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Given how much engineers make at Google after a long interview process to supposedly only get the best people, how significant the login system is to security, how "industry standard" the Google process is, it's not a bug that should have ever made it live. The bug fix show that the issue was clearly a case of a set of people not communicating well, code reviews being lax, and a general lack of understanding of how Android works.

It's also possible that the code is too complex to understand fully which is a requirement for a correct operation. Bugs happen, but I've seen way too many cases where complexity and lack of understanding led to surprisingly bad outcomes.

The login process should have the highest amount of scrutiny.

I have spent a lot of time in the Android codebase building security/privacy focused ROMs. It was a very dark rabbit hole and in the end I realized the 240GB of messy blobs and source code can never be understood or audited by anyone.

Even if you did somehow get that much code regularly externally audited, there are piles of random binary blobs with root access supplied by cell carriers and chip vendors Google blindly includes in the vendor partition and a backdoor or bug in any one of them can burn it all down.

I abandoned the project, and stopped using smartphones entirely.

The only sane engineering effort that gives me hope for a trustworthy mobile device at this point is Betrusted. https://betrusted.io/

It looks like (not an expert) they did not use a state machine there. Those kind of behaviors are better detected with them. But I am just thinking out loud.

I can't tell you how often I still see operating system level rotation bugs from iOS on my iPhone/iPad. Complexity kills.

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