity.

I have a great solution for nuke plant downtime, this is going to blow your mind, wait for it: for every 14 plants worth of power, built, drumroll please.... 15 plants! Then maintain them on a schedule.

> You're comparing scheduled maintenance in a 90+% uptime system with intermittent, unpredictable, correlated, continuous fluctuations in power, with capacity factors in the 10-30$ range of nameplate capacity.


And what happens when the same issue is found in all 15 plants that requires an immediate shutdown?

What happens when you try to run more than 3TW of reactors for more than 4 fuel cycles?

> I have a great solution for nuke plant downtime, this is going to blow your mind, wait for it: for every 14 plants worth of power, built, drumroll please.... 15 plants! Then maintain them on a schedule.

So what's this about long distance transmission to join uncorrelated wind being completely unfeasible that nuclear stans keep harping on about?

Solar/wind/batteries/hydrogen > nuclear

The way you back up your $10/W nuclear plant is with $0.50/W simple cycle turbines, which can burn hydrogen. Or maybe $1/W combined cycle, if you want to do seasonal storage.

The current price of nuclear power in the US and Europe is almost entirely due to overregulation combined with decades of dwindling expertise, with a sprinkle of corruption on top. If we remove this regulatory sabotage, nuclear energy can be produced at about ~$30-40/MWh [1] (At 3% discount rate, and in the case of the US/Europe with the assumption that excessive regulation is scaled back a notch.). If we build enough, we could bring that below $30/MWh from the efficiency of scale.

Green hydrogen tends to cost ~$100/MWh, just for the fuel. Building and operating the plants themselves comes on top of that.

Even if the fuel comes down to $40/MWh by 2050, as predicted in this article[2], it will still be competitive with properly organized nuclear.

[1] https://world-nuclear.org/information-library/economic-aspec...

[2] https://www.energytech.com/renewables/article/21238510/ridin...

> The current price of nuclear power in the US and Europe is almost entirely due to overregulation

And here I thought it was actually due to the manufacturers living in Fuckupstan, not being able to build their products at costs they had promised. The recent French experience with the EPR is astoundingly bad.

Of course that cost could be lower if any screwup could be excused by greasing the appropriate regulatory palms. The regulation would be "over" in the sense that it adds to cost, but is it "over" in the sense of not being necessary? You do not have the contrafactual evidence of what nuclear safety would be like without that regulation.

The first link you gave there presented assertions that French reactors were cheap back when they were building lots of them. But those cost figures are opaque and unauditable and cannot be used as evidence that the reactors actually cost what they claimed. Those making those claims had every motivation to lowball them.

It's also improper to assume nuclear and renewables are assigned the same discount rate. Nuclear presents larger risks to investors (from technological obsolescence and from failure to complete the power plants at all), which should properly be accounted for by imposing higher interest rates. Assuming renewables and nuclear get the same interest rate is an implicit subsidy.

Ultimately, the pronuclear antiregulatory position boils down to "why don't you just suck it up and let us subject you to more radiation, which really isn't bad? You're being so unfair!" One sees this in the whining about the LNT hypothesis for radiation effects.

> Ultimately, the pronuclear antiregulatory position boils down to "why don't you just suck it up and let us subject you to more radiation, which really isn't bad?

Well, actually, yes. Coal plants cause 100 times more radiation than nuclear plants per unit of energy produced:


And typical background radiation is 10x more than even that.

And this is for plants built in the 1970s. Tightening requirements beyond that while still allowing coal power to continue their emissions, was completely absurd.

> You do not have the contrafactual evidence of what nuclear safety would be like without that regulation.

To the contrary. Most nuclear power in existence is still produced by plants that was built BEFORE many of the excessive regulations were put into place. That's part of the reason they were so much cheaper to build. (I'm not making an argument for building Chernobyl type plants, but rather plants with safetly levels corresponding to those built in the 70s in Western countries.)

> LNT hypothesis for radiation effects

The LNT hypothesis has little to no evidence supporting it over a null hypothesis that radiation below a threshold of about 80 mSv/y. Which is based on statistics for huge groups of people. And the typical radiation received per year from living next to a nuclear plant is around 0.001 mSv/y, 80000 less than the amount where we have any data to indicate that the exposure is harmful.

If you have 1 xray taken in a hospital, that's as much radiation exposure as living next to a nuclear plant for 100 years. If you have a CT scan, that's like 1000 to 10000 years. Or, if you fly from LA to NY, you get 0.035 mSv of radiation, the same as 35 years. Do a round trip, and it corresponds to a lifetime.

Whether or not you believe in the unfalsifiable hypothesis called LNT, the risk from nuclear power is incredibly tiny compared to ANYTHING we do.

Meanwhile, the potential benefits of cheap nuclear power would be massive, both in terms of local air polution (when it becomes cheap enough to replace coal and natural gas), economical benefits or global warming mitigation.

And it has a proven track record. France was able to almost completely cut fossil fuels for their electricity production over a few years, with a moderate investment into nuclear. Meanwhile, Germany has spent 100s of billions of € on "renewable" energy, but has almost as high percentage of their electricity produced coming from fossil fuels now as when they started. (They did have some reduction in CO2 emissions due to moving from coal to natural gas, at the cost of becoming highly dependent on Russia)

> You're being so unfair! ... whining about the LNT hypothesis....

This kind of emotional response makes it seem that something else is at stake.

Of course, if we were able to provide clean air and stop global warming using nuclear energy, some people would lose their jobs, both people selling other forms of energy (fossil, wind, solar) or people working for "environmentalist" organizations or political parties.

> If you have 1 xray taken in a hospital, that's as much radiation exposure as living next to a nuclear plant for 100 years.

Now do living near Serpent river, or Church Hill, or Kadapa, or Ranger or Mailuu-Suu or the cumulative worldwide effect if we got 15% of our power from a reprpcessing facility like La Hague. Make sure to include the effects of heavy metal poisoning, not just radiation. Also would you like to replace your drinking water with aquifer water from Inkai?

> the potential benefits of cheap nuclear power would be massive

Here's a riddle. What fraction of world energy can 40,000t of fissile material provide and for how long? Where do you propose to get more?

> Make sure to include the effects of heavy metal poisoning, not just radiation.

I'm a bit lazy. Maybe you have some numbers available for this? My guess is that deaths caused by this (associated with nuclear power), if at all measurable, would be orders of magnitude lower than deaths from the extraction and pollution associated with fossil fuels (Per GWh).

> Here's a riddle. What fraction of world energy can 40,000t of fissile material provide and for how long? Where do you propose to get more?

There is around 40 trillion tons of uranium in Earth's crust. How much of that we can utilize, depends on how much we're willing to pay for the extraction. The current fuel price (after processing) is about $5/MWh, and reserve estimates are based on that price. Should fuel prices go up a bit, more mines and excavations will be profitable.

> My guess is that deaths caused by this (associated with nuclear power), if at all measurable, would be orders of magnitude lower than deaths from the extraction and pollution associated with fossil fuels (Per GWh).

The competition isn't fossil fuels. Everyone wants to get rid of them.

The competition is renewables.

> The competition is renewables.

When those regulations were introduced, the only renewables were hydro. And nobody was worried about the tiny amounts of radiations coming from coal plants, it was the soot that killed people.

Still, the "green" movement in Europe have been fighting nuclear power since at least the 80s, usually with more fervor than they've been fighting fossil fuels. The nuclear scare must have been easy to sell (and so an easy source of contributions), especially in the years after Chernobyl. With catastrophic effects both for the local environment and the climate.

Utopianists may indeed see nuclear as a threat to their dream of a perfect world. To me, nuclear is simply one of several energy sources with very low impact to the environment and climate, one that we _could_ have elected to produce at a low price. And still can.

Well good thing on river hydro is a separate category from renewables and noone is suggesting going back to it.

All of the examples of cheap nuclear power are ridden with corruption scandals and incredibly unreliable.

If you decide the CCP are suddenly trustworthy and ignore that finance and insurance have costs then the very limited fraction of nuclear power that can be produced might be both, but that doesn't make mining uranium any less horrific.

Cry bullying about the mean greens that have never been in power and only rarely held minority coalition positions just makes you look pathetic.

You're talking about scifi. I'm talking about the next 8 years.

You're also completely failing to distinguish between fertile and fissile.

So realistically, at the same scale of ore extraction as coal mining. How much power is available?

> So realistically, at the same scale of ore extraction as coal mining. How much power is available?

This article estimates that regular supplies is enough for 230 years at the current rate of consumption:


If we triple the the number of plants, that would be approximately a 75 year lifetime for existing plants.

Beyond that, the main directions to take would be to use breeder reactors, which would be enough for 30000 years at today consumption, using regular fuels or to extract uranium from seawater, which would provide enough uranium for 60000 years at present rates (and much more if combined with breeder reactors).

In total, there is enough uranium to last thousands of years, even consumption goes up 10x or more.

Obviously, costs will gradually go up, or at least the extraction will require more advanced technology. Even just 75 years is a long time, and a lot can change by year 2100. Thorium or fusion power could be solved by then, or we could have space based solar covering our needs.

I said realistically. And this decade. Not in some weird scifi scenario where we have enrichment facilities that are 10x more effective and efficient and you have the reprocessed waste before you start.

Tripling generation by adding 600GW is nothing.

8 years.

2TWe net installed by the end of it and producing around 300GWe net of new capacity per year.

Renewables are on track (and 2TW is extremely pessimistic). What's your plan? How much ore? Where is the scale?

Ignore the cost. You gotta demonstrate it's possible before you can gaslight about costs.

> 8 years.

8 years is barely enough to start changing course in how things like energy production is organized.

Is there a specific reason you insist on this kind of velocity? Global warming is going to gradually increase as a problem over the next 200 years, if we continue our current course, it's not like the world is ending in 2030. In fact, on our current trajectory, the truly hellish outcomes are not expected until around 2150-2250 (based in IPCC reports).

But precisely because it takes so long to change course, we need to start turning the ship now.

> Tripling generation by adding 600GW is nothing.

Watts is not a unit of energy, it's a unit of power. Peak capacity is not very interesting. What matters is actual production as well as the cost of producing the power when there is demand (including the cost of storage, if needed).

Nuclear produced 2.8TW last year, which is roughly identical to Solar+Wind. That's about 10% each. If we add hydro to this mix (currently 15%), we have a total of 35%. The depressing part is that this has been relatively constant since 1985, meaning we haven't made any progress over the last 37 years.


However, if we restart investments in nuclear, while continue our renewable investments, we may be able to triple both over the next 15-20 years. If hydro remains constant, we may produce enough energy to cover 75% of 2021 consumption by 2040 (which would perhaps be 50% of 2040 consumption). That should be enough to replace most fossil fuels for electricity in the EU+US, at least.

To reach such a level is highly non-trivial, both for nuclear and wind/solar. For nuclear, it means a u-turn is needed on several fronts, and for wind/solar, there are economic and geographic limitations (some areas are getting saturated).

For this plan and time horizon, there are plenty of uranium deposits that can be mined, perhaps most interestingly for western countries, a lot of this is in Australia and Canada.

If we restart construction of nuclear plants, we will also drive incentives to go looking for more sources elsewhere.

As for your "Peak Uranium" hypothesis, I suggest looking at the history for "Peak Oil". Oil was predicted to reach its peak in year 2000, but the reality is that production is still increasing. I would be very surprised if the same is not happening for uranium.

