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They ended up rewarding him with $70,000 tho

    > "Due to this, they decided to make an exception"
Sounds like they weren't going to at first, though, because it appeared to be a duplicate, but this was the better bug report that prompted an action.

(To be fair: my hat's off to Google for even having one, and it's still shocking to me that AWS doesn't have one at all.)

AWS has a bug bounty it's just hosted by the fine black hat community instead of amazon

took me a moment to catch! nice!

yeah because he made a fuzz about it. Guess how many bugs are reported in and they just tell you it was already submitted and never talk to you again.

Yeah I agree with that one. They set up a call and he stood by his decision to disclose it on oct 15th. Then 3 days before the disclosure deadline they rewarded him.

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