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Turning a blind eye to how prevalent radical ideology permeates the conservative base is also not helpful.


But you missed my point--by galvanizing the conservative base that is racist, homophobic, sexist, and anti-semetic, it leaves the rest of conservative party with an impossible choice--support a democratic candidate, or vote party line.

That is how Kanye is courting conservatives.

How do you expect to have a discussion with a Republican if you hold them with such contempt? You realize that they represent roughly half of the country right?

I didn’t really care about your point about Kanye, I can more about people sowing division.

Why do people always resort to argumentum ad populum when it comes to defending the insanity that the modern Republican party has come to represent. They can't be wrong or immoral, there's millions of them!

> defending the insanity that the modern Republican party

I am not defending radicals. I never said they weren't wrong. My point is that you can't tell half of the country to just screw off. And, not all conservatives hold radical positions. I know many that vote conservative mainly because of the issue of abortion.

> I am not defending radicals...I know many that vote conservative mainly because of the issue of abortion.

And how is this not radical? https://www.justice.gov/crt/recent-cases-violence-against-re...

Should I post some links about young white males shooting up schools and conclude that all young white males are radical?

Do you truly believe that every (or every most) republicans are radical?

> How do you expect to have a discussion with a Republican if you hold them with such contempt? You realize that they represent roughly half of the country right?

I'm all for having discussions across the aisle--so to speak. But not with racists, homophobes, anti-Semites, misogynists, etc.

You want to talk to me about abortion being a crime, I'll be respectful, and I'll even share my own personal story related to abortion.

Want to talk to me about border security, and better immigration policy, I'm with you as well.

Want to talk to me about criminal justice, sure, I'm down.

Government spending--yep, cool too.

But those centrist conservative beliefs no longer represent the mainstream viewpoints of the Republican party anymore.

And personally, I do not have issues with republicans--but I do think the ones who believe Biden stole the election are idiots.

I think I agree with you. The republican party has started holding some pretty strange beliefs.

It seems that everyone defaults to hating republicans (or democrats) with no rooms for understanding. Taking this stance is only going to make reconciliation harder, or worse, impossible.

Unless we can have actual discussions with republicans, we're not going to have a democracy for much longer. As it is many republicans think our democracy is gone, and hating on them isn't going to help that.

> I do think the ones who believe Biden stole the election are idiots.

This is something I have a lot of trouble with. I don't think that it was stolen, but how can you or anyone really be sure? I imagine it's much easier for a republican to believe when all conservative news sources make it sound like their very way of life is threatened 24/7.

Many Christians (which tend to be republican) truly believe that the US is actively persecuting them and that Democrats want to make some godless state.

> I don't think that it was stolen, but how can you or anyone really be sure?

There has been no evidence brought forth any all the legal challenges that show it was stolen.

State election officials (both democrats and republicans) have said the results are accurate.

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