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This part is true for my site as well:

> What I found was that a number of customers filled > in our order form, went off to Paypal or Google > Checkout, but never completed the order.

On my site, I've made all the numbers public. Over the last 6 months, roughly 25% of people start questions, but then don't pay.

Compare these 2 charts. The first shows the number of paid questions per week:


and this shows the questions that people started but then never paid for:


I'm guessing that the numbers would improve if we weren't using PayPal, so next week I'm planning to try to use Stripe.

However, I am sad to say, for making payments I am still stuck with PayPal for awhile, as I can not see anything else that is so easy. On any given day my website gets something like $70 and pays out something like $50. Right now I've a cron job that runs once a night and which pays everyone who is owed money from my PayPal account. But the payments are usually small. On a normal night, at 3 AM EST, my PayPal account makes payments that might look like this:


































I use the PayPal MassPay API. I've looked into other services for sending payments, such as Payoneer, but none have such wide acceptance as PayPal.

Any suggestions for sending automated payments, other than PayPal?

I think when you are paying OUT, it's important to think about your payees. Are your payees wanting to use something else? For these small amounts, they may want paypal and that could be one of the reasons they use you.

I have an affiliate relationship setup with one company - and make about $50 a month or so - they pay via paypal and that is perfect. I am not sure I would want to bother with it if they required me to setup a new account with some other program.

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