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Proggit challenge: Find a number N which, when Googled, yields N results (reddit.com)
11 points by iamelgringo on Oct 17, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

It's hacking.

Or don't do this, and:

  1) Don't get IP blocked from Google

  2) Get some real work done instead

Somebody on the thread did it, via shell script, and didn't get IP blocked. Point #2 is a good one, though.

Yeah, I prefer "make something people want".

1) generate random 10000<n<100000

2) check number of results-- n > results?

3) submit comment to a recent reddit post, which will be updated on Google within 10 seconds, containing n repeated (n - results) times.

I once submitted (to NTK) this hilarious search-and-replace-typo where someone replaced Bill in Billionare with Gates to make Gatesionare.

Sinisterly, I can't find it on Google anymore. Odd.

Wow, I justed took 20 minutes of my life looking into that, and you know something, I won't get those 20 minutes back.

Here is the answer tho in roman numeral form where * means "times" :


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