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The basic license is 5 dollars a month. I think that's a low price, if you consider the time cost of exploring alternatives.

Additionally, it's a shame that the docker company struggles to profit from their revolutionary technology: operations, devops and infra looks completely different than 10 years ago and they played a big role in it.

You're right, for a basic single user license that's a reasonable price.

The thing that is making my team consider alternatives is this: https://www.docker.com/pricing/october-2022-pricing-change-f...

We were on the "Docker Teams" plan, paying $7/user/month. With this pricing change, since we are over 100 users, we bump to "Docker Business" paying $24/user/month, more than a 3x price increase!

At that price point, it's definitely worth looking at what other choices there are.

Docker is successful because it's free....they provide the common benefits...

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