And as far as I can tell, we DO need it (or nuclear in some other form), if we're supposed ween ourselves off fossil fuels this century. Wind and solar may be competitive in some locations up to some production volumes, but they seem to have very diminishing returns above some level, due to storage costs and available land areas.

Maybe we can, some day, have solar panels carpeting the Sahara or even in Outer Space, but that's definitely scifi.

Net watts are a measure of average capacity and are not peak watts. TWh per year is a unit of net power. But you know this and you know the figures I was quoting were net because you know the output of the world's nuclear fleet and you know renewables are slightly higher.

Just as you said: renewables exceeded the nuclear fleet last year, growing by 50GW net. Production capacity is online for another 100GW net this coming year. China alone has an achievable plan for half a terawatt of new net production, and renewable targets have been consistently exceeded.

> Is there a specific reason you insist on this kind of velocity? Global warming is going to gradually increase as a problem over the next 200 years, if we continue our current course, it's not like the world is ending in 2030.

This kind of velocity is the pace the renewable industry is operating at, with a clear roadmap to meet the target, and the pace it is necessary to move at to avoid the worst outcomes.

If the nuclear industry can't scale to meet it, that's fine. We'll use the technologies that can.

> we may be able to triple both over the next 15-20 years.

So you're saying if we invest heavily in nuclear it may be able to contribute 5% of primary energy in 15 years? Wind is on track to triple in under half of that, solar in around a quarter. Both are on track to provide a meaningful portion of primary energy in 15-20 years.

> Nuclear produced 2.8TW

TWh. Which is around 320GW.

> As for your "Peak Uranium" hypothesis, I suggest looking at the history for "Peak Oil". Oil was predicted to reach its peak in year 2000,

And drilling has gotten more destructive and energy intensive ever since. Oil and gas platforms are resorting to using nuclear, solar, and wind to keep extracting because oil is not a sufficient energy source to extract oil. The predictions about the resources were accurate. The predictions that we'd lean into the insanity of continuing extracting ultra deep oil or tar sands when it's barely energy positive are where it went wrong.

> And as far as I can tell, we DO need it (or nuclear in some other form), if we're supposed ween ourselves off fossil fuels this century. Wind and solar may be competitive in some locations up to some production volumes, but they seem to have very diminishing returns above some level, due to storage costs and available land areas.

Very nice weasel words. I've never asserted that nuclear can't contribute, only that it cannot match the scale of renewables and suggesting we stop renewable investment to focus on it because only nuclear can scale is a blatant lie that serves only delay decarbonization. You've just reasserted that this is true. Thank you for agreeing.

> Maybe we can, some day, have solar panels carpeting the Sahara or even in Outer Space, but that's definitely scifi.

Revealing further that you can't comprehend how renewables scale. As a demonstration of how terrible a representation of scale this is:

World primary energy is about 17TW or 2kW per person. In the regions that 93% of people live, this takes under 50m^2 per person. There are a few cities like Milan with more people than sunlight, but there is enough space in Tokyo to provide this much net energy for every resident and still have plenty left over for outdoor spaces. The denser regions can import energy heavy goods, and still have enough space for electricity if they really didn't want to put a few shades up on some livestock farms.

Simply covering the space rendered uninhabitable by Inkai Uranium mine would provide more energy than the mine does.

> This kind of velocity is the pace the renewable industry is operating at, with a clear roadmap to meet the target, and the pace it is necessary to move at to avoid the worst outcomes.

I disagree. The "worst outcomes" are 200 years into the future, and a ramp up speed of 10 years doesn't matter much for that.

> So you're saying if we invest heavily in nuclear it may be able to contribute 5% of primary energy in 15 years?

There are different ways to calculate "primary energy". Adjusted for inefficiencies, nuclear is 4.3%. In other words, tripling that means we can shut down at least ~9% of PE worth of fossil fuels plants.

Renewables get a similar boost from this approach, of course, at least long as we don't have to store it.


> So you're saying if we invest heavily in nuclear it may be able to contribute 5% of primary energy in 15 years?

No, I'm saying we reduce the unneccesary costs, and let it pay for itself. By comparison, Germany has to impose a 25% "green energy" tax on electricity (including nuclear) to stimulate renewables.

> Oil and gas platforms are resorting to using nuclear, solar, and wind to keep extracting because oil is not a sufficient energy source to extract oil.

Oil is more valueable as a transportation fuel than as fuel for electricity production. And extraction uses electricity. This is about market price, not EROI. (Also, for instance in Norway, it's about CO2 quotas. Norwegian oil platforms are moving the land based electricity instead of the natural gas they extract alongside the oil for their electricity needs.)

EROI for nuclear is still around the highest there is, around 100x. There is massive headroom before EROI for nuclear goes down to unviable levels. (3x)

> .... weasel words ... because only nuclear can scale is a blatant lie ...

I didn't say only nuclear can scale. I do claim that nuclear is a better source of energy when it's dark and there's no wind.

Also, ad hominem attacks doesn't help your case.

> Revealing further that you can't comprehend how renewables scale.

More ad hominem. Do you want to start a flame war?

> 2kW per person. this takes under 50m^2 per person.

Maybe you should re-read your sources. Pretty sure you will find that 2kW is around the average output of 50m^2 during the peak of the day. This illustrates a risk of measuring energy in watts. Most such calculations use 4-6 as estimates for number of "hours" worth at such an output, meaning the area needed goes up by a factor of 4-6. So let's say 250m^2.

Now, on top of this, the energy tends to be needed either in a different location or at a different time. Batteres with a 70% efficiency increase this to 350m^2 while storing it as H2 at 25% full-cycle-efficiency increases it to 1000m^2. Multiply by the number of people on Earth, and you get a square of 2800 km on each side (8 million km^2). Which is close to the size of the Sahara.

That's all if you're planning to use the energy in the same location, and not transporting it anywhere.

To be fair, this would be electrical energy, which has higher value than the average primary energy. So only half the size of the Sahara (maybe 1/4 if it's located in the ACTUAL Sahara, since that place is rather sunny.)

On the other hand, world energy consumption is going up every year.

Btw, unless you put away those ad hominem attacks, I'm not going to reply further.

> I disagree. The "worst outcomes" are 200 years into the future, and a ramp up speed of 10 years doesn't matter much for that.

So the renewable targets (which are being met) need to slow down and wait for nuclear energy which is somehow necessary to meet those decarbonization targets which ... would then result in not meeting those targets but that's fine because they're too aggressive? Sounds almost like the goal is to delay partial decarbonization by claiming there is a better solution later.

> There are different ways to calculate "primary energy". Adjusted for inefficiencies, nuclear is 4.3%. In other words, tripling that means we can shut down at least ~9% of PE worth of fossil fuels plants.

> Renewables get a similar boost from this approach, of course, at least long as we don't have to store it.

So if you ignore all the non-low-grade heat and inefficiencies entailed in turning electricity and low grade heat into chemical feed stock and the countries in energy poverty you can manipulate a number? Well done. Nice frozen world fallacy. 10% is still a tiny part of the problem.

Now after moving the goal posts 2/3rds of the way across the field, show some evidence that they can be met by demonstrating a potential contribution to a meaningful chunk of the problem. How do you get to 2TW of nuclear production in the same timelines as the renewable energy targets where does the Uranium come from?

> More ad hominem. Do you want to start a flame war?

Demonstrating ignorance or willful misrepresentation consistently on every single point that can be checked is more than sufficient grounds for requiring positive evidence for the claims for which your strongest argument is: 'you can't prove categorically that it's impossible for a solution to very obvious issues to appear later'.

> Maybe you should re-read your sources. Pretty sure you will find that 2kW is around the average output of 50m^2 during the peak of the day. This illustrates a risk of measuring energy in watts. Most such calculations use 4-6 as estimates for number of "hours" worth at such an output, meaning the area needed goes up by a factor of 4-6. So let's say 250m^2.

Nameplate watts aren't net watts. Everyone knows this. You know this, you just stated so. So double counting capacity factor can only be an intentional lie. 2kW peak would be a sixth of that with state of the art mass production panels -- on the order of 8.5-10m^2 or as little as 7.5 for bifacial panels with <100% coverage. Some utility systems have 50% coverage ratio, others have 98%, the 50% ones are usually optimized for more than the fixed tilt solar resource.

If you were covering an equivalent in urban land of a certain area in the form of walls, roofs, footpath shades etc. then by definition the area you are shading is the area you are collecting light from, so by shading a third of tokyo you can still make net exports from tokyo for a substantial portion of the residents' industrial production. The land use is both a non issue and smaller than the land use from Uranium mining.

> Now, on top of this, the energy tends to be needed either in a different location or at a different time. Batteres with a 70% efficiency increase this to 350m^2 while storing it as H2 at 25% full-cycle-efficiency increases it to 1000m^2.

Very few people live anywhere with less than 3.5kWh/day and the overwhelming majority of those who don't have existing nuclear and already developed hydro and wind resource. So around 40W/m^2 is accurate when sourcing mostly electricity and some low grade heat (this is very shocking, I know, but things get hot when left in the sun and you don't need to use an element and a PV panel to heat water or sand).

Even using exclusively winter sunlight from regions within AC transmission distance of >93% of the population would only double this.

30% battery losses are fairly old technogy or a system like PHES, direct thermal storage exists, you don't need all energy to go through seasonal storage as hydrogen and for every joule to be created in seattle during winter. You especially don't need hydrogen to be burnt or put into a fuel cell to create hydrogen for chemical feed stock or high grade heat. PEM electrolysers are much more efficient than alkaline and improving monthly. Hydrogen doesn't need to go through a rankine cycle steam engine to be used for electricity. Finally solar resource in a good area is closer to 80W/m^2 average than the 40 I used above.

If we needed every single joule to be from sunlight rather than as a salient example of how ridiculous the land use argument is then high energy intensity goods can just be created in sunny areas using PV and CSP (which is dispatchable) and shipped.

Care to try again but without the bit where every single number in your calculation is an intentional misrepresentation of current established technology (let alone emerging mass production technology)?

> Btw, unless you put away those ad hominem attacks, I'm not going to reply further.

Need an out to claim you're leaving because everyone is mean rather than because all of your bs has been called and you're out of new angles, huh?

Failing to understand the distinction between power and energy doesn't make you seem very credible. And neither does saying failing to understand what a breeder is.

You need fissile material to start a reactor of any kind.

Working breeders with a real closed fuel cycle don't exist but if we pretend they do it's about 5 tonnes per GW. You can't start breeding until they're built and the breeding ratio of proposed designs takes on the order of a decade to fuel another reactor.

How many billions of tonnes of ore do you need to extract the uranium from per year to meet net zero installed power roadmaps? How do you get to 2TW by 2030 to come close to the scale of the renewable roadmap?

They don't do it because fuel is so cheap, lol.

How much fissile material do you need to meet net zero by 2050 with all nuclear?

Not true, for new nuclear (LFTR / TMSR) at least it isn't. They are safe and reliable, also their output don't allow for building weapons.. it's about as good as it gets.

Lol. Yes, bring up concepts where we don't even have the demonstrated materials, never mind operating demonstration units, and claim they will be cheap. This is totally credible! /s

hydrogen power plants ?

Yes. Of course the hydrogen needs to be made and stored, but storage of hydrogen underground is very cheap, about $1/kWh of storage capacity, two orders of magnitude lower than batteries.

that seems stupid compared to breeder reactors ??

