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Python Asyncio (superfastpython.com)
223 points by simonpure on Nov 10, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 181 comments

Not complete - doesn't include Task Groups [1]

In fairness they were only included in asyncio as of Python 3.11, which was released a couple of weeks ago.

These were an idea originally from Trio [2] where they're called "nurseries" instead of "task groups". My view is that you're better off using Trio, or at least anyio [3] which gives a Trio-like interface to asyncio. One particularly nice thing about Trio (and anyio) is that there's no way to spawn background tasks except to use task groups i.e. there's no analogue of asyncio's create_task() function. That is good because it guarantees that no task is ever left accidentally running in the background and no exception left silently uncaught.

[1] https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-task.html#task-gro...

[2] https://github.com/python-trio/trio

[3] https://anyio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

I have such a feeling of tragedy about Python. I wish it had migrated to BEAM or implemented something similar, instead of growing all this async stuff. Whenever I see anything about Python asyncio, I'm reminded of gar1t's hilarious but NSFW rant about node.js, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzkRVzciAZg . Content warning: lots of swearing, mostly near the end.

That's a blast from the past. Incredible that 10 years ago people thought using a thread per request is a good idea because anything else is too hard.

I'd argue that thread-per-request is even a better idea now, given the massive number of cores and memory in modern servers.


Request passed to a thread pool. Each thread is juggling coroutines representing in flight requests

Is that worth the complexity? I like the way Go does it. The runtime is managing the actual threading and async IO as it schedules go routines, but to the programmer it all looks like normal synchronous code.

thread per request doesn't imply kernel threads. And I'm pretty sure even a kernel thread per request in a faster language is going to be better than asincio in python.

BEAM has user level processes and can run millions of them in a not too huge VM.

Python, more than other languages, ends up being used in utility scripts on end user devices, where you'll find just about everything. Python's async seems to still have a large swing in available features. Unlike async methods in other languages, semi-serious dabbling in it just for fun is courting a lot of headaches later.

Ok, we've taken completeness out of the title above.

After 2 years of using asyncio in production, I recommend to avoid it if you can. With async programming, you take the complexity of concurrent programming, which is way harder than you can imagine.

Also nobody mentions this for some reason, but asyncio doesn't make your programs faster, in fact it makes everything 100x SLOWER (we measured it multiple times, compared the same thing to the sync version), but makes your program concurrent (NOT parallel), where the tradeoff is you use more CPU, maybe less memory, and can saturate your bandwidth better. Never do anything CPU-bound in an async loop!

Asyncio is not ment for CPU Bound Task but for IO Bound Tasks. You should have used multiprocessing. The problem you describe is exactly what asyncio is used for: saturate your bandwidth better.

maybe the right aproach would have been a Threadpool? Plus you don't have to refractor the task. Just let it run sync, but you can make it also async

"Asyncio is not ment for CPU Bound Task but for IO Bound Tasks."

You can amplify this; pure Python is not meant for CPU-bound tasks. If you have a pure Python task, you've CPU optimized it somewhat, and it's still too slow, the answer is, get out of pure Python.

There's half-a-dozen options that still leave you essentially in Python land (just not pure Python anymore) like cython or NumPy, and of course dozens of other languages that leave Python entirely.

To accelerate a pure Python task to the speed that you can get out of a single thread of a more efficient language, you have to perfectly parallelize your task across upwards of 40 CPUs (conservatively!), because that's how slow pure Python is. asyncio isn't a solution to this, but neither is any sort of multiprocessing of the pure Python either.

This is not criticism. This is just engineering reality. Pure Python is a fun language, but a very slow one.

In other languages the async paradigm work for multiple kind of workflows, not just heavily IO bound ones.

But it only does so because you can move out that extra work from the async thread into a thread pool.

In Python there's no benefit in doing this due to the GIL, unless you're using a module which implements its own multithreading (for example in C). Python is not alone with this issue.

In other languages you're basically stepping out of the async paradigm in order to use threading in parallel. You can wait for result of the thread in the async loop without blocking.

I really enjoy using asyncio in Python for things where I have to do a lot of stuff in parallel, like executing remote scripts in a dozen of servers in parallel via AsyncSSH or for low workload servers which query databases.

In any case, what keeps me hooked on Python like a junkie is the `reload(module)` which I invoke via an inotify hook every time a file/module changes:




server.py loads reloader.py (which sets up inotify) and that one takes care of reloading server_handler.py whenever it changes. server.py defers all the request/response handling to server_handler.py which can be edited on the fly so that the next request executes the new code. Instant hot reloading.

This also works very nice with asyncio (like aiohttp) and one ends up with very readable code.

If you need performance, then use Java, Rust, Go or C/C++, but for prototyping and tooling I absolutely love this approach with Python.

Can you give me an example which languages do this?

In Kotlin for instance you can execute your coroutines with different "dispatchers", which have different behaviors. You can for instance use a dispatcher with multiple threads in a threadpool, run it in the main thread, a specific thread, in threads with low/high priority etc. Basically allowing you to write code using the async/coroutine paradigm, but then control its execution from the outside.

So I've also used coroutines in Kotlin for CPU bound tasks with a nice speedup, where multiple sub-tasks get executed in parallel and then gathered when needed to produce new tasks etc., in a granular way that would be very intrusive doing with threadpools. Here I basically took the existing coroutine code and slapped some more threads on it.

With that said, I'm not entirely sold on Kotlin's way either. Both Kotlin and Python have the "what color is your function" problem.

> In Kotlin for instance you can execute your coroutines with different "dispatchers", which have different behaviors. You can for instance use a dispatcher with multiple threads in a threadpool, run it in the main thread, a specific thread, in threads with low/high priority etc. Basically allowing you to write code using the async/coroutine paradigm, but then control its execution from the outside.

I'm not very experienced with Kotlin, but that sounds similar to python's run_in_executor [1]

[1] https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-eventloop.html#asy...

Look at seastar.io which is an async concurrency library for C++. It is painful in that it resembles node.js but it is very performant. I'd be interested in seeing a version adapted to use C++20 coroutines.

Depending on the specifics, a threadpool proabably wouldn't help with a CPU bound task due to GIL limitations. `multiprocess.Pool` might (though process pools aren' without their overheads)

any concurrency system that is properly designed supports both types of tasks.

I only know C#: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/async#recogn...

