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Awesome. A once-in-a-lifetime product was created without a incredibly narrowly focused definition of a product manager.

The benefit of a product manager isn’t realized when you have that rare, world-changing product. A PM is useful when you have 47 incrementally better features on your backlog but only have the capacity to deliver 8 of them. Do you want to bet your career on being 8 for 8 on the features to deliver? Or would you rather work with someone who has done the research to help you decide what is important?

The iPhone is a once in a lifetime innovation. Deciding whether the iPhone should allow the end user to select a default browser is a decision most engineers would rather delegate off to a product manager.

The problem is a lot of engineers delude themselves into thinking they are working on the next iPhone when really they just aren’t.

I bet your pm won’t deliver 8/8 if they picked even 4/8 that would be impressive

4/8 is still impressive. It is telling that you don’t realize that.

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