also midwestern, and have also historically had problems finding edgish work there. they like their .NET and their java. also, work rates are terrible. i can generally expect to take a $30K pay cut working locally in central ky/southern ohio/northern tn as opposed to working remotely.
even if there were some random startup, you still wouldn't be able to participate in the startup community you would in the bay, or boston, or chicago, or ny. there'd be no networking, no idea sharing across company lines, no post-work barcamps. part of the fun of a startup is the culture.
good luck. as for me, i'm hoping YC comes through for us so i can move to the bay.
even if there were some random startup, you still wouldn't be able to participate in the startup community you would in the bay, or boston, or chicago, or ny. there'd be no networking, no idea sharing across company lines, no post-work barcamps. part of the fun of a startup is the culture.
good luck. as for me, i'm hoping YC comes through for us so i can move to the bay.