When I worked for a startup 200+ DLOC days were the average. And it was all good elegant code, nut just lots of it.
Now that I'm working for a paycheck in corporate cubicle, I'm not producing bad or worse code, I'm just producing ~ 20-30DLOC a day and that's apparently great in cubiclevile.
The original c2 link seems to conflate several concepts, and come off worse because of it.
- working despite being sick
- working despite being temporarily bored or disinterested
- working despite being unmotivated long term on the job/project
- working sub-optimally despite being able to identify ways you could work better and be happier (win-win changes), but changes which you are not allowed to make.
I wish some of those people posting about how great their code and employers are were writing the sort of software I get to use on a daily basis. :/
I agree this is not c2's finest hour. But, there are serious gems of wisdom all over the place on c2. It's a seriously awesome source of knowledge. Random, "drinking from a firehose", kind of knowledge...but it's worth soaking in it every once in a while.
Now that I'm working for a paycheck in corporate cubicle, I'm not producing bad or worse code, I'm just producing ~ 20-30DLOC a day and that's apparently great in cubiclevile.