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With jails, I could really use a tutorial that goes through a standard proxy/app/db setup (nginx, wordpress and mariadb maybe?) that does require multiple ip addresses on the physical network. So request comes in to the host on port 80/443 -> proxy -> app -> db. All jails can do outgoing connections for things like sending email, downloading updates, etc. The db and app are on a network with the proxy and only the proxy can be reached from the outside. So what would be a pretty normal setup with Docker.

And yes, firewall config should be part of that rather large tutorial, but it I really feel like a complete tutorial is missing. The ones I have seen only cover a part of it and it's left as an exercise for the reader to figure out how to glue them together.

Some of the other issues I had with incompatible dependencies would be solved if I know how to use jails correctly.

How to get a Linux jail up and running (Alpine Linux).

ZFS + NFSv4 + Kerb + ldap would be great. I ended up solving that particular problem by using minio instead, because it was so much easier to setup, but I would like to know how to get nfs working for future things.

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