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Off the topic here, are there still many people download software programs from download sites, like download.com, brothersoft.com or softpedia?

Yes. Download.com is the 173rd highest traffic site in the world. They're probably pushing over 100-200k downloads a month at least. Nothing compared to the Apple or Android app stores, but still a significant number.

Assuming an average download time of 1 minute, that's merely 5 or so simultaneous downloads at any particular point in time. That is nothing.

I'm guestimating that you're off by an order of magnitude.

According to Alexa, somewhere between 0.6% and 0.8% of the entire web goes there every day.

Download.com users are probably over-represented on Alexa simply because of all the tracking crapware they have installed.

I pulled my apps from download.com years ago because the traffic was neglibile. It's probably alright if you are in the top ten for a category, otherwise there are much better ways to promote your software.

I'll often use File Hippo, but they've always seemed "cleaner" to me somehow. I even use their updater on some computers, which I wouldn't even consider doing with those other sites.

Only for Windows...

Yes, but the Venn diagram of them and serious nmap users probably looks like a figure 8.

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