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Getting new jobs is great. However, stay put in your jobs. Try to apply what you learned to little problems at work. Everyone has a huge database these days. I work for a medical device company and I write software that processes blood (embedded stuff). Every year, a million or so run logs find their way into one of our databases. There is a wealth of information there that we could figure out. Eg. How do me maximize yield, what's the best we can do with a certain type of donor. Do we perform worse on people in a certain geographic region etc. Eventually make useful predictions based on that data. Granted, that is not what I was hired to do, but I'm going to do it in my "free" time.

Why? Because it is interesting. Find something to apply to that might add value to the business. If a enough people do that, AI techniques might become common place. Get on Kaggle, GitHub your next project etc. Putting what we've learned to practical use is how we can proliferate and disseminate this knowledge. This was the intent of the class in the first place anyway.

tl;dr Using this course as a gateway to your next job is shortsighted IMO.

I wish I could +1 this more than once. This is exactly the point, to me. There's not really such a thing as "an AI job". There is application of AI techniques to existing problems. Those problems are already found riddled throughout every job everyone's ever worked in.

You can't sit back and wait for AI to "happen". What would that even look like? The benefit of these techniques is in application to existing data; you don't have to quit and found some kind of computer vision/kinect/big data startup to take advantage of the knowledge.

You should be aiming to put yourself out of a job by using AI.

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