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Excellent find. You can even access around 25 photos from Mark Zuckerberg's profile.

http://imgur.com/a/PrLrB (ps: what a nice photo of them on halloween. very generous too I can see!)

Interesting that those are full-sized. It appeared in the forum post to only be giving access to thumbnail resizes of the original images.

Apparently, you can change a char in the thumb URL to get the full size image URL.

That seems to be true only of certain URLs. For instance, if it's all one long, encoded string follow by _a or _s then changing a or s to n produces the full-size image. However some thumbnails aren't formatted in this way and as far as I know can't be (easily) resized to full. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Edit: it appears this same char is available in both URI formats I was referring to, so yes, full-size images are exposed.

To get the full, full size image try changing from _n to _o. I haven't checked it on the links exposed by discussed method (I'm going to work in a minute), but it's how "Download" link for photos works on normal Facebook photo browser - if you upload a high-resolution picture to Facebook, it's available with _o in the name.

Yeah. Someone posted this on 2nd page

[quote] right click inspect the image copy url in another window change the 'a' to 'n' (the last one right before jpg) =fullsize original image [/quote]

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