There you also have to act differently based the task

The docs on that page explicitly say you just have to provide a different parameter (basically, to force it to use a thread-like instead of select-like approach).

The docs on that page also point you to a different task library which does what I'd expect:

"If the work is appropriate for concurrency and parallelism, also consider using the Task Parallel Library."

I checked those docs and that is a framework that makes sense.

Not sure how that's different than Python asyncio's "run blocking stuff with `run_in_executor`, the result (future) of which integrates into the async event loop?

it's threaded with the option to use 1:M, N:N or N:M. It's a mental model that includes both asyncio and threads, while async will always only be for IO-blocking calls that can be multiplexed.

This just sounds like you fundamentally misunderstood how asyncio works and applied it to a use-case which it wasn't suited to. Why would you use async if you're doing a bunch of CPU-bound work?

This is an insane take, if you are doing async you already HAVE a need for concurrent programming. Async just makes that simpler to read and write.

Unfortunately the majority of people who use asyncio in the real world do not have a need for concurrenct programming. They are drawn to it because they believe it is faster, which, generally, it is not. That isn't to say there aren't reasonable usecases - but most people using asyncio are writing webapps which spend a lot of time in the CPU generating or outputting JSON/GraphQL/HTML.

I think this may be influenced by Node. With JS and Node, async is cheap and ergonomic, so it's very widely used, even if the latency gains are marginal.

With Python and asyncio, neither assumption holds, but the idea of shaving off some latency persists: if we rewrite everything using asyncio, our DB accesses can be parallelized, yay! This may or may not be a net win in latency; reworking your DB access patterns may gain you more.

> reworking your DB access patterns may gain you more.

Nope: https://techspot.zzzeek.org/2015/02/15/asynchronous-python-a...

I don't say that asyncio gives you nothing! Go for it with your DB access if you have already gone async in your design.

But often the lower-hanging fruit is doing more joins in the DB, fetching fewer columns, and writing your query more thoughtfully. Async only helps if you can do something while waiting for the DB to complete your query. A common anti-pattern, exacerbated by ORMs, is doing a bunch of small queries while passing bits of data between them in Python; moving that to asyncio won't help much, if any.

> But often the lower-hanging fruit is doing more joins in the DB, fetching fewer columns, and writing your query more thoughtfully.

Reluctant to add a "me-too" comment but I think you have it there. For whatever reason people are much keener to investigate different ways of scheduling IO than they are to investigate what the query plan looks like and why.

It may not be the norm, but there are definitely apps/services out there that require heavy-duty database queries and can have their throughput bottlenecked by synchronous DB IO latency, and would benefit from asyncio on the database side. Also, SQLAlchemy supports asyncio now.

> Async just makes that simpler to read and write.

Really? I definitely had a huge struggle reading async python, because generators and yields break the concept of "what is a function" and struggled writing async python because of function coloring.

I am really not a fan of generators and yields for the same reason. But over time I've come to see it as ever-so-slightly more elegant syntax sugar for a class that maintains internal state to sequentially return specific values in response to a series of calls to a function.

The least they could have done is sugared it to something that isn't "def", like "gen" or "defgen"

Unless I'm misunderstanding your comment they do, it's `async def` to denote a coroutine.

They're referring to generator functions. A generator function typically open a resource and then use a for loop to read (for example) a line at a time and yield it. once you yield, control returns to the caller (like a return) but subsequent calls to next on the returned expression pick back up at the yield point. So function calls maintain state-behind-the-scenes. It's not just a simple call-and-return model anymore.

To me this violates a core principle: the principle of least surprise. It completely changes how I have to reason about function execution, especially if there are conditionals and different yields.

It's the buried `yield` in a loop somewhere, magically changing your function into a generator, that can be confusing – it's on the original coder to have the docstring say `"""Generator yielding records from DB."""` or something.

Day to day Python async should be using generators and yields.

Generators are great for predictable concurrency. Things like asynchronous I/O, with timeouts and stuff, require more support on the language and stdlib level.

Async python by design is not concurrent, nothing is executing at the same time on different cores/threads. There's one worker loop and one task running on it at a time.

Concurrency is not Parallelism. You should watch this quintessential talk about the difference - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oV9rvDllKEg

This is Rob's perspective, but it's not universally shared. In my mind, all concurrency is a form of parallelism (parallel tasks, but not parallel threads) while not all parallelism is concurrency. I have frequently solved concurrency problems with thread pools, rather than using non-blocking IO, because the programming paradigm is a lot simpler.

You got the the wrong way round: all parallelism is a form of concurrency.

In Python, thread pools and async work mostly the same in practice, except that threads have a bigger overhead. So they can be used to solve the same problems.

I think you mean it is not parallel. Cooperative multitasking is absolutely a type of concurrency

I'm pretty sure a lot of people don't understand the tradeoffs and don't really need concurrent code. There are really only a couple of use-cases where it's really handy: for example an API gateway, where you only get and send HTTP requests. Other than that, I don't see how it worth the insane complexity (compared to sync code).

You can write web servers in a sync manner; Flask, Django is way better if you only need an API, choosing FastAPI for a simple REST API is a huge mistake.

> FastAPI for a simple REST API is a huge mistake

FastAPI can be sync or async, although sync will have "a small performance penalty"


Choosing fastapi for a fast api is a mistake?

Choosing unnecessary complexity for a simple task is a mistake. FastAPI is not faster than Django or Flask for a single request, quite the opposite.

How is Django less complex than FastAPI? Django was built for monolithic web applications - it does fine with REST, but your position is backward. FastAPI is purpose built for smaller APIs

What kind of APIs are you writing that don’t involve db lookups or calls to other services?

Asyncio does not make your db calls or io faster, it does make your code more complex.

The only thing async io gives you is scalability of many MANY concurrent io operations. You have to either be pushing seriously large traffic or doing a lot of long running websocket/sse/long polling type requests.

The only other use case is lots of truly concurrent io within one request/response cycle. But again that is unusual, most apis have low single digit db queries that are usually dependent on one another removing any advantage of async.

> The only other use case is lots of truly concurrent io within one request/response cycle. But again that is unusual, most apis have low single digit db queries that are usually dependent on one another removing any advantage of async.

Why just "within one cycle"? What about situation where you spend 1s in single db query and are 100ms cpu bound during request handling?

