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"NIST Breakthrough: Simple Material Could Scrub Carbon Dioxide From Power Plant Smokestacks" (2022) https://scitechdaily.com/nist-breakthrough-simple-material-c... :

> [What to do with all of the captured CO2?]

>> - Generate more formic acid to capture more CO2

- Make protein powder (#Solein,). And nutrients and flavors?

- Feed algae

- Feed plants, greenhouses

- CAES Compressed Air Energy Storage

- Firefighting: https://twitter.com/westurner/status/1572664456210948104

- Make aerogels. Aerogels are useful for firefighter protective clothing, extremely lightweight insulation, extremely lightweight packing materials, aerospace; and no longer require supercritical drying to produce: https://twitter.com/westurner/status/1572662622423584770?t=A...

- Make hydrogels. Hydrogels are useful for: firefighting: https://www.google.com/search?q=hydrogel+firefighting https://twitter.com/westurner/status/1572664456210948104

- Make diamonds, buckyballs, fullerenes, graphene

- Water filtration: activated carbon, nanoporous graphene

Is there a similar process ("MOF,) for capturing Methane from flue gas? Is that before or after the CO2 capture?

- Methane is worse for Earth than CO2 FWIU. And there are many uncapped wells leaking methane, as now visible from space: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33431427

- It's possible to make CBG Cleaner Burning Gasoline from methane (natural gas)

How does the #CophenHill recycling and flue capture facility currently handle CO2 and Methane capture?

- "Transforming carbon dioxide into jet fuel using an organic combustion-synthesized Fe-Mn-K catalyst." (2020) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20214-z https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25559414

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