The reverse is the case. In what way do you think this is stupid? It enables very cheap renewable energy to exploit its huge levelized cost advantage over nuclear yet still be able to cover the rare dark/calm periods the nuclear stans like to angst about. The key observation is that a simple cycle turbine power plant is about $0.50/W, some 20 times cheaper than a nuclear power plant. The fuel is of course much more expensive, but for backup supply that hardly matters.

What is a breeder reactor?

It's something that's even more expensive than today's burner reactors (which is why people built burner reactors, not breeders). It's a way to limit the increase in cost of power from nuclear as uranium gets scarce. It's not a way to make nuclear energy cheaper than it is today.

Why did you think that breeders are better than using hydrogen for long period smoothing of renewable/demand mismatch?

wow nuclear fuel is so plentiful it's cheaper to just burn it up? amazing

The reason there's so little reprocessing these days is that separated plutonium has negative value. You have to pay more to fabricate fuel elements from it (MOX fuel) than you save in the cost of enriched uranium.

Something that doesn't exist and would still need tonnes of fissile material to come online if it did and can't breed new material to bring other reactors online by 2030.

How do you bring 2TW of new nuclear generation online by 2030 to even play catch up with renewables when you need to extract from tens of millions of tonnes of ore and use hundreds of millions of litres of sulfuric acid for one reactor?

What is your argument...? Are you admitting "being intermittent is bad," while ignoring Solar is intermittent like 70% of the time vs 10% of the time for Nuclear?

...great argument?


doesn't seem like you interpreted this correctly, seems bad faith for sure.

> A scheduled shutdown of a nuclear power plant is generally timed to coincide with the plant’s refueling cycle. Nuclear power plants typically refuel every 18 to 24 months, often during the fall and spring when electricity demand is lower.

It's shut down every ~2 years, not "every year."

> _During the past six years, average refueling outages have become shorter, decreasing from an average of 46 days in 2012 to 34 days in 2018._

They're getting better and better.

So adjust the above 10% downtime number I gave, Nuclear is down ~3-5% of the time it sounds like. With improvements, this can probably get down to 1%. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

EDIT: not to mention this is an implementation problem. You can have multiple small reactors that never need maintenance where you just hot swap an old reactor for a new one.


The anti-science crowd is nuts on this stuff.. it's not _that hard..._

I though my argument was clear - that you need back-up for nuclear power also?

You accuse me of bad faith for quoting a number which includes both unscheduled and scheduled shutdowns by comparing with a number which only include the latter.

And I don't even understand where this is supposed to be going because even if plants never had unscheduled stoppages, you'd still need back-up.

But anyway, I find your tone overly aggressive. So it's unlikely that any discussion will be productive.

Don't feed the trolls.

> I though my argument was clear - that you need back-up for nuclear power also?

Right, but who said otherwise? Your arguing against a straw man that doesn't exist, no one said: you never have to do maintenance on Nuclear.

Clearly Nuclear is 100x more reliable than Solar/Wind, easily.

> you'd still need back-up.

who said otherwise......... who are you arguing against? not making sense... this isn't relevant to what I'm saying..

> But anyway, I find your tone overly aggressive. So it's unlikely that any discussion will be productive.

fair enough! would appreciate you admitting you grossly misinterpreted the stats on the nuclear data you gave. seems bad faith. have a good one

There are roughly 40 million kgs of accessible, usable fissile material (U235 and Pu239) on Earth.

Each kg produces 30-80TJ with maybe another 20 if you spend even more money to scavenge the last little bit via reprocessing. Newer reactors hold about 6 years of fuel and cycle some of it every couple of years.

World energy consumption is approximately 550EJ.

How are you proposing to fuel your reactors more than once?

This number is based on existing mines (active and inactive) only. There's a lot more fissile material available than just the 40 Gg of usable fissile material. And that's assuming we only use U-235 and Pu-239. We also have viable LWR designs for Th-232 and are in the process of creating the first 5 Th-232 SMR test reactors at grid-scale right now.

> This number is based on existing mines (active and inactive) only. There's a lot more fissile material available than just the 40 Gg of usable fissile material. And that's assuming we only use U-235 and Pu-239.

That's all known and inferred accessible reserves. Not current mines. There are about 8-10 million tonnes of natural Uranium which has 0.5% extractable U235 (a bit more if you're willing to pay 10x as much for enrichment). There might be another big, high yield mine in Canada somewhere, but you probably want to check before putting down all our chips on it. U238 is not fissile.

> We also have viable LWR designs for Th-232 and are in the process of creating the first 5 Th-232 SMR test reactors at grid-scale right now.

So a technology that hasn't made it to the test bench, has no evidence as to its longevity or economics, probably requires more Beryllium than exists, and requires at least twice as much fissile material as is available for startup to breed fissile material from fertile thorium is your solution? One where the only proxy for how the extraction step might work is MOX reprocessed fuel which is more expensive than renewables on its own and releases more radiation under normal operation than Fukushima and TMI combined?

Why are you suggesting diverting funds from a technology that works to build a completely different technology from your solution that destroys precious fissile material it needs to scale quickly then? Even in the most optimistic scenarios it will take decades to breed up a fresh load of U233 to double your fleet, and you will have to throw away all your multi billion dollar PWRs.

Why not keep doing the thing that's provably working. That way if you solve the whole breeder thing then it will only take a few generations to breed enough fuel rather than hundreds.

> Why not keep doing the thing that's provably working.

So nuclear then? Plants take on average 1-year longer than natural gas plants and a single nuclear plant produces thousands of hectares worth of solar panels with a tiny fraction of the resource usage. We have viable and in-use grid-scale U-235, Pu-239, and Th-232 reactors. We also have viable and in-use military operated U-233 breeder reactors in multiple nations that are in active production. Converting from a military design to a grid-scale design isn't really that hard as you loosen a ton of the space and thermal management requirements making manufacturing, operation, and maintenance cheaper.

> So a technology that hasn't made it to the test bench

The technology is fully proven in test reactors. The first 5 grid-scale reactors being built in the USA are part of a US Department of Energy program looking to create shovel-ready Th-232 SMR designs. There isn't a shortage of any of the isotopes we'd need for nuclear. Even if we used only U-235 and Pu-239 reactors using existing reserves to replace all current and projected global energy needs, we'd have 79 years to find more fuel or build something else. Meanwhile, with solar and wind, we still haven't figure out how to cheaply and safely store the energy to smooth the power supply curve. We could buy ourselves over 79 years to figure this out by building nuclear with only existing grid-scale technologies starting today.

Natural gas plants take as little as 28-30 months.


> So nuclear then? Plants take on average 1-year longer than natural gas plants

Water moderated reactors provably cannot work. Breeders do not exist. You don't get to start gaslighting about build times until you prove it's possible to make the fuel rods.

Here's a few hints on how to tell if something works: What was the largest ever deployment of nuclear generation in a single year? For how many years in a row have renewables exceeded this? How many Joules of wholly unsubsidized, non-state-controlled, self-financed, insured nuclear generation have ever been produced? Now how much does unsubsidized solar or wind generation sell for?

> a single nuclear plant produces thousands of hectares worth of solar panels

How long did Inkai block 3 Uranium mine take to develop? What is its area in km^2 including the exclusion zones where the ground is too poisonous to live on or grow anything on? How many GW net of solar could be placed there in Kazakhstan's climate? How many times less energy does the Uranium it outputs produce? Now do a Namibian open cut mine with 0.01% concentration (the Uranium might even break even). How much fossil fuel does it take to mine the fifty billion or so tonnes of ore you'll need?

If you were to expand production significantly that would be a comparatively high concentration mine.

> with a tiny fraction of the resource usage.

A solar panel produces >100GJ per kg of sand with roughly 10x the silver investment of a NPP or ~50g/kW and traces of B and P.

The power density is around 3-6W/kg for high durability panels depending on how they are mounted. A nuclear reactor produces 5-10W/kg.

The solar panel doesn't require indium or chromium or cadmium or all of the exotic materials required for a gas centrifuge. A kg of Uranium ore from Rossing produces about 30-80MJ.

You can't just repeat a lie based on 20 year old data. You're making a claim that renewables (which have now surpassed the world nuclear fleet and are adding 20-30% per year) are insufficient compared to Nuclear. Prove it. Show me where the fuel can possibly come from.

> Even if we used only U-235 and Pu-239 reactors using existing reserves to replace all current and projected global energy needs, we'd have 79 years to find more fuel or build something else.

It's ~79 years at current consumption. Which one of the facts I stated about the available energy are you disputing?

Is there not roughly 8-10 million tonnes of Uranium resource?

Is it not 0.7% fissile?

Does 20-30% not get left in tailings?

Does a current generation reactor not require roughly 3.5 tonnes net of fissile material per GW?

You can't just repeat the lie. Where is the fissile material hiding and how do you start your breeder reactors once you are done without taking a century to build up the U233?

> The first 5 grid-scale reactors being built in the USA are part of a US Department of Energy program looking to create shovel-ready

So you have a program to maybe finish building the test bench in 10 years?

> The technology is fully proven in test reactors

No reactor has ever run start to finish at non-negligible capacity factor with a multi year fuel cycle (whether constant reload or not), created >80TJ/kg of usable steam the whole time and ended with more fuel than it started. It is as proven as a 1000Wh/kg AlS battery that costs a few dollars a kilo or a quad junction 45% efficient paintable PV. 'I kinda tried one of the steps but am ignoring the really hard part of separating fission products or not having it corrode' isn't proven.

Does this invalidate everything you're saying, or what?


Have any of those actually bred more than they used and extracted it without catching fire or spewing radioactivity everywhere?

If not it's just MOX, a slightly radioactive sodium fire, or a graphite pile with extra steps.

> Have any of those actually bred

yes? do the research. you're making assertions you haven't done research on, apparently.........

I gave up responding to them because they can't even use the right units...

The SI unit for power (whether average or instantaneous) is Joules per second. Not Joules per second hours per year.

> A solar panel produces >100GJ per kg of sand with roughly 10x the silver investment of a NPP or ~50g/kW and traces of B and P.

So are we talking about Power or are we talking about Energy?

The first a unit of energy. As in total output from an input (building the panel).

The second is a unit of power because the silver isn't used up (it's made very very hard to recycle in the NPP, but it's still technically possible after a few decades), the issue is how much is occupied by the equipment.

If you can't understand the distinction between power and energy maybe we shouldn't consider your position on power and energy credible.

Which one? Or are you just lying?

??? which ones haven't? how do we know about the concept? have we ever tested it?

We know about tokamaks, have they generated net power? Which breeder ran on a full load of fuel made from fertile material inside it?

By your logic we don't need to worry about storage because an AlS battery worked on a test bench and has a theoretical energy density of 1000kWh from $5 worth of materials.

what. Definitely what.

> That's all known and inferred accessible reserves.

Resources, not reserves. Resources are turned into reserves when they are proved.

I worry that I phat fingered a calc but estimating the mass of a solar panel vs the fuel needed to produce a similar amount of energy. Postulate is the energy inputs and price of commodities is strongly correlated with mass.

Rough guess is over 30 years a 300W solar panel puts out 20,000 kwh. And weighs about 40lbs. 20,000kwh would require burning about 4000lbs of natural gas. So the weight ratio of the panel/nat gas is 1/100.

That's an aggressive ratio.

Another weight vs fuel calc. An F150 consumes it's weight in fuel every 20,000 miles.

Popular solar markets like Australia are filled with junky panels because we ended up in a race to the bottom price-wise. I can say with certainty that the panels bought by the average consumer aren’t lasting 25 years. In Western Australia we have the cheapest solar in the world. Just don’t ask how long your system will last for.

What's the failure mode?

