Apartments by the university are always great -notyours -notthefbi -robopimps -prettyflyforawifi -MartyMcWiFi -DontStealMyWiFi
Also, I’ve discovered Neighbors have conversations with their SSIDs. DontLetYourDogPoopOnMyYard MyDogDoesntPoopOnYourYard
Also it’s fun to see someone still using WEP. You wonder if someone plugged it in a router c. 2000 and forgot about it. Or maybe it’s a honeypot.
Apartments by the university are always great -notyours -notthefbi -robopimps -prettyflyforawifi -MartyMcWiFi -DontStealMyWiFi
Also, I’ve discovered Neighbors have conversations with their SSIDs. DontLetYourDogPoopOnMyYard MyDogDoesntPoopOnYourYard
Also it’s fun to see someone still using WEP. You wonder if someone plugged it in a router c. 2000 and forgot about it. Or maybe it’s a honeypot.