it s in the budget of some agency supervising the data protection supervisors.
This is not where a lot of money is wasted however. If you want to look for EU waste, look into the various agencies travel grants, endless committees and conferences, overhiring and bureaucratic reports that are many times longer than the actual output. I think in these times of fiscal tightening, people shopuld be more aware of the cost of EUrocracy
The EC employs about 32k people, EU institutions as a whole about 60k. That's actually... pretty modest, all things considered. The EU has a population of 450M. Ireland, a country with a population of 5 million, has about 40k civil servants (and 300k people in the wider public service).
If you imagine that the EU civil service was paid for on an equal basis per capita, that would imply that, say, Ireland was paying for about 600 EU public servants, or about 0.2% of its own public service. That seems like... probably good value for money? (In practice, not all EU members are net contributors, so it'd be somewhat more than that for rich countries, but still a drop in the bucket).
This is not where a lot of money is wasted however. If you want to look for EU waste, look into the various agencies travel grants, endless committees and conferences, overhiring and bureaucratic reports that are many times longer than the actual output. I think in these times of fiscal tightening, people shopuld be more aware of the cost of EUrocracy