But if youre solely talking about cyber war -- ESCHELON,
CARNIVOR I mean cyber war was super deep... NSA was requiring backdoor access to all routers as early as 1995... and not only that Cerberos group bought MAE-West in San jose and PAIX in palo alto to spy on everyone... I know a lot about these spying ops.
No, I was talking about how western powers exploited and exacerbated the controversy and pain in those countries... and by western powers I am talking about the CIA mainly... [The state department]
Source, multiple family members in the state department in the past....
for reference from head of the state department at the time:
Fucking massive genocides happen in the 90s.
But if youre solely talking about cyber war -- ESCHELON, CARNIVOR I mean cyber war was super deep... NSA was requiring backdoor access to all routers as early as 1995... and not only that Cerberos group bought MAE-West in San jose and PAIX in palo alto to spy on everyone... I know a lot about these spying ops.