> No, wait. The QuickSort from the article is O(n²),
What article are you referring to? This article is about binary search and mergesort, not quicksort?
And which quicksort has O(n^2) typical behavior? That's the worst-case behavior you normally only get on adversarial inputs, not the typical one. (And standard libraries have workaround for that anyway.)
Sorry, I indeed switched to a wrong browser tab and skimmed instead of reading when started this discussion. Please disregard the quicksort discussion.
I still think that it's normal for programs to behave weird when the input parameters are getting close to INT_MAX. Sometimes it's unavoidable. And if it's not specified in the function docs, you should go and check the implementation as a programmer. For binary search it is avoidable, so the criticism of the linked implementation is fair.
What article are you referring to? This article is about binary search and mergesort, not quicksort?
And which quicksort has O(n^2) typical behavior? That's the worst-case behavior you normally only get on adversarial inputs, not the typical one. (And standard libraries have workaround for that anyway.)