I think most of the "muscle memory" bindings there are a bad idea (helix is different from vim - if you don't want that, I recommend neovim).
As for "dd" - that would be (as indicated in your quote) select line, delete (yd) in neovim.
Similar for delete to end-of-line - the second form is probably the "most helix like" - in being somewhat discoverable and "interactive" v(isual mark) return (end of line) d(elete).
As for filtering selection through pipe, or reading command output - they are also different:
"!" in normal mode is "insert-output" (r! in vim), while pipe is "filter" -
eg, after selecting three lines, hit "|" then input "sort<enter>" - and the selection is piped through sort.
As a long time vim user I agree that helix is alien - but I also think the change to selection-action is good for discoverability (the <space> context menu, interactive feedback on multiple replace) - and makes more sense.
I still would like to see <leader>, and some "shortcuts" like "dd" (but I'm not sure what would be "best fit" in the world of helix for that. I don't think "dd" is a great choice.
Thanks, I may give Helix another spin with that config. I saw the note about it being necessary to recompile, which I can't be bothered to do so I guess I won't get everything but it may get me through most of the day with less frustration (especially now I've turned mouse support off too; the cursor moving when I click to raise my terminal window was incredibly frustrating).
I think most of the "muscle memory" bindings there are a bad idea (helix is different from vim - if you don't want that, I recommend neovim).
As for "dd" - that would be (as indicated in your quote) select line, delete (yd) in neovim.
Similar for delete to end-of-line - the second form is probably the "most helix like" - in being somewhat discoverable and "interactive" v(isual mark) return (end of line) d(elete).
As for filtering selection through pipe, or reading command output - they are also different:
"!" in normal mode is "insert-output" (r! in vim), while pipe is "filter" - eg, after selecting three lines, hit "|" then input "sort<enter>" - and the selection is piped through sort.
As a long time vim user I agree that helix is alien - but I also think the change to selection-action is good for discoverability (the <space> context menu, interactive feedback on multiple replace) - and makes more sense.
I still would like to see <leader>, and some "shortcuts" like "dd" (but I'm not sure what would be "best fit" in the world of helix for that. I don't think "dd" is a great choice.