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Your perception is that the probability of seeing someone that works at Google in the United States is as low as seeing an extraterrestrial capable of speaking English? What justification do you have for believing that I would be incapable of asking questions that would be able to tell the difference between an actual engineer at Google, and a random person pulling my leg? Google employs more than a hundred thousand people in North America alone. Some people that are now employed there were in my graduating class! Do you have some reason to call me an idiot?

Mr. Edman. I have no doubts about your experience. I'm sorry if I've hurt your feelings.

What was the pragmatic purpose of saying "A person pulled me aside and told me he was an alien" if not to cast doubt on me talking to a Google employee? You didn't hurt my feelings but you were clearly trying to express doubt that I talked to a person that worked at Google. Where does that doubt come from?

Mr Edmam

I have received and read your response regarding my apology to you. I'm concerned that I may have upset you more than I realised.

My grandfather once told me not to take in too seriously random strangers comments. I try to live by that advice, wether it's comments from internet strangers, or, for that matter, customers at the phone shop.

This is of course not an advice from me to you. But I thought I'd share it with you in case you might find it useful too.


R. Root

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