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In my experience, if you have more than a small complexity to your data, and you're a medium scale business (or are going in that direction), you're going to end up with this issue. And then it becomes really painful to get out of the situation as migrating data and splitting things up is a real PITA.

While you are correct, not everyone is going to end up with this issue, those that are thinking of getting to a medium sized business should be working to avoid it, which unfortunately means solutions such as hasura lose value. It would be good to see more ability to collect data from multiple sources (please reply and correct me if you already do this, I'm not super familiar with the service).

Hasura supports multiple data-sources and creating relationships across multiple data sources.

Sources can be databases (postgres family, sql-server, big-query currently, and as we add support for new databases) or REST APIs or GraphQL APIs.

This composition allows in a final GraphQL API that federates across different sources.

From our docs: https://hasura.io/docs/latest/data-federation/data-federatio...

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