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>I'm certain there's a good language in there, but it's so rarely used during my time in the industry (I'm in my mid-30s), that it's just never been worth the effort. I'm sorry, Perl.

No apology needed, I'm sure even Perl realizes it was a little stagnant while the rest of the industry zoomed by.

I used Perl in the mid 90's, so I suspect I'm ~20 years older than you. ;) Back then it was a jack-of-all-trades language, good at parsing logs or text files, pinched hit for php if you needed add scripting to websites, etc.

Over time, javascript improved, python gathered mind-share, and perl still worked but wasn't keeping up with new libraries.

I'd like to see Raku do well, although I doubt I'll use it professionally - seeing as how I've got around ~8 years left until I retire.

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