Transitional multithreaded Python web servers handle that very well and have for decades, you shouldn't need to manually handle yealding in simple cases in your application code.

The point is asyncio is to have find grade control of yealding.

This isn't a problem specific to python though. You hint at it, async programming (single thread worker loop) is not the right way to deal with CPU-bound tasks. NodeJS or any other async language would have the same problems. You want multiprocessing or multithreading, where work is distributed to different CPU cores at the same time. Python gives you the ability to use any of those three paradigms. Choose wisely.

After using gevent for about a decade I have started using asyncio for new projects, just because it's in the standard library and has the official async blessing of the Python gods. Indeed it is way harder. I'm always coming up against little gotchas that take time to debug and fix. Part of me enjoys the challenge of learning something new and solving little puzzles. It's getting easier, especially as I build up a collection of in-house async libraries for various things. As for performance, it's not too bad for mostly io bound tasks, which is why one uses async in the first place. Some tight loop benchmarks for message passing with other processes show it to be about half the speed of gevent in my case, which is fine. It's nice to be able to deploy async microservices without installing gevent, and there's a certain value to the discipline that it imposes. I like how I am able to bring non-async code into the async world using threading. I imagine the performance would improve quite a bit with pypy, perhaps exceeding that of gevent. Gevent makes it so damn easy, I've been spoiled. I was disappointed when asyncio came out, as I would have preferred the ecosystem moved in the gevent direction instead; but I'm coming around. It's super annoying how the python ecosystem has been bifurcated with asyncio. You really have to choose one way or another at the beginning of a project and stick with it.

And yeah, async programming (in Python) isn't really for CPU bound stuff. You might benefit from multiprocessing and just use asyncio to coordinate, which is what it excels at. PyPy can really help with CPU bound stuff too, if the code is mostly pure Python.

Java with Project Loom will be like gevent.

My opinion is that async/evented is a (useful) performance hack.

You wouldn't do it that way for any reason other than you can get better performance than way than by using threading or other pre-emptive multitasking.

It's not a better developer experience than writing straight forward code where threads are linear and interruptions happen transparently to the flow of the code. There are foot guns everywhere, with long running tasks that don't yield or places where there are hidden blocking actions.

It reminds me a bit of the old system 6 mac cooperative multitasking. It was fine, and significantly faster because your program would only yield when you let it do it, so critical sections coule be guaranteed to not context shift. However, you could bring the entire machine to a halt by holding down the mouse button, as eventually an event handler would get stuck waiting for mouse up.

Pre-emptive multitasking was a huge step forward -- it made things a bit slower on average, but the tail latency was greatly improved, because all the processes were guaranteed at least some slice of the machine.

"Performance" is too wide a term, asyncio does not improve performance in the most widely understood interoperation, "speed". Talking about performance benefits of asyncio causes people to misunderstand where it is best used.

"Scalability" is a better word to use when talking about asyncio. Along with describing complex concurrent programming such as for a GUI, where the added syntactical complexity if outweighed by the reduced boilerplate of traditional GUI programming.

Yeah, talking speed in the manner of C1M sorts of things. Server stuff - where python tends to be rather than GUI side. It's demonstrably faster for IO to not be context switching with threads -- but if threads were equal weight to events, I don't the event programming style being more programmer productive than the threaded style. I can see where events are useful in a GUI context, but UI Thread + thread pool dispatch still works well, if your framework supports it.

Just this week, I got to the bottom of a performance issue in django because the developers were using async, and then doing eleventy billion db queries to import a big csv, thereby blocking all other requests.

One of the questions I ask on our programming interviews is "how would you make this (cpu bound) thing go faster" -- Async is definitely a low quality answer to that, when things like indexing or hash lookup vs array scan are still on the table.

> 100x SLOWER (we measured it multiple times, compared the same thing to the sync version)

I'd need to know the methodology. Asyncio is "gated", meaning that coroutines execute in tranches. When you queue up a bunch of coroutines from another coroutine, they don't execute right away instead they go in a list. Then when the current tranche completes the next one starts. There's some tidying up which occurs with every tranche.

As an (only one) example of "measuring the wrong thing", if you queue up a single task 1000 times which takes as its argument a unique timer instance it matters whether you queue them up one at a time as they finish running or queue them all up at once.

    # (c) 2022 Fred Morris, Tacoma WA USA. Apache 2.0 license.
    """Illustrating the tranche effect in asyncio."""

    from time import time
    import asyncio

    N = 1000

    class TimerInstance(object):
        def __init__(self, accumulator):
            self.accumulator = accumulator
            self.start = time()
        def stop(self):
            self.accumulator.cumulative += time() - self.start
    class Timer(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.cumulative = 0.0
        def timer(self):
            return TimerInstance(self)

    async def a_task(timer):

    def main():
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        timing = Timer()
        overall = time()
        for i in range(N):
            loop.run_until_complete( loop.create_task( a_task(timing.timer()) ) )
        print('Sequential: {}   Overall: {}'.format(timing.cumulative, time() - overall))
        timing = Timer()
        overall = time()
        for i in range(N):
            loop.create_task( a_task(timing.timer()) )
        print('Tranche: {}   Overall: {}'.format(timing.cumulative, time() - overall))

    if __name__ == '__main__':

    # ./tranche-demo.py 
    Sequential: 0.02229022979736328   Overall: 0.04146838188171387
    Tranche: 6.084041595458984   Overall: 0.012317180633544922

Async in general (not just python) doesn’t speed up any computation.

The value is allowing you to do something else while waiting for IO to finish. If you are constantly doing IO, async is a good tool. Otherwise, it won’t help.

You are doing it wrong then, asyncio is never designed for and not useful for CPU bound tasks. Use multiprocessing for CPU bound tasks. In our system before asyncio, sqlalchemy commits and httpx requests are blocking The API calls and it takes 21 seconds every time, now only 1.2 seconds. We had optimized by making every IO (db.commit(),httpx.post) to run inside asyncio.create_task.

So they are operating outside of the request without slowing it down.

We had used aync since 2014 ( twisted, tornado), and officially having async await in python starting 3.7 was the best thing happened to python.

The clue is in the name: asyncIO is for, well, I/O bound stuff...

asyncio gets a lot of hype, but I prefer concurrent.futures. It feels more simple and general since I don't have to make everything awaitable.

It used to get brought up every time asyncio was mentioned on here.

