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There's actually been much debate towards whether pornography can even be considered art, thus calling into question whether a Hitchcock or Coppolas of the Adult Film Genre can even exist.

I personally am of the belief that porn isn't art, due to its use and audience. When someone views porn, the pornographic material is almost invariably acting as a means to an end, namely satisfying sexual desires of the viewer. Art on the other hand isn't a mean to any end. Art is to be appreciated for what it is.

What about the porno chic movement?

If you're still categorizing art into "not art" and "art" you have a long way to go. As you say, Art is to be appreciated for what it is.

Something can't be art simply by virtue of being called art.

A previous discussion showed us that it can. http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3284760

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