That just means you are paying below market rent. There is someone willing to pay twice your rent to live where you do.
Rent control creates a first mover advantage where the incumbents have a good deal and everyone else suffers. Whether this is fair depends on your beliefs, but I would rather have healthy turn over to give more people an opportunity to experience an area.
> There is someone willing to pay twice your rent to live where you do.
And as much as that is permitted to happen, the devastation to society increases.
We presently have people entering homelessness with money in the bank. It's unlikely we've hit the possible upper limit on our broad housing catastrophe - but wherever that limit is, we certainly know how to reach it.
Rent control creates a first mover advantage where the incumbents have a good deal and everyone else suffers. Whether this is fair depends on your beliefs, but I would rather have healthy turn over to give more people an opportunity to experience an area.