I either use multiprocessing, or celery. using async/await looks ugly, doesn't solve most problems I would want it to, and feels unstable.

Maybe once development around it settles down I'll revisit, but I can't imagine wanting to use it in it's current form.

I've experienced something similar using asyncio as well, but I think you're wrong to blame the inherent complexity of concurrent programming.

I've used curio as an alternative concurrent programming engine for a med-large project (and many small ones). In comparison to asyncio, it's a joy to use.

What I'm saying if you don't need concurrency, don't trade off simplicity. For REST APIs and websites, probably not needed.

Rest APIs and websites are IO bound. Your python program is there purely coordinating between disk io, database (network) io, calls to other services (io). You can be choreographing thousands of requests concurrently and still barely doing any cpu.

The overhead to do a similar service using threadpools is much higher and the reason asyncio exists.

I seem to use asyncio a lot, so maybe it's just good for internet plumbing. Things I've used it for:

* A Postfix TCP table.

* A milter.

* DNS request forwarding.

* Reading data from a Unix domain socket and firing off dynamic DNS updates.

* A DNS proxy for Redis.

* A netflow agent.

* A stream feeder for Redis.


By the way you can't use it for disk I/O, but you can try to use it for e.g. STDOUT: https://github.com/m3047/shodohflo/blob/5a04f1df265d84e69f10...

  class UniversalWriter(object):
    """Plastering over the differences between file descriptors and network sockets."""

what about aiofiles[0] for disk I/O?

[0] https://github.com/Tinche/aiofiles

Not sure. A cursory look suggests it runs file ops in a thread pool.

The problem that I'm aware of is at a deeper level and has to do with the ability (or lack thereof) to set nonblocking on file descriptors associated with disk files.

Your look is correct, it basically wraps file i/o in to_thread().

There is very little in everyday Python usage that benefits from Asyncio. Two in webdev, are long running request (Websockets, SSE, long polling), and processing multiple backend IO processes in parallel. However the later is very rare, you may think you have multiple DB request that could use asyncio, but most of the time they are dependent on each other.

Almost all of the time a normal multithreaded Python server is perfectly sufficient and much easer to code.

My recommendation is only use it where it is really REALY required.

I don't know what you use Python for every day. Sure for some utility scripts it doesn't matter. I use it to run my ecommerce business, and for a variety of other plumbing, mostly for passing messages around between users, APIs, databases, printers, etc. Async programming is a must for just about everything. I guess the alternative would be thread pools, or process pools, like back in the day; but that has a lot of downsides. It is slower, way more resource intensive, and state sharing/synchronization becomes a major issue, you can only handle thread number of tasks concurrently and you're going to use that memory all the time; not to mention all the code needs to be thread safe. Most of our systems use gevent, but we've starting using asyncio for new projects.

Same as you, e-commerce store, along with other mostly web projects, quite a bit of real-time and long running requests. I also use Gevent extensively (I prefer it to asyncio).

We use Gevent or Asyncio in a small number of routes that either have long running requests, SSE in our case, or have a very large number of rear facing io requests we can parallelise (a few back office screens and processes).

The complexity that asyncio would add to the the code for the 95% of routs that don't need it would add a lot of unnecessary overhead to development.

My point is, I don't believe it adds any value 95% of the time, but does, sometimes significantly, 5% of the time. I think it's better to only use it where it's really needed and stick to old fashioned, none concurrent, code everywhere else.

Ok, I can agree with that. Gevent doesn't really add any cognitive overhead or complexity at all. Asyncio sure does, and makes the code hard to read too. Long ago I settled on a stack that includes using gevent for anything that listens on a socket, never regretted it.

Sure. As a general rule the general style of coding using in async-await approaches is primarily about one of two things

The first purpose is allowing more throughput at the expense of per request latency (Typically each request will take longer than with equivalent sync code).

The main scenario where an async version could potentially complete sooner than a sync version is when the the code is able to start multiple async tasks and then await then as a group. For example if your task needs to make 10 http requests, and make those requests sequentially like one would in sync code, it will be slower. If one starts all ten calls and then awaits the results, then you might be able to a speedup on this overall request.

Other main purpose is when working with a UI framework where there is a main thread, and certain operations can only occur on the main thread. Use of async/await pattern helps avoid accidentally blocking the main thread, which can kill application responsiveness. This is why the pattern is used in javascript, and was one of the headline scenarios when C# first introduced this pattern. (The alternative being other methods of asynchrony which typically include use of callbacks, which can make the code harder to develop or understand).

But basically, unless you have UI blocking problems, or are concerned about the number of requests per second you can handle, async-await patterns may be better avoided. It being even more costly in python than it is in some other languages does not really help.

Fully agree with this! Just stick to Flask/Django if you doing a simple website/API. Async also makes DB connections slower, here is a great piece from Mike Bayer from years ago: https://techspot.zzzeek.org/2015/02/15/asynchronous-python-a...

Agreed, the SaaS Python application I maintain does SSE with threads. It is not the prettiest thing but it works and threads are cheaper than rewriting the whole thing to be async.

I never understood why gevent wasn't integrated more into default Python. I think at the moment it still requires monkey patching, so non-aware functions use the gevent variants. But once you've done that, you can gevent.spawn() a normal python function and it also runs concurrent (though not parallel) and is suspended when blocking I/O happens. No function coloring required. I'm sure there is some reason why that wasn't done. Anyone knows?

Completely agree with this.

I have several python services running as glue between some of our components. They all use threading. I find it alot easier to reason about.

I have used asyncio through aiohttp, and I have been pretty happy with it, but I also started with it from the beginning, so that probably made things a little easier.

My setup is a bunch of microservices that each run an aiohttp web server based api for calls from the browser where communications between services are done async using rabbitmq and a hand rolled pub/sub setup. Almost all calls are non-blocking, except for calls to Neo4j (sadly, they block, but Neo4j is fast, so its not really a problem.)

With an async api I like the fact that I can make very fast https replies to the browser while queing the resulting long running job and then responding back to the Vue based SPA client over a web socket connection. This gives the interface a really snappy feel.

But Complex? Oh yes.

But the upside is that it is also a very flexible architecture, and I like the code isolation that you get with microservices. Nevertheless, more than once I have thought about whether I would choose it all again knowing what I know now. Maybe a monolithic flask app would have been a lot easier if less sexy. But where's the fun in that?