Degradation is one thing, but are the interconnects between the embedded cells failing so they're outputting 0V? Or over-integration and the micro-inverter fails? Or?

I'm in South Australia and I don't know anyone with significant panel failures. It's not uncommon for the inverter to fail at some point.

I realize we aren't up to 25 years yet, but I know a bunch of people with solart systems over 10 years old now and they are mostly fine.

I do know some people who replaced perfectly good panels because they could get higher efficiency panels than they could 10 years ago at a cost where it made sense.

Owners of factories and warehouses should hoover up the replaced perfectly good panels for cents on the dollar and blanket their roofs with effectively free electricity. There is no real need to care about the aesthetics for them.

wait, why are CO2 emissions "bad?" it might even literally take 20-25 years to "pay off the CO2" used to make, deliver, and install the solar panels...

to me it seems like our CO2 emissions are not bad and the effects on climate are very minor. this is playing out in real time as we make dire predictions that never seem to come to fruition. the world is ending in 12 years, said someone popular in ~2016. Well, halfway there, lady!

Making and installing solar panels doesn't cost anywhere that much CO2. Best numbers I see suggest payback in ~3 years assuming they're produced with coal power (and the numbers are better if they're produced with cleaner power, though electricity is fungible, so I'm not sure if that really makes sense to do). As a quick gut check, look at unsubsidized solar install costs - they're significantly lower than the cost of the electricity they generate in the 5-10 year range in almost all lower and middle latitude places...

Also, idiots stating unscientific garbage (like the world ending in 2028) doesn't mean that there's no science behind it... Just that there was an idiot making up BS.

Edit: it was a 2019 quote, not a 2016 quote. So we have all the way until 2031 until the world "ends"... Still an idiotic quote

> Making and installing solar panels doesn't cost anywhere that much CO2.


Solar is unreliable, you _need_ another system, so you have to install 2 systems now. It _will_ be cheaper/less co2/etc.etc. to just install and use 1 system.

The real solution to reducing overall CO2 is clearly Nuclear. Do you disagree with this?

Nuclear should be part of the solution. Solar is just too cheap not to do be part of it too. Since there are on demand sources (natural gas peakers, batteries, etc.) and because solar isn't replacing clean sources at this point in time, solar (and wind) can and should be part of the energy mix!

Here's one source. Plenty more if you Google it https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy04osti/35489.pdf

what should I be looking at in this source? how does it scale? you can scale nuclear/hydro very easily for millions of people .. they inherently scale.

solar does not, you need tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of panels. it does not scale. this seems so self evident. like people are holding their hands over their ears and eyes, ignoring the obvious...

How much new net renewables capacity was installed last year? What was the largest capacity of nuclear ever installed in a single year?

Solar is scaling just fine. Installing 5-20 panels per person is hardly prohibitive. It's like claiming wheat can't feed people because it needs trillions of grains so we must stop wheat farming and only eat novelty sized pumpkin and elephant.

Solar absolutely scales - in the factory...

There’s nothing we could say to change your mind since you’ve already ignored all the science that exists.

EBPT for PERC panels is 3-12 months. Far lower than nuclear and slightly lower than wind.

what does that even mean? how does this scale? is it the same cost at 1000x the demand to support things? ugh... this is so disingenuous. a nuclear install might support millions of people but the same solar would be insanely huge AND require multiple backups/batteries..

it is so clear solar/wind is worse than nuclear.

it is increasingly clear that our co2 output isn't that scary. we are "greening" the Earth. Sea level rise is well within normal bounds. Everything is _great.._

Weren't you just asserting expertise on the contents of a solar cell and energy content of generation? How do you not know the relevant terms or name for the dominant variety? Did you even know there were different types before you made up numbers?

Energy payback time. Passive Emitter Rear Contact photovoltaics They're made of sand and a tiny bit of silver. The amount of silver used total is going down per year in spite of production going up, and there are technologies being commercialized to make it use less silver than a nuclear reactor.

Similarly LFP batteries only require a few dozen times as much energy to produce as one charge. Sodium uses even less, only requires abundant materials and is scaling up now. Then there are all of the other storage and load shifting methods.

You'd have to increase uranium mining 5x to meet last year's renewable capacity additions, and 8x for next year's. The mines would make more land uninhabitable than the solar panels would cover (even if they weren't compatible with other land use). Trying to make a puny backwards imitation of a star with a few tiny scraps of left over supernova dust is woefully insufficient. Getting energy directly from the source is the only place there's enough available unless we want massive degrowth.

> Weren't you just asserting expertise

Was I wrong about something ?

> Energy payback time.

Right. This doesn't scale as close to as well as nuclear ..........

> You'd have to increase uranium mining 5x

??? if things actually do become expensive, welcome to breeder reactors bro

> Was I wrong about something ?


> Right. This doesn't scale as close to as well as nuclear ..........

Using extremely generous assumptions about high grade ore, and old, much simpler reactors you can come in slightly under that for about a month. https://world- nuclear.org/information-library/energy-and-the-environment/energy-return-on-investment.aspx

EROI is significantly worse than solar because of ongoing energy costs for fuel and O&M. Especially if you use ore that is typical rather than the low hanging fruit. A perc module is around 60-120 depending on where it is placed. NPP is 15-60 depending on where its uranium comes from, how it is enriched and whether it uses reprocessing.

>> Mining: Ranger ore in 2008 was 0.26% U head grade. Energy: 273 GJ/t U3O8, 322 GJ/tU, including significant development work. (Note that if ore of 0.01% U is envisaged, this would give 1638 TJ/yr, 70 PJ total for mining & milling, hence total 108 PJ for the centrifuge option, thus inputs become 3.3% of output and energy ratio becomes 30.) All Ranger inputs are thermal (it generates own electricity). The Schneider 2010 figure for mining & milling is similar to Rössing.

> ??? if things actually do become expensive, welcome to breeder reactors bro

You can't start a breeder reactor without fissile material so new capacity still needs just as much (they don't exist so can't say for sure, but about double per GW by fairly generous estimates, actually). Additionally most of the concepts need about 2-10% of annual Beryllium production per reactor.

You have to fit something into the industrial capacity of the world before you can start gaslighting about costs that consistently go up or about costs of technologies that don't exist and might maybe start figuring out the hard bit of extraction and refuelling in ten years.

Expanding Uranium mining 5x would require processing a billion tonnes of ore per year. For reference Iron Ore production is about 2.5 billion tonnes. You'd need at least 30 million tonnes of sulfuric acid (world production is about 180 million).

Then for the reactors you'd need the most of the world supply of chromium. For a PWR you'd need half of the indium, and significant amounts of Zirconium, Cadmium and silver. Reliable Molten salt reactors don't exist and there's one MSR with okay capacity factor, but no information about how kuch noble metal they need is available.

This is just to match renewables now mind you, not where they will be when you finally open your mines (which takes years or decades).

The idea that Nuclear could scale to match renewables in under 50 years is laughable. Which is why fossil fuel shills butt into every conversation to claim renewables can't work and must be replaced with it.

> > Was I wrong about something ?

> Extremely.

Can you concisely explain this without writing a book obfuscating your arguments..?

> You can't start a breeder reactor without fissile material

Who said otherwise? We stopped the breeder reactor journey mostly because fuel is so cheap. This will become more relevant over time, if necessary, due to natural market forces. dude, what? stop trying to obfuscate the obvious..

So you're both willfully ignorant about the technology you're pushing and unwilling to have it spoon fed to you? Wow.

I think this quote from @__pache__ says a lot:

> it is increasingly clear that our co2 output isn't that scary. we are "greening" the Earth. Sea level rise is well within normal bounds.

Someone making those claims isn't really arguing in good faith.

Of course not. But it's fun watching them have a tantrum when they run out of lies and I've learnt a lot of cool new things from looking up the lies.

It also helps distribute reality in contrast to the usual talking points. Most people don't know that nuclear is very limited in scale and actually and quite poor from a land use and energy perspective if it were to be expanded, or that the overwhelming majority of radiation comes from sourcing fuel.

I've seen a few bystanders go 'oh shit, you only get 100-500mW per kg of mining?' Or 'wait, none of the breeders have actually done the thing?'

I think the nuclear stans (your term, which I like) usually don't know a lot about what they are promoting.

Anything a nuclear plant can do a long distance transmission line can do better, with already proven technology


I like this quote:

For example, a recent report by researchers from the Earth System Research Laboratory published in Nature Climate Change found that a UHVDC transmission line in the US could cut emissions by as much as 80% by harnessing Wyoming’s abundant wind power potential and transporting the electricity to California.


There are probably places where a NPP is the best and cheapest choice to reduce emissions and worth the downsides, but not many and forcing them into places with excellent renewable resources is idiotic.

Unless and until the budget and plans for around 5TW net of renewables is allocated, then starting any new nuclear is just a way of delaying the death of fossil fuels.

> what does that even mean?

EBPT = Energy payback time.

> how does this scale? is it the same cost at 1000x the demand to support things?

It scales wonderfully. Increased demand means the costs go down.

At 1000x the demand that would be triple the total cumulative output of every nuclear reactor ever in newly installed production every year. Which is probably about 20x as many solar panels as could reasonably be created in a year with current production ready technology.

It's the Gallium Arsenide, from my understanding. There are processes to recover the Gallium, but it produces a waste that's very high in Arsenic.

Hmm.. there are a number of different chemistries, and they're not all clearly labelled like batteries. It appears the switch from phosphoros/boron dopants to gallium was quite recent: https://theconversation.com/the-sunlight-that-powers-solar-p...

But that's gallium dopant rather than GaAs.

There's also CIGS and CdTe "thin film" solar cells, which are extremely toxic in even small amounts. But those chemistries were never very popular.

As far as I can tell most cells currently installed are poly or monocrystalline silicon cells, which contain phosphoros/boron dopants and aluminium metallization for the contacts. Those are the cheapest and also least toxic formulation.

(Fun fact: you know what popular component uses GaAs? Red LEDs!)

Most commercially viable cells use silver front side metallization (or both sides for bifacial).

This represents about 50g/kW net of silver depending on location, but there are methods in the production pipeline to reduce it to 25g/kW. Tandem cells will reduce it to less silver than a control rod uses, but the commercialisationnpathway isn't set in stone yet.

Worst case scenario, we hit silver limits, they get switched to Al front side and efficiencies drop back to 17%

Or switch to copper for the contact wires, with a Ni or Mo barrier layer (about 1 micron thick) to prevent the copper from reacting with the silicon.

I believe there is already a few 10s of nm thick layer of indium in production processes for that purpose (or to stabilize bonding?).

Copper metallization works (usually with a nickel layer and a silver electroplate on top which uses substantially less Ag than a nuclear reactor of the same net power), but is presently considered cost prohibitive process-wise as it adds a few steps. The current process being rolled out is silver plated copper paste (each copper bead has a 10-30% silver coating) as well as some techs for laying it down more consistently (aligned screen printing where the line never crosses two layers of mesh, and once it matures, depositing it with laser).

Silver consumption may briefly increase if the above facilitate a switch to heterojunction or topcon cells, but as soon as one of the 3 tandem chemistries being tried per day shows itself as a winner the voltage will increase and the fingers will get significantly smaller (to the point where Al may not cause a shading problem). At that point the shills will start whining about a 100nm thick layer of lead containing molecules while ignoring that it's less lead than your average tuna.

The only GaAs involved in solar is an optional amount in the power circuitry.

