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> Thank you for continuing to adhere to Twitter policies that prohibit you from discussing confidential company information on social media, with the press or elsewhere.


Thank you, also response from employees: https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/twitter-layof...

reporter's thread: https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__/status/15883356977855897...

>Employees in Twitter just got an email from their bosses saying layoffs are coming tomorrow.

>Those who are staying will get a note tomorrow in their work email. Those who are let go will get an email sent to their personal address.

>Slot machine-style layoffs.

>Some employees I'm hearing from at Twitter are desperate to get laid off and get severance. The work culture there is beyond toxic.

>Some are afraid to push back against Elon because they don't want to risk getting fired for cause — disagreeing with Elon — and losing severance.

>"At the end of this nightmare, I better get a cash prize," one told me.

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