> With an async api I like the fact that I can make very fast https replies to the browser while queing the resulting long running job and then responding back to the Vue based SPA client over a web socket connection. This gives the interface a really snappy feel.

How does this compare to doing the same with eg. Django Channels (or other ASGI-aware frameworks)?

I have yet to find a use case compelling enough to dive into async in Python (doesn't help that I also work in JS and Go so I just turn to them for in cases where I could maybe use asyncio). This is not to say it's useless, just that I'm still searching for a problem this is the best solution for.

I have never used Django, so I cannot say but if Channels handles the websocket connection back to the client, then I assume you could send back a quick 200 notification as the http response to the user and then send the real results later over the socket. I think these would be equivalent.

I have also never used Go, but I am comfortable saying that Python async is much easier to user than JS async. I find JS to be as frustrating as it is unavoidable.

Using aiohttp as on api is not bad at all. Once you have the event loop up and running, its a lot like writing sync code. Someone else made a comment about the fact that Python has too many ways to do async because everything keeps evolving so fast. I this this is true. The first time I ever looked at async on Python it was so nasty I basically gave up and reconsided Flask but came back around later because I so despised the idea of blocking by server that I was compelled to give it another go. The next time around was a lot easier because the libraries were so much improved.

I think a lot of people think that async Python is harder than it is (now).

> Maybe a monolithic flask app would have been a lot easier if less sexy. But where's the fun in that? Not to sound snarky, but the fun would be in being able to solve business problems without fighting against a complex system. Microservices can definitely make sense but if you need them and know you need them. If it's just for fun and it's not a hobby, and you're being paid to maintain someone else's system then it's definitely worth going with a simpler system.

I share your sentiment and have been using aiohttp for five years and pretty happy with it. My current project is a web service with blocking SQL server backend, so I tend to do loop.run_in_executor for every DB.execute statement. But now I’m considering just running a set of light aio streams sub processes with a simple bespoke protocol that takes a SQL statement and returns the result json encoded to move away from threads.

Maybe off-topic, but my advice would be: if you need this guide, consider to switch to another language, if that's possible. In our company we switched to Go, and all those asyncio problems were magically solved.

I've had absolutely no problems using async programming in python. It's extremely easy to setup a script in 100-200 lines of code to do something like:

pull the rows from postgres that match query <x>. Process the data and push each row as an event into rabbitmq. In <200 lines of code i was easily processing 25k/rows per second and it only took me a few minutes to figure out the script.

Agreed. Moving my Python data analytics to a GRPC server that I call from a Go service has been _so much_ easier to manage and debug.

I love Python and fully agree with you. :(

Important to note:

> They are suited to non-blocking I/O with subprocesses and sockets, however, blocking I/O and CPU-bound tasks can be used in a simulated non-blocking manner using threads and processes under the covers.

If you're using it for anything besides slow async I/O, you're going to have to do some heavy lifting.

I've also found the actual asyncio implementation in CPython to be slow. Measuring purely event-loop overhead (and doing little/nothing in the async spawned tasks), it's 120x slower than JavaScript on my machine. https://twitter.com/bwasti/status/1572339846122991617

Ok. This is what has been a huge hangup for me.

It really seems that if you're doing asyncio, you must do EVERYTHING async, it's like asyncio takes over (infects?) the entire program.

That's 80% due to the "what color is your function" problem.

There are bridges from async to sync and vice versa, but they must be used very sparingly, as they aren't nestable.

That's exactly the opposite of what it says really: if you need to do CPU stuff, then you can do that, it just won't be using asyncio. So it doesn't really infect your whole program.

You could easily have, say, a thread to do all your asyncio stuff, another to do some CPU intenstive stuff (so long as it blocks the GIL) and yet another to do some blocking I/O e.g. interacting with a database with its own blocking APIs. In that case, you could spawn separate threads and exchange messages between them like usual.

Where this falls down a little is if you want asyncio to infer your whole program - or more accurately, if you want to use it in all of the task-management code at the top level of your app. In that case, you would use asyncio's thread API [1] although it's a bit clunky for when you want to maintain state bound to a specific worker thread (like SQLite database objects).

[1] https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-task.html#running-...

I think the issue is more like this:

1. You jump into a huge codebase and find a very useful function you want to use in your code (it uses asyncio)

2. Your code doesn't use asyncio, so you start converting functions to be async (or else you can't use the `await` keyword)

3. It turns out your function is called by a bunch of different users, some of which do not use the asyncio runner

4. You end up having several meetings with upstream teams asking them to use the asyncio runner

5. A single team says "no"

6. Scrap the project and just rewrite that original function you found synchronously

I guess I was focusing more on the CPU task problem mentioned at the top. But you're talking about blocking IO - more specifically, blocking IO that you want to convert to async (not just run in a worker thread using the thread-to-async API I mentioned).

What you've written is true, but "infects" a smaller proportion of the code than you'd expect, in my experience. In fact, the better organised the program is, the less needs to change when converting to async. For example, reading from a connection your top-level async function would often be something like this:

    async def read_and_handle_messages(connection):
        while True:
            next_message_bytes = await connection.get_next_message()
            next_message_parsed = my_parser.parse(next_message_bytes)
All the application-specific code is in the parser and the message handler but neither of those are async. (If you need to send a response, your message handler could post a message to an async queue that is read by a separate writer task.) In your hypothetical scenario, you'd maybe write two a wrapper functions, one for blocking and one for async, which both read the message, parse it and handle it. But that only needs to be two versions of a three line function while all the subtantial code is completely shared.

I find that there's very little actual async code in async programs that I write, even with no blocking IO historical baggage. Admittedly, that's partly because I organise programs to reach that goal, but it actually works out for the best because all the async-task lifecycle management ends up in one place, which makes following overall program flow particularly easy.

Depending on the details you can often call an async function from a sync function, by just running the event loop, it is just a few lines of code.

The problem is that the event loop is not reentrant [1], so if your sync function is being called from an async function, things do not work. Why would you ever do this you might think? Well, asyncio might be an implementation detail of whatever environment you are using. Jupyiter or ipython for example.

[1] there are... hacks to make this sort of work of course.

> there are... hacks to make this sort of work of course.

The python motto.

Monkey patch like there is no tomorrow (so you do not have to maintain it)!

