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Firefox 3.1 beta 1 - an overview of features for web developers (developer.mozilla.org)
16 points by soundsop on Oct 15, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

These are all awesome - there could be some interesting licensing issues from sites using @font-face for non-CC fonts though, as the font file itself would have to be downloadable from the site.

I wonder if Ghettobrowser (IE) will implement <video> any time soon...

Upmoded for proper use of Ghettobrowser, but don't set your expectations too high, never gonna happen.

Why do they hate the web?

It would be nice if the FF crew grew some balls and gave the US software patents the finger.

Support for H264 would be much nicer than support for the nieché format that Ogg Theora is. It might be open source, but it has also been lacking in technololgical advancement compared to the "standard" scene formats.

H264 has better decoding performance, better bitrate utilization and much wider general support. Patents be damned: I personally think that a web-standard for video format and technology-wise taking three steps back is a bad thing.

Except that Firefox is backed by the (huge) Mozilla Foundation, which has a U.S. presence, meaning that they could easily be sued for patent infringement. Not a good move to make.

However, being that MF brings in a lot of income through partnering with Google and others, I don't see why it should be such an issue to work out a patent licensing agreement with the respective owners...

I thought they based this feature on html5 which wants an non-patented format, so the web stays open.

Well, yes. I was simply addressing the post's mention of patents and such.

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