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Can I give the most stupidest and shameful reason I have not yet moved to FreeBSD from Linux (been using Linux as my daily driver for last 15'ish years).

Google Chrome Passwords. For some reason you can't install Google Chrome on FreeBSD, you can install Chromium but all my saved passwords are stored in Google-Chrome, and you can't (it seems) port it !

So now I'm stucked with, Ok do I spend a day and move everything (manually) to Firefox/Chromium or do I just suck it up and stay where I am.

Yes yes I know there are many "solutions" how to store passwords, that is not the problem, the problem is PORTING my 100+ passwords/logins Ive gathered over the years to a new shiny solution.

You can export your Chrome passwords quite easily: https://bitwarden.com/help/import-from-chrome/

Lol how did i miss this ! Thank you sir ! :)

You can also install and use Google Chrome on FreeBSD pretty easy with this:

- https://github.com/mrclksr/linux-browser-installer

It will just use FreeBSD Linux Binary Compatibility layer (not emulation).

FreeBSD supports most Linux syscalls with it so it can run unmodified Linux binaries 'just like that'.

More here:

- https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/linuxemu/


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