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This implies changing of buffer sizes requires a process restart. Which is a fine trade off.

This also implies all memory is allocated upfront. It would require the operating system to be smart enough to compress/page blocks or else the process will hold on to unused memory

Per the article: "(Currently it’s determined even before startup, at compile-time, but startup is the important point since that is the first time that memory can be allocated.)"

Sooo are we sure you can even change this via proc restart? This is saying the limits are built-in during compile...

They are currently compile time settings. That may change in the future to be more user-friendly. :) But what won't change is that the size is fixed at startup.

That totally makes sense. I think you'd have a miserable time supporting this at scale if a re-compile is needed every time a new workload requires a tweaked setting or two. Config based static allocation is the best of both worlds.

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