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Do you really think they take into account in other fields, that their doctors, lawyers, finance people etc should "Have fun" and change their decisions away from what is straight forward solutions, because of that? They don't. Only in software.

I had a heated argument with a colleague who was fighting to use MongoDB for a new project, even though there was a company wide decision by upper management to NOT use MongoDB in the company. And his only justification was that "he took this job to play around with new technology". If I hade the power to, I would have fired him on the spot, because clearly he had misunderstood the very basics of the employment contract he had signed.

This isn't true. Developers like tinkering with new frameworks. Doctors like experimenting with new treatments or procedures or drugs, often very immature and untested. Lawyers will seek opportunities to flex a new legal strategy or argument in order to make a name for themselves or to impress a judge, even if it may not be the safest strategy for the client. Finance people do just about anything to avoid simple, straightforward, time-tested investment strategies.

> Do you really think they take into account in other fields, that their doctors, lawyers, finance people etc should "Have fun" and change their decisions away from what is straight forward solutions, because of that? They don't. Only in software.

Two things:

1. Both my parents work in law, and both have changed jobs, taken in on new challenges, or focused in a specific area because they were interested in it and wanted to have "fun" at work. Eminent doctors will also frequently filter their patients to focus on cases they deem interesting.

2. You are saying that companies actively support non-optimal solutions just so that software engineers can have fun. It's not the case at all. Maybe bad engineers pushed bad technical choices because they wanted to have fun, and the company went along with it because the bosses didn't know better, but that's driven by the bad engineer, not by the company.

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