Another possibility, if it's a matter of passing callback parameter that must be sync where you wish it could be an async function, is that the callback can be the `put_nowait()` method of an async queue. You can then have a background async task that pulls from that queue and does async stuff.

This works well if the callback is just there to notify you about a result (which is the most common case in fairness) but doesn't really work if the callback is meant to synchronously determine and return a result that is then used within the function that's calling the callback.

Yes, been there done that :). You can spawn a whole background thread running its own event loop, and post the async function with run-coroutine_threadsafe, the wait on the returned concurrent.future.

But it feels wrong having to spawn a thread and event loop just for that.

No, the point is that asyncio is viral, polluting large existing systems with its paradigm.

Modern frameworks should be orthogonal and compositional. Even orthogonality (when you use multiple frameworks, each framework solves a problem along a different "axis" and does not interact with any of the other axes) is optional.

Compositionality means I should be able to combine several systems without one affecting the other unnecessarily. async does not fulfill that requirement.

To be fair this is not really asyncio's fault, the same happens in most languages unless the runtime does some magic like scheduling blocking calls in a background thread (which can also be done with asyncio).

I feel the same way, it's a lot like `const` in C++. Basically it's enforcing usage for every upstream user to ensure there's no inefficiency (such as waiting for things like the network).

JavaScript has an extremely nice "out" (I'm sure other languages do too):

    async function() {
      await async_thing()
can be written

    function() {
which is quite intuitive and helps glue code together. I think the callback-based thinking really clarifies user intent ("just tell me when it's done") without impacting performance.

problem is async doesn't enforce anything. You can still block from an async function.

what do you mean "block"? If you call an async function from a non-async context it doesn't block.

Nothing prevents you from calling a blocking function (for example good old non-async socket functions) from an async function.

Yes. Unless you (and your team) are well-versed with python and how async works, and all the dependencies you use, is it very easy to accidentally do something blocking in async and lose most of the benefits.

The propagation/infection of async handling is just indicitive of the nature of the problem. Try writing async code in any other language and you see similar patterns emerge.

Yes async is viral, its all or nothing

As someone who has written an application with sync and async Python components within the same process, it is all, nothing, or pain.

(If you really, really need to do this - triple check - use queues & worker threads to decouple the sync parts and keep them out of your event loop thread, as a sort of sync-async impedence match.)

I love Python async - it’s a complete game changer for certain types of applications.

I find Python async to be fun and exciting and interesting and powerful.

BUT it is a big power tool and there’s so much in it that it’s hard to work out how to drive it right.

I have pretty good experience with Python and javascript.

I prefer Python to javascript when writing async code.

Specific example I spent hours trying to drive some processes via stdin/stout/stderr with javascript and it kept failing for reasons I couldn’t determine.

Switched to Python async and it just worked.

The most frustrating thing about async Python is that it has been improving greatly. That means that it’s not obvious what “the right way” is, ie using the latest techniques. This is actually a really big problem for async Python. I’m fairly competent with it, but still have to spend ages working out if I’m doing it “the right way/the latest way”.

The Python project really owes it to its users to have a short cookbook that shows the easiest, most modern recommended way to do common tasks. Somehow this cookbook must give the reader instant 100% confidence that they are reading the very latest official recommendations and thinking on simple asyncio techniques.

Without such a “latest and greatest techniques of async Python cookbook” it’s too easy to get lost in years of refinement and improvement and lower and higher level techniques.

The Python project should address this, it’s a major ease of use problem.

Ironically, pythons years of async refinement mean there’s many many many ways to get the same things done, conflicting with pythons “one right way to do it” philosophy.

It can be solved with documentation that drives people to the simplest most modern approaches.

The way that this is formatted... I initially thought it was a Haiku :)

The only thing I ever use async in Python for is batch requests, like hundreds or thousands of little requests. I collect them up in a task list with context, run them with one of the “run all of these and return the results or errors” functions in the library, then process the results serially.

Anything I need to do that doesn’t use this simple IO pattern, like cpu bound workers, I prefer to use processes or multiple copies of the app synchronized with a task queue.

I'm not in a much of a position to evaluate Python's asyncio since I really have not used it very much. However, over the last few days, I started to dig into it and tried to get some (what I think are) very basic examples working and really struggled. That alone is not fully dispositive because I've used many async implementations in various languages and each of them have a bit of a learning curve and their own wrinkles you have to ramp up on. That said, my limited experience at least tells me that Python's async has a FUX that leaves a lot to be desired. I've found other languages make it a lot easier to do concurrency, parallelism, async vs sync, blocking vs non-blocking and all that. I don't really know if the issue is poor documentation, the semantics of the APIs themselves...really not sure. I do know that I'm left with the feeling that "this seems like it's going to be a pretty big PITA".

Asyncio is annoying, and often unexpectedly slow. You think things are parallel, but then one misbehaving coroutine can hog your cpu bringing everything to a halt. GIL makes it useless for anything other than _heavily_ IO bound tasks.

And yeah, Python's documentation is useless. Never how to use stuff, only listing of everything that's possible to do / the API. Unfortunately that style is being mimicked by most other Python projects as well.

I think the big point of interest will come with Python 3.12 where it's proposed that as part of the faster CPython project, the GIL-per-process will be removed.

It IS easy.

The Python project just don’t make it obvious how to do it easy.

Right. So you think it's mainly an education/documentation issue? I'm totally open to that in fact being the case. One really simple use case I had was just annotating a method to run async and then calling that in a loop elsewhere which did speed up a bunch of work I was doing pretty dramatically.

  import asyncio
  def background(f):
      def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
          return asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(None, f, *args, **kwargs)

      return wrapped

  def my_io_bound_function():...

You need to run the executor somewhere ( loop.run_forever() or loop.run_until_complete() ), that can be in the current thread or a separate thread, keep in mind Python is still conceptually a single core.

Things I've found particularly useful:

* Optional / debug logging of coroutine start/exit.

* Stats logging, including count, runtime, request queue (multiple instances of the same function) depth.

* Printing tracebacks within the coroutine context.

Haven't expended any effort on decorators, good for you.

I think I hit a foul ball there, as run_in_executor() is for a threadpool. So yeah you are running inside of run_forever() or run_until_complete(), we just don't see it here, and that's where your sending things to run in a different thread. ;-)

Ah got it, thanks for the correction and info.

