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If the link in this comment is accurate, part of it could be that Americans eat terrible food. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33297849

I'm not American, but I doubt I would have gotten MS were it not for terrible diet, stress, lack of sleep, various deficiencies at the time of diagnosis but also during childhood. Also had a very bad bout of mononucleosis when I was 10 (while also being malnourished), so these things can go quite far. So I think my nervous and immune systems were always frail.

So sorry to hear. As of 2022 there is enough evidence for a causal link between EBV (the virus that also is behind mononucleosis) and MS later in life. The hope is that humanity will eventually have strong drugs and maybe a vaccine. Unfortunately, progress has been very slow until now. I hope things will move faster now that people could convincingly argue about this link between a virus and the disease.

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