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I've made the switch from PHP/Laravel to Elixir/Phoenix and I've found the documentation in Elixir land far more superior and complete. I've yet to find something better anywhere else. What's the equivalent of Hexdocs in PHP land?

The docs themselves are fine, but when I'm building an app and focused on using the tools available by the framework, I had trouble finding what I needed. Perhaps it was even discovery of not knowing what I needed to even look for. I might know a concept under a different name for example. I don't expect anyone to cater to my exact needs, but I want to find everything in the same place.

Someone else left a sibling comment talking about the documentation for different modules not being colocated (Phoenix.PubSub vs Phoenix.HTML, etc) and maybe that was my issue. If literally every module is new to me, that could be a lot of jumping back and forth just to try and reason about what a couple of Plug modules are doing. Granted, it's been at least 6 months since I've tried to play with Elixir and Phoenix so maybe I'll have some time to try again over the holidays.

To go back to your original point though, yes Hexdocs is a great tool and the ecosystem encourages documentation, but maybe in this case I'm looking for a more curated guide and I should have been explicit rather than lump it all under "docs".

I don't know about Laravel but I think the Symfony documentation has more practical and extensive documentation and guides (the framework does way more than Phoenix so there's probably a correlation there).

There's no equivalent to Hexdocs in PPH land but I think the PHP documentation itself is quite good, once again by usually providing examples for all types/arguments variation for every functions, which the Elixir std lib does not (the REPL allows you to quickly try things though).

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