Those do sound useful, thanks for this. Will keep in mind as I continue exploring.

It is easy if you know what to do. But you'll CONSTANTLY run into things where it is obvious that this is a toy that hasn't been thought through.

I've found random slowdowns of a factor of 10 for no reason.

A context manager needs to have __enter__ and __exit__ methods. An async context manager needs to have __aenter__ and __aexit__ methods. The error you get if you use a context manager as an async context manager or vice versa is big and scary and offers no clue to most programmers of what the problem is.

Using async with SQLAlchemy it isn't hard to wind up exiting the event loop before all cleanup has happened. They fixed the main cause of this, but it isn't hard to still trigger it.

And so on.

I hope to learn how to use async code more effectively. Coroutines are very interesting. Structured concurrency is very useful in defining understanding concurrency. I wrote a multithreaded userspace scheduler in Java C and Rust which multiplexes lightweight threads over kernel threads. It is a 1:M:N scheduler with 1 scheduler threads M kernel threads and N lightweight threads. This is similar to golang which is P:M:N


I am deeply interested in parallel and asychronous code. I write about it on my journal (link in my profile)

I am curious if anybody has any ideas on how you would build an interpreter that is multithreaded - with each interpreter running in its own thread and sending objects between threads is done without copying or marshalling. I I think Java does it but I am yet to ask how it does it. Maybe I'll ask Stackoverflow.

I wrote a parallel imaginary assembly interpreter that is backed by an actor framework which can send and receive messages in mailboxes.

Here's some code:

   threads 25
   mailbox numbers
   mailbox methods
   set running 1
   set current_thread 0
   set received_value 0
   set current 1
   set increment 1
   while running :end
   receive numbers received_value :send
   receivecode methods :send :send
   add received_value current
   addv current_thread 1
   modulo current_thread 25
   send numbers current_thread increment :while1
   sendcode methods current_thread :print
   endwhile :while1
   jump :end
   println current
This is 25 threads that each send integers to eachother as fast as they can. The sendcode instruction can cause the other thread to run some code. It can get up to 1.7 million requests per second without the sendcode and receivecode. With method sending it gets ~600,000 requests per second

Just to swim upstream. For http requests and bounded IO I've found asyncio to be straightforward and a game changer. In the context of call an endpoint with a data payload and have the endpoint process it with outbound http calls it is a 10x'er for very little complexity and no external libraries.

I've never bothered to learn Python asyncio. When Python 3.5 came out I just thought it looked overly complex. Coming from a C/C++ background on Linux I just use the select package for waiting on blocking I/O, mainly sockets. Do you think there is something to gain for me by learning asyncio?

Personally, I don't think there is a benefit. If select is working for you, asyncio doesn't add anything performance wise. It is just meant to look more synchronous in how you write the code. But, using select and either throwing work onto a background thread or doing work quickly (if it isn't CPU bound) can be just as clear to read, if not clearer. Sometimes "async" and "await" calls only obfuscate the logic more.

In case the author reads this, there is an error in the "How to Execute a Blocking I/O or CPU-bound Function in Asyncio?" [0]

It reads:

> The asyncio.to_thread() function creates a ThreadPoolExecutor behind the scenes to execute blocking calls.

> As such, the asyncio.to_thread() function is only appropriate for IO-bound tasks.

It should say it's only appropriate for CPU-bound tasks.

[0]: https://superfastpython.com/python-asyncio/#How_to_Execute_a...

I think the article is correct here, actually - if you need to run a CPU-bound task, you’ll need a ProcessPoolExecutor.

I second this. Python has a Global Interpreter Lock, so only one Python instruction executes at a time.

Async and threads only help you with I/O (where the OS affords waiting for multiple operations in parallel).

To execute CPU-bound code in parallel you need multiple processes.

I think this is a major disadvantage of Python, because processes are much costlier to spawn, and if you implement long-running workers to avoid frequent spawning, you have to incur serialization/deserialization costs, because shared memory support is very rudimentary (in essence, just fixed size numeric code).

It's just awkwardly worded, I think. It probably should include a mention of ProcessPoolExecutor in the following bit where it explains the run_in_executor function to make more sense. Especially as the whole section talks about passing CPU-bound task to a thread pool, but then recommends not to use a thread pool.

Though I think the GIL isn't really that big a deal for most CPU-bound code, with plenty of third party libraries and even within the python standard library a lot of the code is not native python, and therefore releases the GIL lock.

Well, that section is talking about CPU-bound tasks, and both threads and processes are valid choices for CPU-bound tasks, with different tradeoffs.

I think there is often a lot of confusion around that because a lot of tutorials simply say to use threads for IO-bound tasks and processes for CPU-bound tasks, without going deeper into the differences. Threads can easily share memory which often increases complexity and requires locks to run safely, with processes you avoid locking (including the infamous Python GIL) but also have to pass around data which might hurt performance.

Regardless, it still doesn't make sense to say threads are only appropriate for IO-bound tasks, the official documentation [0] seems to lean towards preferring threads for mixing IO and CPU-bound tasks, and processes for purely CPU-bound tasks.

[0]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/concurrent.futures.html#th...

I think the section is addressing both CPU and IO-bound tasks:

> How to Execute a Blocking I/O or CPU-bound Function in Asyncio?

But to be precise, we should differentiate between Python’s interpreter threads and OS threads. In general, OS threads are a great way to parallelize CPU-bound tasks (with the issues of locking you mention), but Python’s interpreter threads are not (because of the GIL).

I've used python since 1995 and I can say that async is one of the worst things I've seen put into python since then. I've used a wide range of frameworks (twisted, gevent, etc) as well as threads and even if async is a good solution (I don't think it is) it broke awscli for quite some time (through aiobotocore and related package dependencies). It's too late in the game for long-term breaks like that or any backward-incompatible changes impacting users.

Yep, it's 2022 and gevent is still the only solution for async & high concurrency that Just Works with the entire ecosystem of Python libraries without code changes. There's definitely some compute overhead compared to async, but we save so much developer time having effortless concurrency and never being worried that, say, using a slow third-party API over the web will slow down other requests.

Some comments on the page says gevent is actually faster than async.

Gevent is the only way I will do async in Python. Everything else ends up being a nightmare, and gevent is a lot more performant than I ever imagine it will be for a given situation.

