Not really new as it is built on top of Parasolid. The nice UI is fairly new, dictated by the tablet environment and style given while building upon traditional CAD approaches. Their claim of 'reinventing CAD' is very difficult to take seriously when they basically leverage on a 40 years old traditional and highly optimized product where the success point is only that it was made available on tablets when Parasolid compiled their kernel on the then newest Apple hardware (which was powerful enough now to run Parasolid). More like being in the right place in the right time kind of thing, not revolution, exposing the essential functionality of a huge set, while graciously forgetting that CAD is not only about accurate solid modeling (a huge part of it though) but coordination, engineering and workflow matters, without those it is a first unrealised step towards a product, not a reinvention at all, not even close.
Nicely simplified handling though, kudos there, exposing well the subset of Parasolid functions being enough. Very good in its niche, in the domain of simple pretty things where forgetting hard matters is acceptable, democratising part (geometry) of the design for more people. The advances in making additive manufacturing available to the masses could elevate it further, true to its roots, by riding the right horses. (assuming it could connect to other tools in a similarly simplified manner that could do the remaing jobs for it in realizing a product)