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On Halloween Day in 1517 Martin Luther put up his 95 Thesis on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. He expected an academic debate among clergy. At that time the Roman Catholic Church had such a stranglehold on the courts, media, education, and financial and political power that there was no way that a revolution of ideas could even be imagined to succeed.

But thanks to the printing press this all changed as Martin Luther’s 95 Theses spread across Europe making Luther the first widely recognized public figure in history. We call that period the Reformation today and it was the beginning of the end to the Catholic Church’s dominance.

In a similar fashion, the NWO has a stranglehold over courts, media, education, financial and political power and we have entered a new Digital Reformation that just as it was inevitable for the Catholic Church to lose its power during the previous Reformation, it is also inevitable that the NWO will lose their power in the new digital Reformation that is currently happening. Only this time, the Reformation is global and it’s happening a lot faster.

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