A must-read before diving into asyncio:

Async Python is slower than "sync" Python under a realistic benchmark. A bigger worry is that async frameworks go a bit wobbly under load. https://calpaterson.com/async-python-is-not-faster.html

No subinterpreters in 3.11 ?

If we had those, all this async idiocy would go away, no more code colours, no more single-core, even better isolation and protection against context-switching tangles.

(the implementation not so nice though. Python threads on machine threads ? Whose stupid idea was that ?)

Missing yet very important topics: redis & db drivers in async. Or even async ORM.

I do Redis in a thread pool. Did this before aioredis came out, have kept doing it because I know it and it works. Have used the same pattern for a few other things it works so well.

Python asyncio is pretty awful. The libraries are of extremely poor quality, and the slightest mistake can lead to blocking the event loop. After a few years of dealing with it I refuse to continue and am just using threads.

Too bad Python couldn't go the gevent road. At least Java is doing with Project Loom and looks like it will be very successful.

I don't know why curio hasn't seen greater adoption. Having used both, it seems superior to asyncio in most respects.

Is this negligible in performance until the GIL radically changes? I find parallel processing has muc larger increases in speed.

Since async is single threaded the GIL shouldn't come into play.

Question though: asyncio is implemented as threads, which is where the GIL chokes, right?

asyncio is _not_ implemented as threads. It has features where it can wrap a sync function inside a thread in order to turn it into an async function, but if you just write "normal" async code, all your code is running in a single thread.

Ah, ok that makes more sense.

Why do yo inject quotes randomly everywhere throughout the document?

Why is only 1/3 of the screen used for content?

Just in time, I've been needing to implement s3 upload asynchronously.

I did it through 'multiprocessing' and a Pipe. Works fine but challenging shutting everything down when the child process throws an exception.

Are you sure it's worth the complexity? Threads will drop the GIL for the duration of the network bound I/O .

Good point!

This is really wordy. Anyone have an alternative introduction to asyncio?

Async programming is Windows 3.1 style cooperative multitasking.

Different trade-offs. It is much easier to pursue cache-efficiency in a cooperative multitasking setting than with preempt threads.

async is not comparable to threads: - async is concurrency - threads are parallelism

They are not exclusives, the best approach is to be multi-threaded while each of the threads uses concurrency to prevent blocking the cpu.

Threads are also for concurrency. In fact in python because of the GIL they are pretty much only for concurrency.

> - async is concurrency - threads are parallelism

Even this isn't necessarily true, especially given you can limit a process to a single core (or, if you use a single core system, lest we forget those exist!), or, in Python's case, the GIL! You can still have parallelism with asynchronous programming, it's just not necessarily guaranteed. IIRC tokio lets you spin up runtimes on different threads which (putting the above caveat) _can_ run in parallel.

Not mentioned: The behavior is different between python 3.6 and 3.8. That was fun to debug.

Python is simply not the right language for asynchronous programming. Things that are easy in many other languages are hard and don't work as you'd expect. If you are in a python-only shop, brush up on your presentation skills and see if you can convince them to branch out.

Or write a shell script. You're better off with "./read_socket.sh &" than you are with any python library.

This isn't necessarily a direct reply but instead another anecdote which reinforces OP's claim that asynchronous programming is a thorn in the side of Python.

I was tasked with improving a performance-critical object detection codebase for video that was written in Python. Before attempting a complete rewrite, I identified that outside of FFI calls related to PyTorch/OpenCV, some of the biggest latency overhead was due to the fact that the network I/O for fetching data to process was blocking the actual inference, so I tried to decouple the two so they could happen synchronously.

My attempt at doing this with asyncio went horrendously at best. There were no mature client libraries for the cloud services we used at the time. I was digging through PyTorch forums to figure out the relationship between the GIL and CUDA Streams. Boundless headaches.

Then I realized, I could just separate the code that loaded the data onto the machine from the inference code into two separate code bases and just have them communicate over really simple signals on a UNIX socket. Two different processes, sending a simple fixed-size string back and forth, and then I just used multiprocessing.Pool for parallelizing the downloads.

The asyncio module was heavily refactored in 3.7, which introduced the async/await keywords which was a *huge* improvement over the 3.6 and below implementation.

I don't agree with this, but I will concede that async Python is rarely the correct choice.

the async/await keyword predates 3.7. As far as I can tell it was introduced in 3.5.

What changed between those two releases? 3.6 was the last time I worked with asyncio

Some of it is here


One of my ongoing frustrations is python isn't just the lack of backwards compatibility but that if you inherit a script there's no way to know which version of the language it was written for. If you're lucky you can track down the developers, but IME even they often say "I'm not sure, let me run python --version".

I have only a bit of experience with asyncio, but it seem that I have hit all issues that are described there and improved in 3.7. I still can't believe that wait_closed wasn't there from day 1.

All of distributed machine learning would benefit from async, but it's unfortunately a Python-only ecosystem for the time being. Probably gonna be a couple years before that has a chance of changing

How would ML benefit from async? I thought everything interesting in things like TF or PyTorch is done by native code which is free to use multithreading and anything at all.

(I know little about ML.)

Specifically distributed would be helped (multiple nodes).

Right now the typical paradigm is this really clunky lock-step across nodes waiting for each other (everything is blocking). If your hardware is non-homogenous (both interconnects and accelerators) or your program needs to be run in a pipelined way, you're fighting an extremely uphill battle.

Go, JavaScript etc are the usual languages of choice for this type of stuff because it's easy to express non-blocking code.

I suspect multiprocessing + shared memory could help this. The stdlib has provisions for both, but a coordination layer is needed.

That would be closest to true multithreading.

it's not a matter of performance but expressibility.

  const y = await remote_model_a(x) // different machine
  const z = await remote_model_b(y) // different machine
  await z.backward()
is trivially pipelined when run in parallel. With multithreading suddenly the backing C++ library has to be aware of this and figure things out for you

that is an absurd exaggeration, or you don't realize all the issues of low level sockets that are abstracted away

To follow up, the contents of read_socket.sh



python3.8 read_one_socket.py $1


Use the python socket libraries if you must, but don't use python asynchronously.

id say 90% > of async python usecases are aiohttp , which with a single session, doesn't really have the issues you are describing.

I bet the actual content here is great, but I find the page to be unreadable with the large text, huge amounts of whitespace, and quotes (with Amazon referral links) sprinkled in between every other sentence.

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