Hi HN, since my kid was born (almost 16 months ago) I haven't had much time to learn new things, which is something I have always enjoyed.
Similarly to many people, I learn a lot by doing some kind of project (big or small). But since my time is rather constrained, it would like to do some "scratch my itch" kind of project, something that may be useful enough to keep using it.
I though of asking you, people at HN, what kind of "scratch your own itch" projects have you done or are doing?
I'd like to do something computer related (to learn some Golang), but I'm curious about non-computer projects as well.
I hated angular when it first came out and couldn't believe what insanity people were willing to put up with, so long as it came from google. (e.g. GWT) I created https://intercoolerjs.org out of frustration with that, and the lack of progress in HTML/hypermedia in general, so I could build a web application I was working on (https://leaddyno.com, since sold).
When covid hit I took a look back at intercooler and decided that it was really two things: HTML++ and a scripting language, so I split it up into htmx, focused just on the hypermedia angle, and hyperscript, the scripting language I wanted for the web (derived from HyperTalk, and old scripting language from HyperCard on the mac).
I now use them both professionally (email me if you want to use them too.)