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Meh. I don’t care much about how realistic it looks like. I care about how realistic the interactions are, this is: can I break a car in two? Can enter any building? Can I make a hole in the ground? Can I cut trees? Can I kiss NPCs? Can I demolish any building? Sadly, games are not optimizing for these kind of interactions.

It's not really practical or sensible to task your developers with making sure that Spiderman can start digging a hole if he wants to. In the long run probably frameworks will start to handle these things - soil mechanics, building infrastructure, metal deformation, and so on, and then all games will start to include them by default by gradual degrees. But hoping the game developers themselves make working hedge trimmers instead of focusing on actual gameplay is silly.

If you can't rip a car in half or see the insides of a building then battle damage will look like it's painted on.

If Spiderman can't move a bit of rubble (he doesn't really do dirt) then he can't pull something into or out of place to free a friend or trap an enemy.

It's (all) the little things that are in the way of a game feeling immersive and appealing to people who aren't just into the main mechanic (ie shooter on rails).

> Can enter any building? Can I make a hole in the ground? Can I cut trees? Can I kiss NPCs? Can I demolish any building?

I'd really prefer for the developer to focus on the gameplay and plot rather than make a perfect simulation of earth. What you describe sounds like a cool sandbox, like Flight Simulator, but isn't appropriate for most games.

Try doing something like that in the real world and you will not be doing anything for many years :)

In the real world you can't enter or demolish any building you want. So it makes sense for games not to offer this either until it's an actual plot point to do so.

On that note, can you shoot through anything?

In real life, you can punch holes in and through buildings and trees, given enough bullets and a high enough caliber

Only certain wood materials and glass.

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