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So long, I've awaited this honor...

* Looks longingly at my invite to Davos in the Desert. *

* Let's it gingerly slip from my fingers into the fire pit, as a single tear falls in the flames. *


Sarcasm aside, I don't understand why the West kowtows to Saudi's. I feel like maybe they were more culpable in 9/11 than previously thought, they are constantly doing shit, that even China would think twice about (they'd reeducate and do concentration camps, but perhaps not straight up executions).

I know it probably involves money, etc - but we need to put our partnerships with others to a smell test, if that country that wants to partner up, or do business with Americans has a horrible human rights record, they should be on the banned countries list like NK and Iran.

If only politics weren't legal organized crime, perhaps we could instill some values in our nations leaders and businesses to cease supporting despots.

Our whole Middle East policy is based on oil price stability, but with the Saudi's recently decreasing production, we're not getting that either, so fuck 'em.


I'd prefer we worked with Iran, a far more broadly educated / liberal society (not gov't) that we can work with and who can be productive beyond oil production. But even better I really like the Venezuelan oil production plan.


Long-term, I'd love to see an energy independence bill come out that would allow short-term US oil/gas production, sourcing from allies, and a rapid de-carbonization of our society.

The IRA is a good start: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inflation_Reduction_Act_of_202...

Look into the redacted 28 pages of the 9/11 report and the recently released testimony of Zacharias Mousaui. The hijackers were funded by members of the Saudi royal family, specifically Bandar bin Sultan nicknamed Bandar Bush for his close ties to the Bush family, and his wife who was sending money to the hijackers.

> Sarcasm aside, I don't understand why the West kowtows to Saudi's.

They have oil, and they're willing to use it politically: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_oil_crisis. Democracies are very vulnerable to that kind of stuff.

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