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Have another baby and compare.

Have two. They did nothing but cry, eat, sleep, and shit for the first six weeks. After that they’re a little more aware of the world and perhaps developing something that will become a personality pretty soon, maybe by month two or three.

I won’t definitively state newborns don’t have personalities, but my unscientific hunch is sleep-deprived parents are simply projecting and seeing what isn’t really there.

I love both my children, but for the first six weeks they are simply base creatures, outwardly.

I have 3, and they were all extremely different from even before birth. My first would kick your hand off if you held it on her mom's belly, continue kicking until you removed it. She's continued to be as stubborn as a mule and protective of her space. She didn't cry too much, was never needy, and still remains very independent. My second was a colicky baby that always wanted to be held. He's 12 now and still won't sleep in a room alone, loves attention. My third is only 2, and has been by far the easiest going. She has always been easy to soothe, and lights up rooms. Maybe your babies are just very similar, or maybe you're just inobservant.

All three of our children were obviously different in the womb.

The oldest was pretty lazy and quiet during the day, but did get bouncy when my wife tried to sleep. The combination of couch potato and getting active when stimuli stops and the boredom hits is present in the kid to this day.

Middle child was super-active the whole way through labor and came out active. Was surfing furniture standing up at eight months.

I could go on at length.

Main point is - we saw the differences before they were born.

My first kid was never content unless she was being held, she was very fussy during the witching hour, and never slept long stretches at night. Our second kid was immediately different--she never really cries and is very content, she just wants to be nearby and have a view of the parent. She also sleeps through the night in much longer stretches. There are definitely differences in babies immediately from birth.

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