CdTe was briefly a thing for abiut 30% of the market, but peoplewill want the Telerium soon enough. Modern panels are sand and about 50g/kW net of silver. Recycling is mandatory.

I don't think solar cell recycling is mandatory, at least west of Mississippi. Going to need a reclamation fee added on to purchase price to get these disposed of in a different manner than the old tire dumps.

The Te, Ag, and Cu is plenty valuable (especially old high end panels with 50-100g of silver), and developed nations which already have recycling fees that build recycling supply chains and so reduce costs of processing will pay for them. There have already been trials for industrial scale reprocessing of the Si into new panels -- which should give old monocrystalline panels similar value after reprocessing to new due to material reductions offsetting the labour.

It looks like there is some motion towards responsibility though https://www.solarrecycle.org/copy-of-vendors

And even paid decomissioning if they have some limited life left https://fabtech.net/

Plus even if you don't tear it apart it's still a piece of hail resistant glass that could have various uses. Frost the top and you have a table. Find use for 20 such items in your lifetime and none will make it to landfill.

There are no commercial panels made of gallium arsenide. They are used in space, where efficiency rules over everything else, and for certain military applications.


There was a company, Alta Devices, that planned to commercialize GaAs thin-film (so light on materials usage) solar panels with nearly 30% efficiency, but they were bought up by Hanergy which ran into financial troubles and shut it down. It's not clear what happened to their patent portfolio, but their equipment was liquidated in 2020, and the founder now works for UC Berkeley.

It's almost entirely glass, older panels have a variety of other materials, but new ones are about 3% silicon and 0.1-1% metals like Al, Cu and a tiny bit of Ag (which are all valuable enough to extract). And many countries have recycling laws like the WEEE. Commercialisation of circular economy concepts like making polysilicon panels from existing crushed mono or high purity poly panels is also happening.

It’s a story similar to nuclear power, where people found it wasn’t that hard to extend the life of nuclear reactors a lot longer than originally planned.

One should expect monstrous amounts of FUD about anything that replaces fossil fuels.

Honestly, at this point in our hyperpartisan world, I expect monsterous FUD about pretty much anything. There was just a small scale war in my city about a proposal to slightly modify the way our library is funded. If that gets people riled up, then one can only imagine what multi trillion dollar industries can stir up.

Public Relations won. Advertising won. Weaponized Infighting is winning.

Say the first thing that comes to mind when you think “Coca Cola.” Say it out loud, don’t edit.

If you said something about nostalgia or polar bears you would be like most humans around the globe for the past 50+ years. I submit that as my evidence that PR and Advertising are remarkably potent.

If you really said something to the effect of “depraved multinational corporation” you’ve eluded their attempts to seer their brand onto your brain 50 times a day. You have steel wit, perhaps your neurophysiology measures a few SD from norms. You have an important role in the solution.

Advertising & PR ought to be illegal, especially with AI driving it. I came from that space and love the creativity, but fear it’s power. Usually where advertising is illegal it just means the state has a monopoly on marketing. It’s not an enforceable policy, and is a meaningful degradation of liberty.

What I think would work is making it unprofitable. Revoke the tax deduction for it. Then make some licensure and oversight for influence operations (my new umbrella term). Register professional services agreements and require quarterly reports. Target ad exchanges like crypto, with a set of standards and Treasury authority.

Frankly, online ad exchanges have been one of the highest volume means of international money laundering and global exchange, and Google et al skimming huge % cuts of 2-5 parts of the transaction. Not regulating it will allow a loophole for continued fraudulent transactions at scale.

Parcels of human “mindshare” are auctioned off with every advertising transaction. Your 5 seconds on YouTube can be worth $5 to the right advertiser. Often that means the highest profit, most coercive players win your attention the most. On web publisher sites, the auction happens in 100ms often in the client at the expense of performance. Always. You can’t fire off 700 requests and not impact performance. It’s for bids to a dozen ad networks and all of their trackers and the winning ad’s trackers and then then do it again every 30 seconds and on scroll listeners, for 6-12 ads plus a video player or two and an exit pop.

Is it just cool that human attention is auctioned off like chattel slavery? Am I wrong to be scared of what billionaires can and have been doing with free reign?

_Citizens United_ really did a number on democracy. Such an ironic name, isn’t it?

>Say the first thing that comes to mind when you think “Coca Cola.” Say it out loud, don’t edit.

Shit company. Or maybe "red metallic can", which is the first thing I pictured when I read "coca cola". TBH I didn't think of anything in particular when I read "coca cola", I didn't have a particular reaction.

> the first thing that comes to mind when you think “Coca Cola.”

High fructose corn syrup.

I believe I am a better person since removing the TV a couple decades ago. I do not miss the advertising nor news-washing.

> Say the first thing that comes to mind when you think “Coca Cola.” Say it out loud, don’t edit.

Sometimes war?

Either I'm a very cynical person or a bigger Rammstein fan than I thought.

> Say the first thing that comes to mind when you think “Coca Cola.”

My first thought was "Pepsi", so I guess a different advertiser won the war for my brain.

> Say the first thing that comes to mind when you think “Coca Cola.” Say it out loud, don’t edit

sugary drink

> Say the first thing that comes to mind when you think “Coca Cola.” Say it out loud, don’t edit


High Fructose Corn Syrup

I thought "yum"

That's probably just a yellow bike shed, though?

Near as I can tell, a lot of people are just mad.

Not about anything in particular, just mad.

So really it doesn’t matter, they’ll pick a fight over anything.

As an older fairly conservative friend of mine said when I was trying to talk him into some new tech thing - I just don't want anything to change. Seems a lot of people are like that, and just knee jerk to any change.

Yup. IMO, it’s a sign of being overwhelmed.

When folks get older, a lot of things stop working as well as they did, including old learned behaviors and physical things too, so it happens more easily and more often.

But this isn’t just an old person thing right now.

I've long figured that a lot of political tensions stem from the perceived pace of change: in technology, social norms, etc. It must be hard going from feeling like the master of your domain to frustrated that you don't know how to watch streaming TV or might put your foot in it saying something that was unremarkable 20 years ago (e.g., joke books in the 80s were full of stereotypes).

Actually I think we should paint it green.

green???? f'ing savage, you obviously hate the country, dont support the troops and want to murder babies.

Its more of a generational divide with the hyperpartisan gibberish. I always laughed when they said "voting for the lessor of two brain-dead illiterates stuck in the 18th century".

It looks like the indoctrinated offspring from that rabid environment just make a 3rd and 4th party easier to implement... To square up the 3 sides to every story and the fourth to make it interesting (FORE is a cool number in golf too).

A ho-nest days pay for a ho-nest days work is loaded with innuendos :)

And regarding renewables, diversification is a beautiful thing in the 1st world :)

On HN I find it precisely the opposite - if you point out flaws with solar, electric cars, wind, self driving cars, etc. you take a lot of downvotes

One of the reasons is that a lot of these downsides are overplayed, based on long-obsolete data or false altogether.

For some examples:

- electric cars are still burning fossil fuels cause powerplants burn fossil fuels (yeah, but electric cars go ~2 times further on 1 liter of fuel even if all our power came from fossil fuels which it doesn't)

- rare earth minerals are limited which means we can't have everybody drive electric cars (rare earth minerals aren't THAT rare, for example lithium is more common than lead on Earth, the current availability is a function of past investment which is based on past demand - when demand grows quickly the infrastructure lags and you get temporary price hikes, also there are alternatives)

- batteries/solar cells can't be recycled (they can, there's just not enough demand right now because we're at the exponential growth phase so the used batteries/solar panels are very small percentage of the currently-in-use batteries/solar panels)

- you cannot have 100% renewable power grid because unpredictable production (you can, some countries do - for example Costarica and many countries are very close - for example Portugal and Norway - but it creates different problems than the traditional powerplants - but there are ways to solve this which are getting ever more economically viable - citing data from 10 years ago is about as sensible as citing CPU transitor counts from 1990s when talking about designing a new graphic card)

It seems with electric cars there is always another compaint. First came the long tail pipe argument, I think even the most ardent of naysayers have realised that that one is bullshit.

Then the batteries were going to be scattered about the countryside. Except most of them are still in cars, the demand for batteries from crashed damaged cars is high and the life even in early models appears to exceed expectations.

The reality is that Tesla has replaced the Ferrari as the car to aspire to. Nissan have even started producing their e-power cars who's main advantage is that they drive like an electric car (using a petrol engine as generator). Electric cars are going to be a thing, the only limit it battery tech and to my mind that only changes the eventual market share, if some of the battery tech pans out it could be close to 100%. I'm expecting more 60% or so, battery tech will be good enough for most people.

The problem with electric cars is that they're still cars. Cars are inherently way less efficient than trains, or even buses. In practice, trains take less than 1/7th the power that cars do to transport passengers - and that's before we get into the land-subsidies (parking, giant roads) that cars need in order to be financially competitive.

But even when cars are necessary, they tend to be massively overengineered - does every car need to be 1) a five-seater, 2) 500KM range (300mile range), and 3) capable of driving at 110KM/hr (70miles/hr)?

Every one of those requirements basically doubles the cost and halves the efficiency.

>First came the long tail pipe argument, I think even the most ardent of naysayers have realised that that one is bullshit.

I wish. Obviously it is bullshit, but it's a goddamn zombie argument that just won't die.

Yes, I get it. But on the other hand I tend to think that the reality of getting people to use public transport and cycling en masse is comically naive.

You can see how defensive people get about the marginal adjustments that swapping from a ICE to an electric car would mean. Basically just that journeys of several hundred miles become slightly more painful, oh and if we're being fussy it's not clear how towing would work with an electric car yet (the impact on range rather than their ability to do it is the issue).

> But even when cars are necessary, they tend to be massively overengineered - does every car need to be 1) a five-seater, 2) 500KM range (300mile range), and 3) capable of driving at 110KM/hr (70miles/hr)?

I'm with you on this but it's slightly worse than you say. Most of the popular electric cars are large sedan / SUV sized rather than small city cars and hatchbacks. Cars like the VW E-up and the Honda E are exceptions. Admittedly they still have 4/5 seats but the market demand is a problem for anything less (people are irrationally attached to the ability to transport 4+ people, even if they never actually do it).

Well I agree about public transport (and I happen to live in a country with decent public transport - I do less than 3000 km per year so buying EV makes no sense, I'm still driving a Fiat Punto made in 1995 and if not for my wife sentiment for the car we should probably just sell it and rent when needed ;) ).

When I was commuting 180km every day for a few months (lived in Lublin, worked in Warsaw temporarily) I realized I'm making the whole route using electricity (a trolley in Lublin, a train between the cities, a tram in Warsaw). And I was reading a book the whole time. It's the self-drivining car dream made true with 19th century technology :)

But US is fucked up culturally and infrastructurally when it comes to cars so the next best thing is making EVs cool.

I've never heard of this. What's the long tail pipe argument?

edit: I see. I definitely have heard this, just not called as such https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_long_tailpipe

Here in the UK (and I believe most of Europe), they’re planning to ban sales of new ICE cars in I believe 2030. As such, 100% uptake (or close enough, perhaps there will some exceptions for specialised use cases) is almost guaranteed.

In Europe. the greens are only talking about it, but no concrete law was proposed or even planned afaik. But VW did talk about no longer selling ICE cars in 2035 [1]. But as always, 2030 is long ways off and there is probably a lot of marketing in it, let's see how it plays out.

[1] https://carthrust.com/2021/06/28/vw-says-no-to-ice-powered-c...

