I'm finding that I picked up a LOT of IT knowledge over the past 40 years...and that some of our new hires are missing out on that foundation...skills are weak on networking, Bottleneck troubleshooting, understanding what a healthy or unhealthy process looks like.
There's stuff online for mutexes and race conditions and VonNeumann bottlenecks in general, but I'm having a hard time finding the concept in general.
Do you have any suggestions on where I can point people, or should I just start throwing stuff together myself?
It could cover all the basics but also feature case-studies of real-world examples of solving problems, so there could be a sort of knowledge base too that would attract seekers and lead them into the foundational content.
10 or 15 years ago, I remember being able to find detailed problem solving information on Google. Today the search results are a morass of affiliate and SEO content multiplied by plagiarism served from a mountainous dung heap of user-generated blather.