I'm in the UK too. I think the 2030 date is unrealistic. I'm pro-electric cars but we're still a long way away from it being the only option. At the very least we need widespread on street charging for the half of people who don't have the option to charge at home. Rapid charging is ok but not suitable for exclusive use.

> At the very least we need widespread on street charging for the half of people who don't have the option to charge at home.

Where I live there is already a pilot scheme in operation that implements this. It does need to be rolled out more widely, but I think the technology is relatively simple, so it might well be doable. 8 years to roll it out doesn't sound ridiculous (although we probably ought to get a move on). Also, remember that 2030 is only the date for halting new car sales. Most cars will still be ICE for at least 5 years after that.

builtInThe70's apartment building. I can't convince the management body to take this seriously.

I don't want to install chargers everywhere. I just want a thought out plan.

IE have a planned build for the electric backbone sometime in the future, and each owner can build their part and be connected when they wish.

100% isn't the goal.. yet. Nor is it practical for many countries. But, getting to 70-80% renewables with current technology is feasible and economic for nearly all countries. The balance to be provided by modern (natural) gas turbine generation.

There's no need to slow down getting to 70-80% renewables because we're unsure how to cover the last 20%. The latter is a problem for future decades.

>- you cannot have 100% renewable power grid because unpredictable production (you can, some countries do - for example Costarica and many countries are very close - for example Portugal and Norway - but it creates different problems than the traditional powerplants - but there are ways to solve this which are getting ever more economically viable - citing data from 10 years ago is about as sensible as citing CPU transitor counts from 1990s when talking about designing a new graphic card)

this one is very questionable though and only very specific countries with the right geography can cheaply attain 100% electricity from renewables. Two of the countries you mention are very fortunate to have almost endless possibilities for hydro and Portugal still at 50% gas/coal ?

the problems as i see it with renewables is climate change. wind patterns can change, places can become arid. We could even see catastrophies blocking out the sun for days, months or even years. So while renewables are cheap to build right now we shouldn't rely on them completely. We also need to solve the storage part that is major issue for solar and wind even though imo they should only be used for creating synthetic fuels

Traditional powerplants are big nation-scale projects measured in decades and cannot be moved mid-lifecycle - unlike solar panels. They are also strictly dependent on running water for cooling. In my country (Poland) there has been a week few years back where some powerplants had to shut down because nearby rivers were too low and the water temperature was too high to cool down the powerplants (you cannot heat the water to 60 C cause the river life will die, so the workable temperatures are surprisingly low).

If you care about mobility and adjusting to climate change - you should bet on solar more than on anything else.

There are problems with renewables, but there are also many solutions, and the criticism usually assumes we change nothing else in our energy grid.

For example it's true that renewables are less predictable than traditional powerplants. Which increases costs of energy because we need to keep some overcapacity in production, consumption and transfer capabilities for balancing purposes and that's expansive.

But - grid-scale batteries solve a lot of these problems, and they aren't just a cost - they are earning money even in traditional grids by outcompeting peak powerplants without any subsidies. In fact people are afraid of how fast they are "destroying the market" for peaker plants and there are propositions to regulate this against the grid-scale batteries :) Batteries do the equivalent of high frequency trading on energy market and peaker plants have like 15 minutes latency vs batteries sub-second latency - you can imagine how it works out in practice. The Tesla battery in Australia already paid off the investment costs.

Another way is to produce synthethic fuel with cheap solar power when it's not used and then run the generators on that. Basically make methane tanks our batteries. There are promising technologies doing that, for example Terraform Industries.

Supposedly they can produce natural gas that is cheaper than the peak prices EU paid at the start of the russian invasion of Ukraine.

Another way is to simply build a lot more and to use smart pricing to encourage people to use the energy during the peak production. For most people it's perfectly fine to charge their cars at parkings near their office, it's just an organizational problem. Heating houses in the winter can also be done during the day - most houses in Central Europe can stay comfortably hot for longer than a day during the winter.

There are a lot of things we could do, but people who don't want anything to change take 1 thing they don't like and assume everything else stays the same so that the change seem impossible.

sorry but your comment shows that you obviously haven't looked into this stuff and are just spewing whatever headlines you've read.

a week a few years back.. that doesn't sound too bad honestly and looks like something you can prepare for on future project. i know that Poland had just greenlit two huge nuclear power plants which i think it's a great idea, wish we would do the same in my country.

there's simply no such thing as a grid scale battery. it doesn't exist and never will work current technology. the batteries in Australia are not what you think they are, in reality they're there to fix another huge problem with renewables which is frequency leveling and NOT to provide power when there's no renewable energy for which it would be good for a whooping 8 minutes. So.. the only viable way is to go with what's called power2x where you can create hydrogen, ammonia or something else, this process however it's quite inefficient requiring you too install around 7 times the capacity you need, as well building new infrastructure and power plants to use these synthetic fuels, this might still be a bit cheaper than nuclear, but we actually don't know that yet.

it's also not a solution to just build insane overcapacity??? are you really suggesting we go several hours a day or even weeks without electricity?? i live in a country where we've give all in on wind and let me tell you.. it's freaking annoying to have to look up the current price to see if you should turn on the washing machine, charge your car etc. and it's simply not true that houses in central Europe can stay comfortably hot more than a day during winter.

to be honest you sound very out of touch, but i guess that's what happen when you make a good developer salary and live in a cheap country. if your house can really stay warm more than a day in winter and still have fresh air to breath you must live in a high tech mansion.

> lithium is more common than lead on Earth

Lithium isn't a rare earth mineral.

It was about cobalt before, now that batteries switched to LFP without cobalt the naysayers switched to complaining about lack of lithium :)

I'll note that neodymium is, and is used in very small amounts (much less even than lithium) in most EV electric motors (specifically, the reluctance types that are currently most popular). It's not essential, but it does increase range by a few percent.

Neodymium is also one of the most abundant REEs- there are basically two groups of REEs, some of which are rare and some of which are >10x more abundant. Neodymium is in the latter. It's also not that supply is restricted (eg, how it all comes from china)- the demand is so low that the cost means it is not mined even where it is easy to harvest. There are large mines in the US and elsewhere that are shut down because China just does it cheaper.

> - electric cars are still burning fossil fuels cause powerplants burn fossil fuels (yeah, but electric cars go ~2 times further on 1 liter of fuel even if all our power came from fossil fuels which it doesn't)

So do hybrids. Burning fuel at power station isn't 2x as efficient as burning it in ICE engine; most of the savings come from not wasting power while braking

Burning fuel at a single power station that is reasonably distant from populated areas is far better from a health perspective than tens of thousands of small, poorly-regulated engines burning fuel within 10 yards of people's homes. I would take electric over ICE even if it were 1-to-1 on fuel consumption, just to feel like I can safely breath outside again.

As long as they're still cars, you should keep holding your breath. Tires and breaks still give off the polluting dust, not to mention the noise

Noise from electric cars is practically non-existent compared to cars (particularly trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles). I'm sure the pollution from tires and brakes isn't great, but that's like saying that if we cured cancer people would still die. Duh, but we should still cure cancer.

I agree with the general point, but the answer for livable cities still has to be fewer cars. Lower speed limits help a lot: there's a point around 30mph where the greatest source of noise goes from being the engine to the tires, so we have a lot of room to make cities better by getting people onto e-bikes or into smaller low-speed vehicles which use orders of magnitude less energy.

Regenerative breaking significantly decreases break pads use.

One correction - a typical coal burning power plant is approximately 33% efficient at converting fuel to energy [https://www.energy.gov/fecm/transformative-power-systems], and combined cycled natural gas power plants are 45-57% efficient. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/natural-gas...]

Direct ICE vehicles are between 11-27% efficient. [https://sciendo.com/pdf/10.2478/rtuect-2020-0041]

So even a inefficient coal plant is about 50% more efficient than a very efficient normal ICE car, and combined cycle natural gas IS 2x more efficient than a very efficient normal ICE car - and about 5x more efficient than a non-efficient ICE car.

Lots of cross comparisons can be made, but on overage, even with transmission losses, charging losses, etc. it would be very unusual for an EV + power plant combo to be less efficient end to end than directly fueling a traditional ICE vehicle. If it was, it would likely just be a few percent.

CapEx is a real concern here of course, and logistics.

But opex and energy efficiency are solidly in the EV camp.

That's why I talked about hybrids - ICEs have slim efficiency area, add breaking lossess and you get to that number. But put it in a hybrid and you can run it at near-max efficiency most of the time and don't waste that much in breaking.

Hell, Formula engines get to 50% but those don't exactly need to care about emission equipment

> So do hybrids

No they don't. All the energy in a hybrid comes from an internal combustion engine which is generally less than 40%. Hybrids help by running the the ICE only when it would be efficient to do so but they can't help in constant speed highway driving.

> All the energy in a hybrid comes from an internal combustion engine which is generally less than 40%.

Only if you define hybrid to exclude plug-in hybrids. Almost all my driving is on charge, with only longer trips 2 or 3 times a month relying on the ICE in my hybrid.

You are one of a small minority of people who plug their plug in hybrid in. Car leasing companies here in Norway lease a lot of plug in hybrids because the count as electric and so are cheaper to buy. They have statistics about the charging and say that hardly anyone does it, the use chose it simply because it was a cheaper vehicle.

Partially true. You can get away with a more efficient thermodynamic cycle on the ICE due to the more uniform load on the engine so they can be more efficient.

> Burning fuel at power station isn't 2x as efficient as burning it in ICE engine

ICE engines are under 30% efficient (not counting the losses to accelerating/breaking and standing on idle in traffic jams), multi-stage turbines at powerplants are 50-60% efficient (but the 60% ones are rare).

I love my Prius, but over my years of driving it my suspicion is that the regen braking contributes VERY little power to the battery, and I try to brake using regen as much as possible. I would guess that most Prius drivers (who drive the car like a normal car, which is even what Toyota says to do) get back a truly trivial amount of energy out of regen braking.

It wouldn't surprise me if full EV regen braking is much more efficient and useful, though.

It's optimal to coast if you can avoid regeneration, but if you must brake then you want as much of that to be regenerative as possible.

On both EVs and on hybrids.

EVs have more regenerative braking power and capacity though; my Prius fills up rapidly when descending a mountain.

My EV reports 18 kWh/100km for driving and 4 kWh/100km gained from recuperation. That is significant.

Fwiw, my truck has an electric motor and battery, for extra torque only, not for any hybrid ability, but due to its regenerative braking ability I’m still on its original brake pads at 50k miles.

I seem to recall estimates on various EV conversion forums that regen braking saves 5-10% range at best, and the more efficiently you drive normally, the less difference it makes.

> most of the savings come from not wasting power while braking

That doesn't check out for me. ICE engines are inefficient because much of the energy from the fuel is converted into heat rather than kinetic energy. Every ICE engine has a radiator whose sole purpose is to vent off waste heat from the engine. ICE engines don't even need a distinct heating element to keep the cabin warm, the waste heat from the engine is more heat than the cabin will ever need.

I don't know that much about how power stations work, but surely it is not this inefficient.

EDIT: Did a bit of reading on gas/coal power plants and it sounds like they are indeed very inefficient: as bad as 20 percent, as good as 60 percent: https://www.energy.gov/fecm/how-gas-turbine-power-plants-wor...

That is mildly horrifying.

Look up the Carnot cycle and its efficiency. This is theorized to be the best possible efficiency for a heat engine. All heat engines work by rejecting a large fraction of their input heat to an output heat sink. I've heard efficiencies in the 30-50% range for big coal and nuclear plants, much lower for smaller plants.

For specifity, ICE engines will look more like an Otto cycle https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_cycle

>- electric cars are still burning fossil fuels cause powerplants burn fossil fuels (yeah, but electric cars go ~2 times further on 1 liter of fuel even if all our power came from fossil fuels which it doesn't)

No they don't. When you add the efficiency of the grid, the charging station, charging the battery and discharging the battery burning a lump of coal to power your Tesla has _no_ advantage over burning a bottle of petrol for your non SUV.

This is a lot like the meme that solar is cheap - the part that's always left out: "At noon".

Let's consider the numbers... A decent modern combined cycle gas turbine can achieve 60% efficiency, so let's take 50% to be conservative. Transmission losses are generally better than 15%, so that leaves a combined efficiency of 42.5%. A pessimistic charge/discharge efficiency for lithium ion would be 80% and I'd expect the charger to be 90% efficient, which gives us a total (pessimistic) efficiency of 31%.

An internal combustion engine has an optimistic efficiency of about 30%.

So, even if we ignore all the losses in fuel distribution for ICE cars and ignore regenerative effects in electric cars and the ability to incrementally decarbonise the grid, electric still has a slight advantage.

Those are incredibly pessimistic numbers for power plants and optimistic numbers for ICE. On average 5% of the electricity transmitted and distributed in the United States is wasted your other numbers are similarly inaccurate.

ICE engines are only ~30% efficient under optimal conditions, idling still consumes fuel and engines idle a lot in normal driving including coasting down a large hill, slowing down, stoplights etc. Similarly turning on and heavy acceleration etc is extremely inefficient. This is where the primary benefit comes for hybrid cars not regenerative breaking.

Also, comparing gasoline to electricity ignores all the energy required to make gasoline. Oil refineries both use serious amounts of energy and release massive quantities of CO2 directly.

Indeed, I merely wished to bound the problem.

You're missing the engine efficiency. Which is another ~90% efficiency process. That brings it down to be lower than an ice.

Of course, on the other side, there's never any pollution involved bringing fuel to the gas pump.

Or to bring coal to the power plant.

You forgot to include the other liter of fuel spent extracting, refining, and shipping the first one. Hence 2x. Also coal has double the emissions of oil per kWh so on an energy basis it's 1/4th

Keep moving the goalposts bud.

OP made a blatantly false claim. She was wrong. That's it.

Pointing out you're equivocating lifecycle emissions with tailpipe in response to an assertion about energy is just pointing out you haven't reached the goalposts even after moving them.

A tesla 3 (top selling ev) uses about 170Wh/km. From a very low efficiency coal plant including transmission and charging losses (you don't get to double count discharge loss) this would be about 0.6kWh (thermal) or about 170g of CO2e. From a natgas plant it is 90g.

A CX-5 (top selling car) is a bit lighter and gets about 8L/100km. This is about 1 kWh or 2kWh including drilling/refining or roughly 250g of CO2e.

You could correctly argue that teslas are replacing smaller, lighter cars with bigger heavier ones, and that the smaller ones they displace have marginally lower CO2 emissions in spite of using double the energy because oil is lower CO2 than coal, but that's about as far as you can push it. If that was your argument then the solution is LEVs, transit, and bike lanes which is what the environmentalists you're straw manning want instead of most cars.

You're ignoring what it takes to bring the coal to the powerplant too.

OP was making the point that boiler to wheels efficiency of electrics is higher than ices. It isn't when you factor in all the conversion losses.

It's a really simple point that battery zealots fail to grasp.

> You're ignoring what it takes to bring the coal to the powerplant too.

908g/kWh is the mine to wall socket emissions figure I was using. Do you have a better supported one?


In EPA tests the tesla from the wall uses about 260Wh/km. Real world reports say range is from 80% to 110% of claimed, so we'll bump it up to 300Wh/km

Our Mazda gets 8L/100km claimed (over 9 real world https://www.fuelly.com/car/mazda/cx-5) or 665Wh/km. A Civic is about the same real world if you wanted to compare that.

If we burn that exact same gasolene (probably the most energy intensive fuel to extract) in a 58% efficient CCGT and use the 6% transmission loss of the US grid we get 330Wh.

If you stop taking all of your rounding in the direction that favours the ICE you get around 240Wh for the EV vs 400Wh for the ICE. An Ioniq is slightly more efficient again.

Even a fully fossil fueled grid requires less energy for the most popular EV than the most popular ICE car no matter which way you slice it. As soon as you use gas or coal or relax the assumptions where you drive the EV hard with the heater on and the ICE carefully with both on the highway you get more than double per energy input.

Extending from ajuc's spot-on answer, a lot of those downvotes also come from how this works:

1. Fossil fuel companies are desperate to prolong profitability and avoid legal penalties. They fund unqualified people (e.g. Stephen Milloy) to come up with ways to claim the science isn't settled or to attack the motives of environmentalists. “These people aren't as green as they should be” is a popular approach since humans love to roast hypocrites.

2. Those people are basically constantly A/B testing random brain-farts to see which ones get some traction.

3. The ideas which work well early on start moving from the promoter's personal Twitter/Facebook/blog to Reason.com or Watts Up With That and, if successful, move up to Fox News or The Wall Street Journal.

By numbers, most people hear about this in the latter stages of step 3. That means that when someone gets all fired up about the hot scientific news they got from Tucker and starts repeating it, anyone who cares about the subject has not only heard about it before but has seen it debunked repeatedly, too. That tends to get instant downvotes, just as people do not read spam.

You can see a contrast here: when someone posts something original and shows that they've done some homework, they get plenty of engagement.

Personally, I think both ends of these conversations could see improvement. A lot of people on here are rich and well-to-do so if you tell them the thing they bought for $45-$90k is more of a luxury than an environmental benefit or investment they'll get upset. Likewise, when rich people tell everyone their flatulents don't stink but others do, it'll make people upset, especially if the price tag to non-stinking-flatulents is high.

Civility and mutual respect tend to go a lot farther than "just facts".

It may also be because those flaws are trite comments with clear answers that just get repeated in a meme-like fashion. I cannot tell you how many people I say that are worried about ranging anxiety, for example, but go on maybe one long trip per year.

It's really hard to find downsides to these that are not just pure FUD. They really are better than the alternatives in all ways.

We will look back at the days of gas powered engines like we do at steam powered locomotives.

Only when the “flaws” are in the form of “lol what do you think your electric car is charged with?! (mic drop)”.

Sounds exactly the same as what parent is warning about to me

My favorite is the guy that's 100% for nuclear, until you ask him if we can store the nuclear waste in his backyard. Then he looks all confused and starts calling you names.

Solar does not replace fossil fuels.

It replaces some of them but not all of them.

A cynical take on Amory Lovins' "Soft Energy Path" was that it talked about wind and solar but really delivered gas turbines fueled by methane because ① that was the real "least cost energy" and ② it could easily fill the gaps in intermittent renewables.

Or a story similar to coal power, where people found it wasn't that hard to extend and grow our usage of it a lot longer than originally planned. Where there's an economic will, we will find a political way.

But all in all, it's very good to know that solar is a better form of power generation that we thought.

> where people found it wasn’t that hard to extend the life of nuclear reactors a lot longer than originally planned.

France is showing right at this moment just how bad an idea that is. Over half their reactors are still down, most because of issues with cracks in pipes.

That's less an inherent problem with extending the reactors' lifespans, and more a problem with all of the reactors being old. They built a bunch of reactors, and then stopped, so now they're all on the same maintenance schedule. If instead they had kept building over time, then they'd have a bunch of new ones, and advance warning to tackle problems those reactors might face eventually.


This is equivalent to asserting that they have a much shorter useful lifetime and low reliability. If you have to build as many reactors as you already have every 10 years in order to keep the old ones then you're going to run out of concrete or wires to hook them to fairly quickly.

It also has little to do with the shutdowns which skew towards newer plants.

That's not at all what they said. The point is France have a bunch of reactors approaching the same level of wear, and by building a few more and staggering the maintenance,they'd spread the maintenance out and avoid this problem for the future.

That would be a very nice story if it fit the data at all


Show me on the histogram the tight cluster of reactor start dates representing the outages.

The 100% consistent lying about everything from nuclear proponents makes trusting statements like 'we will definitely do things safely if the rules are relaxed' pretty hard to swallow.

You have it backwards. The evidence for a cluster is the cluster now in need of maintenance, and it's the clustering by maintenance cycles and how they occurred which matters, not start date.

Start date is by no means the only thing affecting later clustering of maintenance need. That's also easily achieved by for example deferring maintenance too long, or structuring of past maintenance cycles.

Understanding how to avoid maintenance cycles syncing up is critical for any risk management of large systems.

This is entirely separate from whether or not one supports nuclear, and an issue relevant for any type of generation. Or indeed managing any kind of system that includes any physical plants or machinery at all.

How that affects whether you see a given type of plant as viable is an entirely separate issue.

...Which is nothing to do with the grandparent comment which blamed it on not building more reactors and claiming it was because they were the same age.

I addressed your claim, not theirs.

No you didn't. My claim was that the clustering of maintenance being due to similar age would imply the offline reactors would be the same age.

You agreed with me. The clustering of maintenance is from failing to correctly manage the inherent unreliability and high costs of maintenance.

Recycling solar panels is tough because glass fines are created, often inseparable from items that adhere to them. Those fines don't currently have secondary demand and they're a health and possibly environmental hazard. The CAPEX for recycling panels is high because size reduction and separation requires expensive (and expensive to maintain) equipment. I expect companies like American Battery Recycling, et. al., to tackle this waste stream on as a natural adjunct to their battery recycling operations/systems. I'm not as optimistic that the waste won't be as bad as once thought because I envision the price of new panels to continue to fall, while efficiency increases. Could be a secondary market emerges for the old panels, but I'm skeptical.

I've seen at least half a dozen cases where off-grid people tried to buy a container load of used solar panels which, for one reason or another, in the end never appeared. I believe the demand for used solar panels is higher than the supply.

They can recover the aluminum fraction with an Eddy Current. The panel becomes Adc or land fill

Price falling, sure, but I don’t see how efficiency rising would lead to more solar panel waste down the road.

jevons paradox

Al, Si and trace amounts of silver have no health or environmental hazard, and the silver is the valuable bit. Please stop gas lighting based on obsolete technology that was only briefly popular in one country.

Inhaling solid $anything dust is a health and environment hazard.

Si dust probably isn't asbestos bad, but wouldn't want to breathe it in either.

I'm pretty sure the dust from the 2 BILLION TONNES of steel the world makes every year, or the 32 TO 50 BILLION TONNES of sand and gravel that are mined globally every year, will be just a tad more serious of a problem.

But I know, that dust is off in mines and mills, while PV recycling will be performed in preschools.

Well don't go within 10km of a road then. Brake disks are full of it, and pads have much worse. Then there's all the ground up rubber, bitumen and glass. If anything the filtered outlet vent of a recycling facility would reduce this.

These will go into auto shredders (for the most part) which have dust management plants

The old saying “The great is the enemy of the good” applies. I had a coworker once who seemed to be one-step short of saying that we should all just lay down and die so we would stop affecting the environment. Even as I think about that, I realize that human bodies contain some toxic materials, and “laying down and dying” would still be troublesome.

There are no zero-cost solutions. “Chasing the 9s” of no-impact is a fools errand. Do what you can. Correct where you can.

>If solar panels can last 40 to 50 years, which is roughly double what used to be the rule of thumb for their life span

Presumably, these panels face ever diminishing efficiencies. What is the threshold where it makes sense to replace a working, but low efficiency panel with a new one? That is, if a field of ancient generation-1 panels is operating at 5% efficiency, is it worth the expense to tear them out and replace them with generation N?

That’s a good question. Setting aside climate change and fossil fuel issues, the general answer is something like when the present value of a new installation, minus installation cost, is greater than the present value of the existing installation. Estimation can’t be precise but after 20 or 25 years, the homeowner will have some idea of the remaining efficiency they’re dealing with. They might know the reliability of their inverters, too.

The replacement installation should be cheaper since initial permitting and electrical hookup is in place, and the roof mount might be reusable.

Tax incentives to modernize old solar installations will factor significantly.

Put another way: how high did your electric bill have to be to justify installing panels in the first place?

I was thinking of industrial installations, but similar issue with residential. I assume that not many roofs are good after 20-30 years, so by the time the solar panel warranty starts to expire, it is time to get a new roof. Might as well upgrade panels at the same time.

Ah, sure. Yes, similar math.

I forgot that for residential, in many areas the replacement panels would probably come about like a typical roof replacement: after a storm, subsidized by insurance. That may be the case with industrial/commercial as well, but I’m not familiar with insurance trends there.

Usually, the warranty will guarantee a 90% power output for the first 10 years and a 80% power output for the entire 25 years. In fact, some panels can even remain over 80% efficient past the end of their lives.


> some panels can even remain over 80% efficient past the end of their lives.

Then it shouln't be the end of their lives, should it?

If you need x kw of power for daily use and your panels dip below that production figure you need to add more or replace the panels.

A market system for the lifecycle of panels to move the from new high value installation to lower cost ones with lower efficiency.

No need to recycle until they’ve been completely used.

Probably move them from the North to rural southern areas of America, or perhaps to the developing world who hopefully can use the last few watts before a local recycling facility.

Hawaii, near southern point, has a road with one side abandoned windmills. At least mines in USA have a reclamation plan and bond to pay for it.


Oh look. It's a lie. Article dated 2019 about something that had been decomissined for 7 years (and were not even abandoned to begin with but in the process of being replaced and then investigated for reopening).



I drove there down a southern road in 2010 past a long row of rusting windmills. I have not been back since then, so I don't know the current condition. I saw many near the southern-most point.

What are your thoughts on a site reclamation bond before construction?

As long as it's indexed off actual decomissioning costs somehow and not just a wind-tax (and similarly doesn't massively underfund like the nuclear decommisioning levy) I think it's an excellent idea. We shouldn't let utilities get away with shit just because it's not fossil fuels.

I don't know details about nuclear decommisioning. In my experience, State permitting standards for decommissioning bonds have been implemented as part of mine permitting and oil and gas permitting. I would like to see more people getting their States to be proactive on all of this: mines wells tires PV iDevices.

The laboratory of States will find and create solutions, without a one-size-fits-none federal mandate.

For small scale PV, the cost is so negligible and the benefit of uniformity is so large that everyone having the same rule is by far the best solution. Just adopting WEEE verbatim would solve it entirely and even if it is flawed, the problem is so simple the harms will be smaller than non-standardization and loopholes.

No reason there can't be a per region method for the wind as long as it doesn't make them vulnerable to more powerful, hostile non-state entities (mining, tech companies, and fossil fuels is a fairly big precedent). The wind turbine industry is still fairly chaotic, but will likely become as centralised and powerful.

On a side note, why aren't governments providing rebates so people start putting solar panels everywhere?

Like, by now, considering we're facing major environmental catastrophe without seriously drastic action, wouldn't it just be wise to put panels almost everywhere there is at least sunshine for a decent part of the year.

Like what are we doing? ha

I'm trying to buy a block of land next door with a decent sized shed on it for this very reason. So we can cover the roof of the shed with panels. I'll be doing this out of my own pocket, and yes I'll get cheaper energy bills, but still, bit of a not to be doing it. ?

The federal government currently provides a 30% tax rebate for solar installations. You should also check if your state offers any rebates. You stand to save a lot of money! https://www.energy.gov/eere/solar/homeowners-guide-federal-t...

> On a side note, why aren't governments providing rebates so people start putting solar panels everywhere?

In most places they did. They worked. Now it's time to wind them down either legislate renters' rights to their roof space or start subsidizing other things like low environmental impact batteries or tidal.

[Citation Needed]

I vaguely recall they did this in Australia and solar panel installers just increased the price by the government rebate anyway so it didn't actually make it cheaper.

>solar panel installers

Not only is a citation needed, but also common sense.

Surely the theory of capitalism suggests even if one installer didn't collude, the other would be forced to conceed or lose marketshare.

> why aren't governments providing rebates so people start putting solar panels everywhere?

They do, in lots of countries, for at least 10-20 years

US federal and state governments did and do subsidize solar.

It's mostly silicon, how bad could the waste be?

Solar modules contain lead for soldering and some contain cadmium telluride (CdTe).[1] If handled and recycled correctly, the risk of exposure of lead and cadmium into the environment is minimal. However, there is a possibility that such materials are released by accident (fire, cracks) or improper disposal. That is why there are demands that solar modules containing CdTe should be basically abandoned, as there exist alternatives. However, the overall risk appears to be comparable to that of other products containing these materials, such as many consumer electronics.

[1] CdTe has a low toxicity. However, it may pose a significant hazard if its cadmium is released by some chemical reaction, which cannot generally be ruled out.

> Solar modules contain lead for soldering

Not all of them, and lead is also non-essential. Most solder in other contexts is already lead-free. It's also pretty minor compared to the other sources of lead in our lives already.

> some contain cadmium telluride (CdTe)

only "thin film" cells, which are virtually obsolete- they're the flexible kind that you get in "cell charging" backpacks and stuff. Price decreases in silicon in large-scale use, so they have absolutely no bearing on renewable energy. They're not worth mentioning- a 100x increase in solar power will not increase the amount of cadmium cells at all.

The reports I quoted in reply to another comment here claimed a rather high market share for CdTe cells and predicted massively increasing volumns in the future. So even if they might become obsolete for "classic" flat panels, they seem to remain with us for "flexible" solutions, arn't they?

The current global solar market is 170+ billion, compared to your reports giving CdTe <1 billion. That first link you posted estimates 60% annual growth, which seems... very not realistic.


Lead solder is still preferred by many governments as its use is far safer for workers compared to lead-free solders. It's a constant fight between the manufacturing nations trying to protect their workers whereas the EU wants ROHS to make end-of-life recycling easier.

Why is lead-free solder less safe for workers?

The fluxes used with lead-free solder release about 2.5x as much particulate matter into the air and has been linked in multiple studies to a variety of lung issues. Current recommendations in the USA when working with lead-free solder is to do so in a downward pressure clean room of class 100,000 or better, in a fume hood, or while wearing an appropriate respirator while near the contaminated air. The flux used for leaded solder is a heavy particle that doesn't rise up as much when heated and can be handled safely with only fume extractors.

There's several other issues with lead-free solder that leaded solder does not have such as crystalline growths amongst a variety of other latent defects that can form well after cleaning and examination is completed.

They've been completely abandoned for a while now. If you stack the small portion of CdTe ones neatly somewhere, someone will want the Te soon enough.

Lead is already mostly phased out.

This does not seem to be the case. I googled "cdte cells market share" and immediately found a couple of Web-sites that say otherwise (although their numbers differ quite considerably):




6 billion in 2028 works out to <2.4% of the market.


So the highest growth projections put them at a small fraction of today's monocrystalline market a few years after it's fairly likely that there'll be yet another technology dominating because it lowers resource requirements?

If you're that worried about a few grams of Cd per kW, please ban them or implement a version of WIEEE. You'll have to ban nuclear control rods and a few other things too.

Cyanide is just carbon and nitrogen. How could it be possibly toxic?

Elements and chemicals are very different things. Silicon is the #2 most common element on earth and if you smash a bunch of solar panels, they turn into sand when they get wet. Or if you just wait.

Even pure silicon metal is totally benign, even in large amounts. Certainly safer than iron, which can kill you in relatively small amounts if it's in a bioavailable form. Silicon is already literally everywhere, in every form it will reasonably be transformed into.

Even the boron and phosphorus that make up a tiny percent of cells are extremely benign. The biggest issues are the tin fingers and solder, and probably the lead that is often present. But lead is also far from necessary. And unfortunately, the human race is going to be dealing with lead dust for a while already, just from how it used to be in gasoline.

So the asbestos lobby was right and there's nothing dangerous about snorting it. It's after all just a funny shaped silicate that's totally benign.

1) This is the technical answer: Cyanide binds fairly strongly to one of the molecular machines involved in cellular respiration, inactivating it.

The result of that inactivation is that your cell begins to have issues producing ATP, even when it has nutrients available. Without going too far into detail, ATP is essentially the cellular unit of energy that your cells run on. Without being able to make more, your cell will eventually run out of ATP and it will die. Enough cells die? You'll die.

2) The more important point here is that not only is your intuition uninformed, but you appear to be incredulous as well. Ask yourself why you react to unintuitive results in areas you're not familiar with in the way that you do.

Can't just melt it into a blob like you can with glass

If you’re trying to recycle 100%, this is an expensive and hard to handle stream. If you’re cool pulling the aluminum and Alternative Daily Cover / landfill the rest, it’s not that bad and the infrastructure can handle it / exists.

For conversational context, linking this recent article on solar waste touching more on the current state and concerns from the reverse logistics industry: https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-07-14/california...

"Experts once warned millions of tons of waste from solar panels was on the horizon"

Eh, no expert ever warned that. It was always an overblown issue, taken up by bored members of the press with deadlines to meet and column-inches to fill with words, shadow-funded by oil interest astroturf campaigns.

Do you have some resources about recycling of panels? I understand the point of the article is it's no longer the pressing issue it was once considered (by some), but I am curious if it's now just a delayed problem, or if recycling is a solved problem? Thanks!

Industrial scale recycling is both extant and has been mandatory in many countries for close to a decade http://www.solarwaste.eu/

I don't, and I don't care. I do know that if you took every single solar panel in California (~40GW worth) and just stacked them up 10 meters high, they would only occupy 250 acres. It's a non-problem.

Manufactured goods require resources and produce waste, film at 11.

They probably meant: "Oil companies once warned..."

The waste was always a distraction, to the real problem of batteries.

There's a lot to be done to get enough battery manufacturing and recycling. (In particular, sodium-sulfur has to catch on.)

Interesting - assuming the panels last twice as long also drops the per-watt price pretty dramatically, which changes the economics on solar panels pretty favorably.

Panels come with 20/25 year warranty that after that period they have declined a maximum of 20% in performance.

It doesn't change the per-watt price at all and it might even increase the per-watt price as the average efficiency will likely decrease over its lifespan. It does drop the per-joule price though as it will produce more energy due to having a longer lifespan.

i explained this in a comment thread here 3 months ago

> your concern is like a kid worrying that if his parents buy him a lollipop they won't be able to afford this month's rent…not completely disconnected from reality but it's way out of proportion


i touched on the points of longevity, total scale, recyclability, toxicity, and land use, and i calculated that the solar panels needed to power the entire world's total energy use would fit into a single reservoir in andhra pradesh

i've been talking about this for years

too bad fast company reporters don't read hn threads, dan gearino could have avoided embarrassing himself in his february article for inside climate news

commenting here is a fucking waste of time, and so is reading fast company or inside climate news

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